Why should I support Trump over Hillary ?
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Why should I support Trump over Hillary ?
Serious replies ITT only
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Really makes me cruise misle guess I'm
Try actually working a job and raising a family and you'll know why.
Hillary pays her shills. Stick with her.
Hilarry will bend over for anything to gain political power. You can see how she has shifted so many of her views, she uses opinions as acessories to attract voters. She WILL do it more and more if it works for her
you know all that free shit you want? Well somebody has to pay for it. Trump will make america a gold standard economy again, so we'll have mountains of money to give you free shit with.
Iam a small business owner but thanks for projecting memes
There's a very compelling reason for Sanders supporters to support Trump over Clinton in the general election: a crushing defeat for the Party Establishment means that the insurgents gain tremendously in strength in the next cycle.
Look at what happened in 2012 in the Republican Party. Mitt Romney was chosen as the nomination by the Party Establishment against the ideological wishes of the base, and Romney went on to get obliterated by Obama. In 2016, the Party Establishment was completely bulldozed by the unorthodox Trump, who has already caused several permanent party platform shifts (and will likely continue to do so). Even if he loses in the general election, the Republican Party Establishment's back has been broken for good.
This is what will happen in the Democratic Party, but ONLY if Clinton loses in the general election. If she wins, then the Democratic Party Establishment will be able to say, "See, aren't you glad we rigged the system against those awful socialists?" But if she loses, they will have to answer for it come 2020 or 2024 (to be honest, it might take two crushing defeats to disrupt the Establishment, much like the GOP had to endure McCain and Romney).
TL;DR vote Trump now to break the backs of the Establishment Democrats forever
Checks and balances (coupled with how many establishment politicians on both sides hate Trump) severely limits the damage Trump can do, but he seems much less likely to serve the global elite. Hillary will do more for progressive social programs while devastating freedom and privacy, and continuing imperialistic policies. Trump will do some of those things, but only so far as is necessary for security. No cutting deals to disrupt foreign nations for profit. No blowing up Americans with drones.
Trump is right about at least one thing: Hillary is 100% crooked. We can handle 4-8 chaotic years of Trump. is right. It will take a huge shit in the cogs of the establishment, for which we can only benefit in the long run.
Do you like torrents of brown people flooding your country?
If yes, vote hillary, if no, trump.
Which presidential candidate would be okay with me downloading torrents ?
Well, OP, what are your concerns? What do you look for in a candidate?
Iam mainly concerned with what presidential candidate is going to push for nationalized or single payer healthcare . I think this is our biggest concern of the country at this moment (as you can tell from my Op pic)
Trump has gone on record as not being opposed to single-payer
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Trump said he supported single-payer during the debates.
>small business owner supporting a guy who wants to make minimum wage $15 an hour and destroy small business
But Hillary is a criminal which Trump isn't
>small business owner
>supporting Bernie Sanders
You're stupid. I would rather not have you supporting Trump. Stay in your cuckshed on voting day. None of Bernie's economic policies actually work, and he's just as much of a warmonger and interventionist as Hillary Clinton.
Single-payer healthcare systems do not work. They cause a huge misallocation of resources, cause scarcity, and reduce everyone to low quality healthcare. The systems in Canada and the UK are failing.
Read this book, internalize it, and come back.
All I hear is
>Voting for Trump will support socialists and communists
count me out.
Yes they do . Every other first world nation has a form of single payer healthcare and only conservashills try to push the myth that other countries do not like their Heathcare or says they are failing
Health care is not a fucking human right, doctors are not your slaves.
By all means, vote for Hillary if you want mass immigration, an increasingly larger welfare state, more job outsourcing, more unemployment, lower wages and economic collapse.
Hillary is just more of the same. Trump is as close to Bernie as you are going to get.
Every other first world nation doesn't have 10+ million illegals not paying into the system and an adult OBESITY rate of 35%.
(Overweight rate = ~65%)
We are way too unhealthy/underfunded to have universal healthcare, sorry.
we had the same shit between obama and hillary last cycle
obama still won
All you need to know:
You like Bernie?
Look who voted for Bernie: White working class and young college kids.
You think once Shillary floods the voter rolls with 10million+ wetbacks those groups ever stand a chance at having political power again?
A vote for Trump makes the success of someone like Bernie possible in the future. Demography is destiny
>sells shit on ebay
Education has became a human right , are teachers Slave ?
Stfu you stupid kraut
Bernie is only going to endorse Clinton because Trump said words he didn't like.
Bernie is willing to capitulate and betray everything he stood for in the name of political correctness, despite Trump being similar to him on policies.
Well OP it depends on whether you think privatized health care is wrong.
Largely, it has lead to some of the best medical advantages in science, medicine, surgery, etc. America is cutting edge in health care
Trump wants to cut down rules that prevent insurance companies from competing across state lines. This will drive down cost and increase accessibility for the poor, all while keeping it privatized and cutting edge.
Socialized medicine is not the answer
This is just a reply to your image
If you want some bullet points;
>Not a criminal
>Has convictions (beliefs)
>Is a patriot
>Doesn't divide people based on race
>Political diversity
>Wants to protect the welfare state
>Desires lower taxes
>Beat a corrupt system, didn't win by it
Honestly you should vote for him on the sole principle that he is the only clean man in the race if you can't find any policy reason to support him. He doesn't think he's above the law like Hilary does, he doesn't betray his supports by throwing away their gifts like Johnson, and he believe that man is capable of what science is not like Jill.
Education is God's greatest gift to man.
Healthcare can be subsidized by increasing education.
"Small business owner" picks the candidate that will rail small businesses the most. Are you in the cuck shed rental business
No, the American people are enslaved through taxation in order to pay the teacher's salaries.
>Doctors cost MUCH more than teachers
and fuck you for forgetting, you lost because niggers hate other niggers that get educated.
they act too white.
those uneducated blacks are why you lost, correct? I mean, you lost the big states but won every county that wasn't 90% black and crowded.
>New York
Look at Trump.
Figure out why he's winning with millions of people around you every day.
If you don't like it, vote Clinton.
It's basic economics and I'm not a conservashit. If you make something free, demand will surge and you will have scarcity. This is why waiting times are huge and you have health refugees coming to the US from Canada. It also means that since people do not have to pay, they have no incentive to control how much resources and money they use on healthcare, because they're not paying for it. If people had their food or houses paid for them you're sure as hell they'll pick the most expensive items, because they're not paying for it. You also have doctors on strike because the government has to force down wages so the costs don't make them bankrupt, hell the smart doctors from Canada come to the US because they'll get paid much more.
because he realizes that obamacare was an awful solution that benefited insurance companies only.
>only blue cross/blue shield in my states marketplace
>only offers preferred and advantage plans
>doctors that accept it are swamped and aren't taking new patients
>ones that don't will not submit a claim on my behalf
>only medical care available is physicians assistant
Education isn't a human right. It's not even mentioned in the federal constitution. And our public schools suck anyways so how is it an accomplishment of socialism?
he's not a war monger. trump wants a strong military. hillary wants to throw the military in the middle east while cutting its budget.
Bush allowed Obama's ascendance (Obama isn't that wild but he was still different and a nobody), Romney and McCain paved the way for Trump. A Trump victory means someone more like Bernie than Hillary can win in 2020 or 2024.
People would be a lot more fucking stupid if we didn't have public education systems instilled
>mfw when Trump says mandatory PE for all grade schoolers is part of his campaign
>only nazis want to be /fit/
>everything is a right that others will pay for you to enjoy
>being this ignorant and negative at the same time
Education is an unavoidable factor of human experience. Period. Fuck your opinion
You have a right to die horribly and painfully.
Though if you survive you have a right to be a slave to soul crushing debt to more money thank you'd make in 30 years.
If you are pro-socialist, it was wise you vote Trump. Hillary is going to KILL all possibility of socialism by flooding our country with these conservative migrants.
You shouldn't support either candidate.
The candidate that most aligns with Bernie's positions would be Jill Stein of the Green Party.
There is literally no reason to vote for Trump as a Bernie supporter, it makes no sense.
I refuse to support Trump despite supporting some of his policies, such as immigration, but I cannot ever vote for a guy who continues to support torture, who supports an expansion of the NSA's powers, who is much more establishment than you fuckers want to believe. I cannot support a man who denies basic scientific ideas and concepts either.
I didn't even agree with all of Bernies policies, but I do support single-payer healthcare, as well as higher taxes on the wealthy. I do not support stupid shit like free college education however.
They'd be a lot more smarter if we transitioned to private schooling.
>Hi I am 22 years old and I own an LLC that does jack shit: the post
>this much strawman
My point, but you got it backwards. We may be able to elect a socialist government in the future, if that's what you want, with a white electorate. If we don't preserve that, expect racialized GIBS for eternity
Everything Bernie stands for is against everything Hillary stands for.
Hillary is literally paid and bought for by big banks and Wall Street. If Bernie goes full cuck and endorses her, it just means his whole "revolution" was a farce for donation shekels and he's no better than Bernie Madoff.
I hope he doesn't endorse her. Let both democratic and republican parties crash and burn, no survivors.
>Implying they don't love gibmedats more than their own mothers
>There is literally no reason to vote for Trump as a Bernie supporter, it makes no sense.
You've obviously never heard of the Bernie or Bust argument. Its essential anarchists for trump
So if you don't have $300,000 for that new procedure that just might save your life...
And you make less than $50,000 a year...
What do?
This. Conservashits are disgusting. Most republicans are gibsmedats who read the Bible. It's fucking pathetic. Socialists need to be purged from this country.
A majority white electorate is also the only way to get smaller government. Minorities love big government because gibsme.
Daily reminder that individualism is a western concept.
>a service is a right of all people
I'm a surgeon and I hate working for free. 0 respect. I get treated like a tool and blamed for the shitty service times our system provides. In the end, they pretend to pay and we pretend to care. I don't even pretend to be nice to patients any more.
To answer your question, Trump wants insurance plans that are available across state lines. Ergo small insurance firms will be able to provide cheaper health care than the captured market King Nigger, Bernie Sanders, and the big insurance companies champion, and far cheaper than public 'universal' health care.
In regards to that image, I don't think anyone would disagree with the right to find and pay for health care.
I can't find a historical example of anyone being blocked from doing so.
Because fuck the system
>making a commodity a right
What kind of business do you have? Did you build it from scratch? How long have you had it?
you can't have a rational discussion with bern victims. when they are running around shouting ridiculous things like democracy, racism and fascism you know they are brainwashed beyond fixing
They'd be a lot less liberal if the entire purpose of "public education" wasn't progressive marxist indoctrination.
Yeah, exactly. Look how monolithically minorities vote for Dems in this country. Only whites have differences in political ideology that make democracy worthwhile
should have taken quality of life treatment which insurance does cover
please shut the fuck up you redditor retard
Responding to someone who seems like a limited government type. Trying to sell my point for him. I'm a monarchist myself
Context isn't for everyone, I realize
you're a redditor fucking retard and probably 15 years old. you have no idea what i'm even talking about
>I'm a monarchist myself
oh jesus fucking christ, kid
Depends on whether you value your party or ideals more.
And those stupid people would ""fix"" themselves real fast if we didn't intervene
Look at what supporting Hillary has gotten Bernie
Own an airsoft gun company and have owned it for 4 years now
What a cuck.
Look how she used the pc feminist card on Bernie... along with strategic payoffs to media outlets to keep Bernie on mute.
She can't do that to trump... your man was wronged by dirty tricks. But trump can't and won't fall victim to mute tactics. Look at the MSM now and how they paint trump, look at the protesters at trump rallies. All of which were used to derail Bernie.
I'm not sure how you couldn't vote for trump. If your a liberal that wanted to see change in the party. Then this election doesn't really matter. However if you want to see a nuke to modern politics and give a big middle finger to the establishment that spent 19 trillion dollars and has NOTHING AT ALL to show for it - infrastructure the average grade of our bridges are D+, our education system is 29th in the world, veterans can't even get the help they need and are now committing suicide at rates matching the death toll of the war on terror, the middle class has officially been destroyed - do you think 19 trillion could have helped here? Trump is your answer to get these retards in office to get off their asses and do something about it.
Cause the guy you fucking wanted
Is supporting trump
Honestly I'm Heinleinian.
The people should have a voice in national determination, but unlimited democracy is retarded. Voting rights should be limited to people who have proven they are willing to act in the national interest, primarily cruel voluntary military service.
Hillary Clinton is a disaster w.r.t. foreign policy. She is going to get our troops into more wars. She is going to escalate the military adventures our kids are already tied up with.
Clinton has said she would start a shooting war with Russia over the issue of Syria. That is absolutely crazy, and was 1000x more irresponsible than anything Trump has said about anything.
Trump has been consistently anti-war for decades. He has said, time and time again, that all of the money we have wasted in the middle east should have been spent here at home, fixing our bridges, our schools, our highways, our infrastructure.
This is what traditional democrats used to campaign on. This is what Trump has been saying all along.
Forget the things that Trump says that sound offensive or whatever to you. Trump wrote a whole book about saying audacious things to control the narrative and to force his opponents to react to his moves.
Trump has said that social security isn't going away, that America has to take care of people, that our manufacturing jobs have to come back, etc.
In any other election, Trump would be a centrist democrat on economics.
Hillary is fully owned by wall street. She is going to start more wars because bankers will tell her to. That's the crap that Sanders was against.
Trump, as much as you might want to hate him, doesn't take crap from anybody. Nobody owns him. There are no slimy defense contractors or wall street types who are going to push Trump around and make him act against the interests of America.
You should think about why Hillary is in this vs. why Trump is in this.
Hillary feels like she deserves to be President. The country "owes" it to her, or something.
Trump, on the other hand, feels like he owes it to America. Trump is rich and powerful because America was rich and powerful when he was a young man, and he sees that slipping away. Like Bernie, he's sick of the idiots in DC who have been selling us out.
Watch this
No he's not.
he already said he will "work" with her to stop Trump so basically he will be her waterboy for the rest of the election
Fuck your opinion bitch. I'm not going to be enslaved to fucking teach your retarded spawn how to read.
Fuck off m8
make a facebook meme saying that and i bet you get trump 100,000 more votes
This is your future on Hillary
best post. best advice
everyone should read the book Starship Troopers. The movie was total fail; the director never even finished reading the book.
That seems reasonable. Even some sort of qualifying test and not receiving public assistance would be a decent start
am I doing that right?
>Forcing someone smarter than you to heal you because you feel it's your right
>The movie was total fail;
It was meant to be a fun semi campy movie which it was.
It also holds the record for most rounds of blank ammunition fired during any movie production and the full auto bullpup mini14s used for the film are dope AF.
cuz if you don't you're a fag
Don't you want to see it all (burn) friend. Then vote trump
Well then you have obviously no experience in U.S government run anything.
You know what you will get with single payer? Hurry up and wait months for basic health care, going through mounds of paper work and bureaucracy for basic health care and services. When you tell people something is "free" it creates an unlimited demand for a finite product/service which will result in longer wait times, costs going up and quality going down. Expect new medical technology, drugs etc. to be non existent because the return on investment would be almost a waste of time to be worth while to fund.
Because Trump just back-doored single-payer:
Trump's a nationalist, a conservative in the traditionalist mold, but he has a firm command of economics and understands the only way around the problem of adverse selection in healthcare economics is a single-payer system. It's stuff like this that the GOPe hates him.
If nothing else, Trump represents a departure from the establishment and will open the door for other non establishment candidates. I don't really like either of them when you get right down to it, but we can't keep doing what we have been doing and Hilary is the embodiment of "more of the same."
Not to mention pets in Canada's veterinary care market(which is a fairly free market) receive better and more immediate and even cheaper(adjusting for animal vs human care) than the people of Canada.
It is quicker to get a needed MRI as a cat or dog in Canada than as a person.
Basically it's more Obama, socialist leaning policies like obamacare have failed to improve the economy in any significant way despite their toll on the american taxpayer. Hillary "democrat starter pack" Clinton is more of that kind of authoritative wealth spreading. Fiscally conservative is better for the economy.
I grew up with the movie and really liked it. Then I learned there was a book that the movie was supposed to be satirizing. I hunted down the book and fell in love with it.
Jokes on that asshat director.
Redefine what counts as a person and then we can go back to the negotiating table.... it's pretty clear at this point that some of these under-evolved hominids have learned to mimic human speech in order to beg for scraps from homo-sapiens.
None of this shit is going to work unless we sort out our priorities, feeding and housing the negro like a common house pet is not going to be one of them. Make up your mind liberals, either you get to live or they do, there are no other options...
Starship Troopers is mandatory Sup Forums reading. For American posters its up there with Franklin's autobiography, Paine's Common Sense, and Locke's an appeal to heaven