When did you realize sexual degenerates are mentally ill psychos who compulsively spread deadly plagues?
How old were you when you outgrew the "gays are like the rest of us" meme?
Other urls found in this thread:
>le bug chaser meme
Reminder that bug chasing is among straight people as well, and that in any sexual orientation it's an absolutely tiny fraction of the total.
Plus, I've never seen a source on your image, and I'm pretty sure there's one explicitly debunking it.
>b-b-bugchasing doesn't real, OP!
>I saw someone debunk it once!
Based faggots genociding faggots.
I'm gay and I think I'm a good person ñ_ñ
That's not what I said. I know it exists. I'm just saying that it's present in a negligible number of people of any sexual orientation.
>it's present in a negligible number of people of any sexual orientation
THe documentary linked above contradicts that.
AIDS epidemic is the direct result of homosexual mental illness, and bugchasing being the norm, not the exception.
I never grew into that train of thought. I've always thought of gays as degenerates.
Found the faggot guys
Whats wrong with liking cock?
nothing as long as you die quickly
t. average Trump supporter
>Everyone I don't like is ____
That documentary doesn't even suggest that it's more than a fringe phenomenon.
Why are you lying?
Are you a fucking AIDS breeder?
Like cock all you want, just don't be a faggot about it.
No, I think its time to confront the fact that these sexual psychopaths are vermin like rats and roaches. They spread disease and destruction, and need to be dealt with as a biological and psychological hazard to civilization.
>cherry picking intensifies
I'm not lying, nor am I an AIDS breeder.
>inb4 LE LOOK AT ME MOM copypasta
Well let's put this into numbers for you:
>The US spents $24bil on HIV antiretroviral therapy each year
>Gilead Sciences, the main major manufacturer of HIV antiretrovirals, employs 7900 people
>They also bring in $18bil/year
>Their average wage of managers is also approximately $500,000/yr
>Their number of managers is something like 500 or so if I recall right
>At current US tax rates they are taking ~$200k/yr from each of the managers plus ~40% of any money beyond $464k
>That means they are bringing in close to $140k/yr from every manager, meaning they earn about $70mil from employee taxes alone
>Corporate tax rate is 35% for Gilead, meaning they are bringing in $6.3bil/yr from Gilead alone
So in just a single company, not including GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Abbot Labs, or any of the others, the US is recovering $6.37bil/yr. That's just one single company out of the hundreds that participate in the $20-30bil/yr worldwide HIV antiretroviral market.
It would hardly surprise me if the US alone more than doubles their tax revenue for what they dish out in HIV assistance.
It's pretty much the perfect definition as to why keynesian deficits work. For every dollar they dish out to help those in need, they get probably double back.
So, you're arguing that degenerate plague spreaders are good for GDP -- kind of like Jews?
Yeah, I kind of mixed up my numbers a bit in that post and rounded off a lot because there's no actual statistics for a lot of the stuff, but it's pretty believable that in corporate taxes alone they recover well beyond what they contribute in assistance funds.
Quite frankly, std's are a business, if they weren't, nobody would be researching them. Companies like Gilead didn't just "appear" out of nowhere, they went from trading at like 5-10 cents a share in the early 90s to being over $100/share nowadays thanks to HIV and hepatitis C.
While I appreciate the effort of homophobic people in saying gays are harming society, they're really not. They've created a multi-billion dollar scientific industry and we wouldn't have cured hepatitis C in the last quarter of 2014 if it weren't for gays because Gilead wouldn't exist if it weren't for the HIV epidemic among gays. Actually they've also cured h1n1 and made a treatment for cystic fibrosis.
But, isn't most of that profit taxpayer money?
Not sure I count that a win.
>between 20 and 106 on average
Wow that's an accurate study did you know I have an IQ between 80 and 250
That's the entire idea behind a stimulus package anyway. The government dumps a bunch of money in and it trickles back through taxes. There's so many outlets that the revenue is hard to trace due to noise.
STDs are basically a permanent keynesian deficit that the government contributes to that has never failed to yield a profit. Time and time again, year after year, the profit keeps coming without fail. In turn we get discoveries like curing incurable diseases like hepatitis C and pandemics like the h1n1 flu that piggy back off hiv profits.
Actually Gilead is pretty close to curing herpes now as well so you can go fuck that shady ass hooker in an alleyway thanks to gays as well.
The harm to society is superficial. We have supplied way way more than adequate sexual education, we give away condoms for free, hell there are billboards about stds in some places. There is no societal harm, there is individual harm only. You alone are responsible for your health, society has done all it can to help you. However, if you get an std you can feel happy knowing you're a useful cog in the machine that provides profit to an industry that has the potential to do good things.
>thinking anything
I don't think so Jose.
> a single person has a 'population average' IQ
80 is too high, you're much dumber than that.
Interesting perspective, but arguing that the 'harm to society is superficial' is specious at best; you're reducing all social costs to taxes and macro-economic myopia. The cost to society in terms of demoralization, in the recruitment of mentally ill, socially dysgenic subgroups as proxies for demoralization and moral subversion -- you can't put cost on that damage. On the macro level, the death to society from the loss of the family unit, from the mainstreaming of mental illness and sexual degeneracy, of hookup culture and the de-masculation of society... all these individual trends began with the mainsteaming of homosexuality as "normative".
6 billion dollar annual revenues doesn't even begin to address that damage... we're facing the collapse of Rome, but articulating it in terms of pharmaceutical industry revenues and "keynsean deficits".
>so you can go fuck that shady ass hooker in an alleyway thanks to gays as well.
out of the frying pan and into the deep fryer.
cant wait for when i can safely slam heroin while fucking aborted fetuses.
gays truly are the saviors of modern humanity.
Holy fucking shit
>Implying I ever believed in it
My dad is from Texas and my mom is a god damn Lutheran, there was no way I was ever going to get sucked in for that bullshit m90
>Interesting perspective, but arguing that the 'harm to society is superficial' is specious at best; you're reducing all social costs to taxes and macro-economic myopia. The cost to society in terms of demoralization, in the recruitment of mentally ill, socially dysgenic subgroups as proxies for demoralization and moral subversion -- you can't put cost on that damage. On the macro level, the death to society from the loss of the family unit, from the mainstreaming of mental illness and sexual degeneracy, of hookup culture and the de-masculation of society... all these individual trends began with the mainsteaming of homosexuality as "normative".
I'd more argue that the loss of family units is the complete lack of empathy towards women. Why would women want to have kids when we only stigmatized and vilify it? It's one of the weirdest hypocrisy of right-wing politics. Technically left-wing politics favours immigrants, but at the same time women's rights decreases immigration because immigration is a response to declining birth rates. If you want less immigration give women more reason to have kids, which is what the left does, so they inadvertently circumvent their own policies. In Canada it was seen with the conservatives when they were bringing in huge swaths of filipinos to compensate for our falling birth rates as they continued to cut the budget to provide for womens rights. Now that the libs are in, womens rights are up, immigration is down, the temp foreign worker program is basically back to it's nonexistant state and all the flips are going home.
I might be persuaded by that pic if I hadn't spent years on Sup Forums and seen the full gamut of fucked-up fetishes popular with straight people.