You know what's funny?

You know what's funny?

I can snap and kill every mother fucker on this board if we met IRL.

Seriously, think about it. I'd have your windpipe crushed and your eyes gouged out before you would even know what's happening.

You guys talk big shit. Watch yourselves.


wut did you say about me u lill b-itch ill halve you no i wone lots of fites with alquida and am haking u rite nao


Can't we have a beer together instead?

The thing is we'll walk right past you, work out right next to you at the gym, we'll even be that kid you bullied because he was a soft target, and you'll never know it's us. Anonymity makes us invulnerable.

Sage goes in the options or email field.

On the internet, nobody knows you're a roo

k...keep me posted

Fuck you nigger I got balls of steel.
I'll make you my bitch.
You think you can touch this shit for free?



If you crush my windpipe, I win.

I fucked your momma last night bitch.. come at me.


where do you live op?

Never change, Canacucks

fuck off aussie, let the americans handle a true mans work

Are you descended from one of the Emu's who sacked Sydney in the Emu War?

We /safespace/ now

Stop hurting my feelings


Tough talk
But thats all it is. Talk. You see, while you spent countless hours doing the monumentous task of lifting a heavy peace of rock, we've been devloping the most dangerous thing on this entire planet; the human mind. Its truly amazing. The brain has developed the most fantastical things in the world from stories that make you feel emotions you might not encounter in real life to technology allowing us to travel across the globe and into the stars, to creating the most efficient weapons the organism known as human kind has ever wielded. You spent your precious time alive making a bulgy meat sack a little thicker. But us? The "pathetic weaklings who dont define our merit by the ability to move an iron stick a consecutive amount of times? We've trained mentally to become hidden masters of the intellectual plane. You barely comprehend how vast the mindwork of the internet is, but we are already fledgling GODS attaining control of it.
Be scared
Be ready
Your place in the new food chain is already made

I dont need to snap.
>let that sink in