Finals week

>Finals week
>1:26 AM
>Normies in room next to mine start playing EDM

lmao I'm pretty sure that's actually me holy shit

What school you go to lol ?

play merzbow instead user

>theyre not banging hardcore/hardstyle


but it's not finals week anymore?

For me it is user

yea well your school is dumb then

>Finals week
>2:47 am
>blasting Yellow Swans with no regard for neighbors

dude bro it's just a joke hahaha lmao

>going to a school to further your education and enrich your life, hopefully finding a fulfilling and challenging job to support your family with

get a load of this nerd

>be in a long distance relationship with amazing gf I've been together with for years
>I love her but I need sex. End up fucking this cute Japanese girl
>no protection because retarded heat of the moment
>Said girl's period is 15 days late
>She doesn't want to get a pregnancy test
>I can't tell anyone
>This goes on for days
>Finally convince her to take it yesterday
>It's negative

There's no music for these feels.
I'll never see any problem as a serious problem any more unless it involves life and death.
Kids like OP crying about finals make me want to slap them.


holy shit dude I'm sorry, that's gotta be tough. stay strong.

Thanks man. It's been the most horrible, tense days of my life and I had no one to turn to. Just realised I could have shared it here.

>waiting until 1am to study
You can only blame yourself

Just accept the child my man. Marry the cute jap girl and raise the child.

>i cheated on my gf with a retarded jap
>didnt even use any protection
>thinks his own retarded decisions are more important than anything


You entitled cunt. How the fuck do these self important assholes even get girlfriends

>long distance
>implying she already wasn't fucking somebody else already

whats the point then

Imagine having a friend that forces you to listen to shitty EDM but you lack the confidence to tell him that your taste in music is better than his.

>Needing sex in the year 2017
l m a o
>Loving in the year 2017
On the floor laughing

Worst quads ever.

>Me being a retard makes everyone elses problems worthless

thisthisthisthis user

>what is trap
>what is trop



t. a 18 year old baby who's never worked or left mommy's house

It's your own fault and i hope your girlfriend hates you but if you end up keeping the child(abortion is an option) make sure that it grows up in a good enviroment.

The result of the pregnancy test being negative means there's no baby.

When the assoles next to me blast their shit i jack my amp all the way up and plug in my keyboard, they almost always stop

>implying your neighbors exist

captcha: college house

Not an argument. You deserved to have an unwanted child.