Govt tells us to worship the military

>Govt tells us to worship the military

Here in the US, they take most of our money in the form of taxes in order to give it to the military. I assume it is because they want to ensure the flow of oil, and to intimidate those who would call them out, and to drone enemies and innocents alike from afar just to make sure that they know who is running things. Here in the US, we have a choice. Jail or support these mutherfuckers with money.

You either fight for liberty or live like a hamster. choose one


Just go along with our wars goy

> they take most of our money in the form of taxes in order to give it to the military.
You can just stop right there.

Most our money goes to gibs.

Only person in this thread with a fucking clue.

Think of it this way. You're playing an RTS like Age of Empires 2 and you're going up against a bunch of Koreans who develop technologies and reproduce faster than you can breathe. Which is more important to develop, resources or defense?

Dude, they just spent more than $1 trillion on a dozen fucking F-35 jets that don't work. The annual military budget is trillions, not billions.

>dying as slaves for the ruling class
>fighting for liberty

>just spent
They didn't spend that much in one year.

We're already a decade into that catastrophe and the 1.5+ trillion figure is the expected cost over the whole lifetime which includes the next few decades.

Keeps the masculine blood flowing commie

Here's a different chart from the SAME WEBSITE.

Hint: Federal funding changes all the time. There's so much money wasted on so many different things that, unless you work for the CBO, you won't know how much money is spent or where it goes. Pie charts are a bullshit way of looking at it, because funds are constantly reallocated and allocated, sometimes by the day.

Discretionary spending is a subset of TOTAL SPENDING.

its just a job, no need to worship or hate on it, the only people who die are infantry guys and they're mostly psychopaths anyway.

You know what discretionary is yet you post that picture claiming it disproves the other. Social spending isnt discretionary because it NEEDS to be allocated as you described.

>muh airforce
>muh navy

what? i was army.

The US spends more on military than all other nations on the planet combined.

It's what keeps us in power, we suck at everything else

you're goddamn right we do

though actually we don't, close though

doesn't blindly defending the military make you the commie?

sure bud

feminine idiot.

Sports is just training for this.

Everyone should go back to the draft and the citizen army.

Especially US... It's becoming a separate warrior caste - a band of mercinararies and contractors who aren't necessarily representing the nation or acting in it's best interests.

bad goy

Talk to me when your country has a real draft and not conscription.


Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.

I needed this.

>skull of jesus found in texas

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

We're really gunna make america great again aren't we. I love being a Burger.

> Respect a marine that fought overseas, went through hell and back, has PTSD, no benefits
Okay, fair enough
> Respect a unskilled fat mouth breather who got a cheap easy job counting beans for the military instead of doing anything of merit
There's the problem. They expect us to kiss the boots of the superfluous government workers who pose as soldiers.

liberal idiots don't understand discretionary spending.

Fuck the both of them.

>Respect a psychopath that helped destabilize a foreign country who now hates us even more, so he can get some govt gibs when he comes back.
>Who later finds out the VA isn't giving him shit and his wife was cucking him throughout his tours

No I don't feel sympathy for such a dumbass

delete this goy

>society doesn't suck solider dick
>no one wants to do it because it's objectively a shitty job
>get cucked by society with warrior class
pretty simple

Some people are born to fight, some are born to do unskilled labor. All the unskilled labor jobs have been shipped away from the U.S., so all those laborers join the military. And a lot of the intelligence related jobs and schools cater to "muh stronk independnt womyn" and dindus, so a few of them go too. So don't blame them, blame the cockheads in office tying there dicks together in red tape.

If freedom isn't free then why the fuck are you wasting money on a pair of boots for your fucking rifle?
