Why are they ruining the life of this innocent young white man?
Why are they ruining the life of this innocent young white man?
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The liberal media pushes this narrative and will not cover both sides of the story.
He's just the scapegoat to keep pushing the anti-rape campaign. Feminists bought into the idea that rape is about power and not actually just getting laid. Don't get me wrong, rape can, and has been used as a political weapon in warfare. Your average run of the mill rape though is just about some dude getting his nut off because he's unable, too stupid, and probably too much of a horrible person to actually get laid through basic charm.
Again, don't misinterpret my words, rape is bad, and should be cracked down on with harsh-punishment. When you foster a sex-positive, slut-friendly society and you expect men to just look, and not touch. It's moronic.
he should've known that every sexual encounter comes with the risk of getting nailed with a rape charge and that men are presumed guilty until proven innocent. ignorance is not an excuse
also, people complaining about race conveniently forget that Jameis Winston got off scot-free
Bump because this is making me rage.
He was black out drunk too. Obviously she passed out and he didn't realize it because he was *otherwise occupied*. And I'm supposed to believe he's as bad as some guy that pulls a woman into the woods and force fucks her at knifepoint? Give me a fucking break.
All white men are rapists.
It is just a question of when.
Shut up you fucking faggot
He was clearly in a better state of mind since the girl passed out and he was fingering her, as well as the fact that he ran away when confronted, showing that he knew he was doing something wrong.
Drunk or not, you are never supposed to do anything sexual to an unconscious body.
yo I'm not defending a guy who fingers drunk chicks behind a dumpster
Holy fucking kek I totally forgot about that. Based Jameis, the original JSW booty blaster
>yfw he's going to be raped by Trayvon in jail.
This. How degenerate are you fucks?
Let's get the meme magic started. Both of them were drunk, but why does the guy get blamed as if he were possibly more responsible than the lady?
And then after that he he accusation the next year he jumped on a table and meme screamed fuck her right in the poosay.
God that was great. I wonder how mad this image makes liberals.
When I found out the chick had a BF it all made sense
He chose to drink and finger her. She didn't choose to get fingered (on account of the lack of consciousness).
Black out drunk isn't a legal defense.
Out of all the rape hoaxes, they finally got their white male athlete.
Swedish cucks were yelling at him in swedish while crying and charging at him. Id run too
And they are going nuts with pent up frustration for being denied victim vindication for so long
They already got him banned from USA swimming for life
Nobody knows at which point she passed out. She could've passed out in the middle of him fingering her.
Uh if you were in the middle of fooling around outdoors would you just sit there when people came up to you? Especially if you were shithouse drunk.
So two guys yell at you while you are having sex with a girl because they think you are raping her. Do you...
A. Explain the situation that it's all consensual. After all, if it's consensual, the girl can simply take your side and clear things up.
B. Run away, completely abandoning the girl you're with, and making yourself even more suspicious to the guys confronting you.
Both the defense and people such as yourself are trying to convince us that B is apparently the most logical option. No wonder they lost.
He was shithouse drunk. My guess is he just reacted to being discovered having a sexual encounter in (semi) public and took off without thinking.
This just in, I'm getting reports that he is now banned from a BurgerKing somewhere in a really liberal part of California he will never go to.
Sales are expected to rise at this BurgerKing as the social justice weekend warriors flock to buy from this store.
No, I legitimately think this cunt is an actual rapist.
Who cares? Hes a cis white male. He's fucking cancer.
I think both are a possibility - reasonable doubt
"I was drunk" is not a legal defense. Sorry pal.
It only is if you are a woman.
>Jameis Winston
He was never charged as it never went beyond he-said-she-said, and though the police were clearly cocksuckers (as college town police often are), the subsequent investigation was well-conducted and closed on he-said-she-said. (wp article is pretty decent after the shilling by a film editor last year was cleaned up).
So completely different in that it never went to indictment, trial, or even beyond investigative hearing (not disciplinary) at the uni, and that its initial investigation was by college-town police.
Let's try an example that you all can (in your fantasy world) relate to: getting in an MMA/submission-style street fight.
Now let's say you have the guy in a choke hold and he falls limp, but you don't relent, and he dies or is permanently damaged.
You say to the police that it was self defense and it was just a submission hold (or even that the fight was consensual, as it may have been). His obvious response would be, "So for at least 15 full seconds (maybe more) you didn't notice that the guy who had just been struggling against you with full force had suddenly fallen limp?"
Yes, sometimes people fall asleep during sex. It doesn't take more than a few seconds to notice. This chick was unconscious and he knew it.