Christina Grimmie was just shot at her concert in Orlando

Some dude shot Christina Grimmie then turned the gun on himself. She was rushed to the hospital, he dead.

Other urls found in this thread:

Who is Christina Grimmie?

literally who


He came in like a wrecking ball

This. And damn. Shot at your own concert

who the fuck?

>Oh, Christina Grimmie

singer from the voice


Some slut who won The Voice


Probably a nigger did it

Literally who.

Never heard of her.

Christina Grimmie more morphine and a blood transfusion.

Literally who

If she dies or her lung/s were punctured you may never. But see: and

Oh Jesus! Nothing of value was lost people, carry on.

Nope, still doesn't ring a bell

What's ''The Voice'' anyways?

Some TV show??

who in the actual fuck still watches TV???

>some literally who girl my age gets shot
>somehow it's a big deal

Would have been better for her if she died. Someone would actually listen to her music then.

>Youtube singer

Not news


>my first instinct was to laugh
I need to get out of here.

It's american idol but from a different tv network.

Burn coal, pay toll


A shooting in America isn't unusual

At first I thought it was Ed Grimley and I was sad.

Good riddance. Come back when somebody important like a doctor or accountant or scientist gets hurt.

>Christina Victoria Grimmie, (born March 12, 1994)

so when will this be updated?


Kek says she'll croak.


>Accountant detected

who the fuck is daisy darmague

who the fuck is ally sheedy?

lol Nice. My first thought as well.

Didn't even know who this was before this thread but i would have to say that's a damn shame. Clear loss of talent.

Waiting for the inevitable video

underrated post.

>singer from the voice

mfw i have no idea what this means.
will one of you American middle-class suburb-dwellers realise we don't all live the same kind of lives as you, so we don't necessarily know pop culture, or some of us know our pop culture but not American pop culture (I'm assuming this person is American) and let us know who these people are, and tell us why we should care.

Does anyone else check the deaths in 2016 page almost every day for young beautiful rich people so they can feel better about themselves

because i do


>Come back when somebody important like a doctor or accountant or scientist gets hurt.
You mean an Jew?

You guys realize this was probably staged and is going to be used by Hillary to lobby for even more gun control, right?

Everything about this is just too perfect. The fact that they couldn't afford a real celebrity, so they got somebody that people know who is also expendable. The fact that this is happening at a prime moment in the election cylce, so that Hillary has something to distract people from her scandals with. Even the fact that the fucking guy shot himself to shut down any potential interrogation where he may crack. This just feels like a false flag.

It will be tagged #PrayForChristina when someone uploads it.

I guffawed.

>loud gushing sound

Dumb leaf, even I know what the Voice is and I never watch any TV.

Kill yourself

She was a qt pie :^(
I hope she's doing all right

They sure found a loyal pawn to carry this scheme out, paranoid burger.

if she's lucky the bullet missed her throat and lungs and she'll only need a colostomy bag

You're one paranoid fucker aren't ya

She's kinda cute
Apparently she was some youtuber who got on that faggot show The Voice and did pretty good at it
Still a literally who though



normies on twitter already complaining about gun laws

>be american
>get shot

Me too, but she got shot 3 times

It is possible.


>singer from the voice

seriously, if anyone from this thread knows who this girl is you should be deeply ashamed of yourself. i don't even know what the fuck "The Voice" is other than it's probably some American Idol ripoff.

That said, shame she's almost dead.

Nobody in this country would kill their self for a political ideal. What century do you live in?


Why does it feel so much worse when a qt girl dies? She really didn't deserve this.

honestly just forget about it, i live here and never seen it...

I remember watching that video with a friend back in 8th grade and then shouting ''VICTORY'' and then pretending to shoot ourselves just like Ricardo.

Hopefully soon.

Maybe he was a mudslim. Or a mind controlled freak.

>"""shot""" 3 times by some half-blind mongoloid who probably can't even hold a gun right in his sweaty meaty flipper-hand

she'll be fine

I didnt know who she was until I saw the #PrayForChristina hashtag was trending. Looked her up and feelsbadman.jpg.
Shot at her concert, she's young and just starting out.
Plus her brother tackled the guy then the guy killed himself.

I blame reality tv.

This is why America sucks

Who cares?

woah bro don't cut yourself on that edge

You can always use a crazy person though.

probably was a nigger

Critical hit!
Critical hit!
Critical hit!

Im certain she will never open those pretty little eyes again.

Because your instincts are messing with you, it's the underlying "I could've bred that" thing. You need to divest yourself of it. Unless a girl is a direct relative of yours or you're actually banging her you should never feel bad because something bad happens to her.

>he was upset when he found out she had a feminine penis.

Barf. How didn't he see that coming?!

[Nothin' personnel intensifies]

It's basically American Idol except they vet everyone who wants to be on it so every person that tries to get on the show actually has something that could be considered singing ability as opposed to dying cats. They have a bunch of washups as judges and each judge has a team of singers that choose to be on their team
I only know this because a leaf singer that I liked tried to get on the show but they thought he was "too controversial" because he used to be a pretty big junkie and robbed a lot of friends and fans blind for drug money.
Doesn't matter though, he formed a shitty band and makes garbage music now so it's whatever

It's because you are picrelated. There are a lot of young men dying right now. Unlike this whore they never were happy, nobody ever loved them, they only got bullied by everybody including their own parents. And nobody feels pity for them, despite they really-really deserve it. Stop being a degenerate white knight, be righteous and help those who really need it!

>it's gonna get bloody, and we're gonna fight


i honestly believe every time some nig does something soros sends out some fucking white lunatic to cover up the story

Easily the best Batemon character

>we should care about every person who gets shot in America
>denying people sell more music when dead

They reckon Prince is worth 3 times what he was in life now he's dead.

I've read medical reports and studies looking into the wounding mechanics of gunshots and their lethality.

Statistically it takes 7 bullets (from a handgun) on average to kill someone.

I read up on her a few minutes ago. She seemed like a good christian girl. Fucking shame, these are the ones you want to keep around.

Because you're a blue pilled faggot. Who gives a shit if some kike puppet dies

>The voice

Wtf is that? And who the fuck is this? Also why should I care?

The Zelda violin girl.

ah, pretty girl.
clearly there are sleeping demons in the mainstream consciousness, despite our attempts to gloss it over -- as things become more congested and intolerable in society we can expect this to happen more often.

individuals will let their despair be known.

>mfw I realize what is going on in this picture

literally who



She'll be fine. Jebus will provide .

Guns amirite

How dare you make me see that with my own eyes

Could we please kneel and offer a prayer to this young woman who is in critical condition for her recovery?

Aw shit my bad, all white people look the same to me.