Did anyone find it difficult to get through this book? The first half+ was probably the most disturbing text I've ever read. I almost think she should've led with the Carlos Slim and media/political corruption stuff. I almost put it down a few times but I'm glad I got through it.
Did anyone find it difficult to get through this book...
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I got nothing against Trump and border but Coulter is a fucking retarded cunt.
She thinks all Hispanics are automatically mexican beaners and that pisses me off. Women are so ignorant
If you think that's bad you should read some of her pre-Obama stuff. She's just a shill. The real surprising thing about that book is that she ends up splitting from GOP orthodoxy about muh conservative hispanics.
She has a good writing style, but it's definitely not an easy read, which is what I first assumed when I came across this book. Induced a furious rage within me and a hate for border hopping wetbacks
You didn't read thus you are an expert on it's content. OP asked about the book, not your opinion on the woman who wrote it..
Learn to read...
..and Hispanics include people from the Iberian Peninsula. She obviously doesn't think the illegals are from Spain..
Having said that. Her book was excellent and if it doesn't induce rage then you aren't really American.
she's a coal-burner. nuff said.
I get triggered when retards use the word Hispanic instead of Mexican if they're referring to Mexicans
I still am technically Hispanic due to my mother's Spaniard descent. Basic Spanish is the most overlooked ethnicity in the world
I never finished it the same as I've never watched all of this....
Its a good book
Clearly no one is talking about you
we are talking about demographic displacement of European Americans
build wall, spic
She also dated Bill (((Maher)))
I love coulter
concern trolling cuck
>uses the inverted exclamation mark
>misspells adiĆ³s
>triggered spic thinks we don't disregard his shit skin opinion
Top espanol kek the only think your people are useful for is culling American niggers.
Who funded Columbus? The irishmen? ha
Spaniards are not Mexican idiot, read a book for once
Spaniards are still European though, we should get a say before we all start lynching anybody with a "Z" in their last name
i'm not a brown mexican beaner though, I am just annoyed how people like Coulter clump all hispanics into one
fix ur teeth and ur eyes brit
Build wall insecure taco
>I'm not brown guys I swear
>but if anyone says illegal immigration from Mexico is a bad thing I drop my spaghetti and get triggered all over Sup Forums
Kill yourself taco bender.
I need to know what Coulter's deal is. Some say she's a retard, other say she's great. She writes like a firebrand which automatically makes me skeptical that she's pushing an ideology.
We're mainly referring to the Mestizo filth.
I got nothing against the wall and Trump winning cuz I'm not Mexican. I just don't like Coulter.
I would like her book more if she used "Mexican" instead of "Hispanic" on every page.
plz stop putting words in my mouth
No shit she's pushing an ideology. Nationalism.
opportunistic neocon shemale
"fucking retarded" is the most overused insult I've ever seen. It's like you can't get through one thread without reading this.
>totally not mexican
>I get triggered when she says the word Mexican
That's because it applies so much to leftists, Canadians, and Aussies.
>triggered that's he's called Hispanic
>doesn't realize this is because of decades of liberal identity politics. We're just calling you specifically what you demanded to be called
Kill yourself faggot.
Spaniards aren't Mexican. Aren't you in Europe? Don't you know what Spain is?
I'm really only "Triggered" when she says Hispanic. I could care less what she thinks about beaner mexicans.
Why can't Brits read? Do they need a permit to read too?
It's the fault of you Iberian niggers that the Mestizo filth exist in the first place.
Should've kept your dicks in your pants and not mixed with the natives.
You guys don't have a problem with lumping all whites into the white-trash redneck crowd. This stupid blame game is a two-way road.... don't play it if you can't hand un-fair rules, chico stick~
Why would you ever read a book written by a woman?
Miley, how the fuck did you find your way to Sup Forums?
That's what you got out of her book ?
The majority of them are
i wasn't around in the 60s desu
Did I ever say you were a redneck? Redneck is not a race idiot.
""""She"""" is a white supremacist.
I want to throatfuck this racist fucking tranny (check the Adam's Apple) and force my brown dick in his ass.
God damn I hate this bitch so much, she's actually, factually, racist.
Buttfucking is literally for degenerates
She is using the word that Americans have been asked to use when referring to anyone of a Latin persuasion..
Like blacks wanted to be called
Negroes then
Colored then
Blacks then
Afro-Americans then
African Americans then
" A Person of Color" and i guess now
Black again...
Did you read the book ? yes or No ?
No one gives two fucks what you think of her personally. the OP was addressing her book and the information within, which is timely and important.
Now can you please STFu about Hispanic and Latino and Mestizo and ugh
Do you realize that Simon Bolivar broke down Hispanics into 80 different names/types/admixtures ? We don't care!
>she's actually, factually, racist.
as are you.. Welcome to reality shitskin
It's not meant to feel good idiot.
Girl's butt holes are cute as fuck anyways
>Hispanics are automatically mexican beaners
am spic, can confirm this is true
here's ann and his husband.
I'm only racist in return to racism white boy
It is pretty important, Hispanic is a really broad term which even includes some people from European countries like Spain and it's ignorant if someone's going to reduce it to refer it to only illegal wetback assholes.
There is nothing wrong with bringing the discussion of race with this book.
Spic here
Nearly every single spic I have know is fucking trash, even the "white" ones.
The only ones worth a damn are those that don't give a shit about latin culture
Enjoy your aids. Lawd knows how many BBCs have been in there.
Be honest now, you've never experienced anything you didn't deserve.
I'm actually not racist, i like black people, I think Trump is funny and a joke, and I think Islam is superior to Christianity, I just like to shitpost on here since you fuckers go on every other board to post your shit.
Bolivar would not have considered you Hispanic unless you where 100% White Iberian.. so stop with it already.
Your people asked American to use that word. You know that many Mexicans consider themselves Spanish from Spain..
I lived in Mexico for 4 years. It's a cultural obsession to deny your Aboriginal heritage even if your face looks exactly like any face on an Aztec carving, and you obliviously are in no way shape or form White.
It's not her job to figure out what you are and it's irrelevant.
It has nothing to do with her book which is about the browning of America by lessor cultures.
>It is pretty important
No it's not.
This thread is shit. Pol has got to be one of the worst boards on here.
Haha That is not her husband.. Jesus do you people even try ?
Yet you still come here faggot
> ge spends his spare time shitposting about the superiority of islam for free
Where did it all go so wrong Jamal?
half spic
can confirm we suck
What did he mean by this?
Don't self-hate Pablo, it never looks good.
Spotted the triggered Christcuck.
I'm Jose anyways.
Guess the half white part cucked you huh?
t pedro
But spics legitimately suck
I'd leave this shithole but that would end my easy life
At least you're doing good in the Copa America
>Your people
Uh, one, I'm not mexican, and two, Spaniards want to distance themselves from Mexicans. You just proved that there is a problem
>meme response
She was really really hot in the 90s desu
She would fucking kill you nigger.
>those legs
>those thighs that are the same width as her shins
Would fuck but wouldn't enjoy it much
She likes brown dick
Your reply was a meme response. It's an ad hom and a blatant lie.
You call Coulter a retarded cunt then accuse her of believing all Hispanics are "mexican beaners", all without any sources or links.
If you post bullshit, you get bullshit.
Ive seen enough of her appearances on fox to know what she is all about
She said there can be no conservative hispanics
Got a source for that? I'd love to believe you.
Love you Ann. Not Fadee Away
Here's Annie with her best friend Benny Boy Shapiro!
I got nothing against putting illegal aliens in their place. But Coulter needs to stop using the word Hispanic to only apply to illegals. It's rude and insulting.
Think that is disturbing? Wait till you get to Unqualified Reservations.
Go back to Puerto Rico you spic scum
You understand the video you linked literally refutes your entire argument, right?