Why aren't we talking about her?

Why aren't we talking about her?

Apparently 80% of her predictions have been accurate and the next prediction is the 44th US President will be our last.

Other urls found in this thread:



Well idk what that means but GET HYPED. Also the EU prediction got me a good kek

I mean, with Hillary or Trump being President, it looks like it will happen.

She predicted a World War for 2012, nothing happened.


If 20% of her predictions were wrong, that means she is bullshit.

The other 80% were most likely something very vague and likely to occur regardless of what that old hag predicted.

>last American president
>empire instituted
>mfw God-Emperor


I hope she's wrong. If the worlds ending and ww3 comes I want it soon while I can fight and die not in 20 years when I'll be too old

Obama, last President
Trump, first Emperor

This is exactly what I thought

>Europe will turn into an Islamic Kaliphate by 2043
How could she possibly know?

It was 2010, actually, but not all of her predictions are accurate.

I mean, Best Korea attacked Worst Korea, but that was it.

B-but it's Sup Forums related.

It's not like Hillary is a skinwalker in disguise...




So, she was mentally ill, right? Possible dementia patient.

Her predictions were made up after she died. It takes a fucking moron to believe this shit.

>Vanga incorrectly predicted that the 1994 FIFA World Cup Final would be played between "two teams beginning with B".
That seems legit and not vague at all

Because there are no documentation to her claims. It all comes second/third hand from shitty conspiracy sites with no audio/written proof of her saying any of this shit.

Now fuck off.

> Europe will be transformed into an Islamic Caliphate
Well fuck

I like how you strategically cropped out this part:

>Vanga was illiterate or semi-literate. She did not write any books herself. What she said or allegedly said had been captured by staff members. Later numerous esoteric books on Vanga's life and predictions were written.

I'm predicting that a Canadian will be the first person on mars in the year 2041. Screencap this.

Canadian born or from Canada?

Because it was god damn obvious all the way back in the 70's when Sweden first went full cuck and began importing them
It's not that damn hard to predict things if you pay attention

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm going to do - take 10 fucking screenshots of the article, regardless of relevance, and post them here.

Way to go, buddy.

Because there's no such thing as clairvoyance

The interesting thing about time is that it isn't linear like everyone thinks, it actually cant be, time is static and the universe immobile. Some people do have the ability to pick up on what most of us think of as "future" events as a result of them being slightly out of phase with their current physical location.

Unfortunately the side effect of being out of phase is mental and physical health issues that help to immediately discredit any real world valuable knowledge from the subject, it is by its very nature instability

no, but as mentioned above, people can be slightly out of phase allowing them to pick up on overlapping dimensions like a radio with really bad reception.

In Warhammer 40k the Space Wolves (who are probably the best legion) recognised that when everyone started calling him the God Emperor things really started going to shit.

Something to think about as you faggots parade around an Oompa Loompa frog.

Look at the id

John Titor said one in 2015 and I'm convinced we came really fucking close over Yemen. Sometimes it seems like our timeline is a delayed version of Titors, or maybe he was just a butthurt libertarian nerd writing a sci-fi story with himself as the hero, who knows.

time is a flat circle
black stars
season 2 was hilarious

Muh wolves

>(who are probably the best legion)
Oh christ almighty you have got to be fuggin shitting me

Shut it, nerds!


Listen here you little shit, Space Marines are srs business

t. /tg/fag

go back to your home board then
oh that's right, you don't have a home, you manlet pussy cuccboi

>tfw won't be alive to experience war in Mars
>will be alive however to see Europe become the Caliphate

>projecting this hard

> Space Furries best Legion/Chapter
> Not Imperial Fists who did all the heavy lifting while the furry fags forced the most powerful psyker other than the Emperor to join chaos.


look at this retarded four-eyes mouthbreather, talking like he knows shit because he got a tl;dr on Freud
bet you didn't even finish college
but I finished your mom last night

Best chapter is clearly ultramarines.

Literally can't be argued.

>you will see western society as you know it, collapse in your lifetime

I don't know how to feel about this, a part of me is happy, another part is horrified.

It is not coincidence the official Sup Forums chapter is an Imperial Fists sub chapter. Fuck off ward cuck

>Europe an islamic caliphate

A few years back I would have laughed desu.

I'm not blind.

Kek its the same shit as those 'mediums' who trick old mums who have lost kids into thinking theyre contacting spirits.

They say 'its a girl... her name starts with E...'

chances are someone in the audience will have that kid and their brain tricks them into thinking its real because they want it to be desperately. Here it's just even more obvious because its just blatant guesswork and vagueties.

Steel birds, right. So this bitch never saw a plane? She was born after they were invented. Prediction made in 1989 when planes were in constant use all across the world.

>America will one day be attacked by planes
>Don't know which day though!

Charlatanism of the highest order.

baba vanga has been on Sup Forums for a long time

welcome to Sup Forums newfag

80% is pretty generous too

>a part of me is happy
When you get the chance, you should kill yourself.

good. stupid bitch.

I don't care about Vanga, she is a big hoax but this particular prediction (maybe not hers though) was correct.

False-prophet. She will go to hell.

Be Ready

Prove she's false

>Europe transformed into an Islamic caliphate

Why? Western society continues to degenerate into a disgusting culture that lacks morals and values.

I by no means want Sharia Law nor to be controlled by shitskins, but I'm not exactly happy in todays current society.

I'd rather a global wipe, as with the Dinosaurs, so we can start over.

Swipe right, goddammit!

A clock that doesn't work is still right twice a day.

>tfw born day after she died
am I baba vanga reincarnated?

Nah, that's a 30 year old French girl.

>shotgun fags

Bad if you can't into russian:

>Legend Vanga was created on the same recipe but it whirled Bulgarian secret services. Country was prestigious to have a prophetess, to which the flocking crowds of tourists and celebrities from around the world. Including policy. The special services had been here my interest. In the town where stayed came to Vanga, information on future eminent visitors were collected and maids in hotels, taxi drivers and the same. And the main thing - to involve the archives of special services. Hence, awareness of Vanga. For example, Todor Zhivkov, was impressed when Wang told him: your friends 50 years ago killed. It seemed to him that no one knows. And I then one friend from the Bulgarian secret services said that, even seen in my archive photos of the slain ...

I checked it just as Uncle Vanya, he could not go himself, and asked the two journalists (they were asked not to name names). One of them asked friends to bring it to Wang. Bulgarian colleague journalist, apparently associated with the bodies porassprosit new friend and having washed in the bath with him, took him to Vanga. And she has given all the prepared set of stories. The only thing that guess: you said, a scar on the scrotum. The journalist first froze, and then I realized why his colleague in a bath called ...

As for predictions - we all remember those that have come true. But even more do not come true! For example, Alexander Bovin Vanga predicted that the Soviet Union will enter Chile troops. Obviously, there is the Bulgarian secret services in their international projections blundered ...

Can you predict when Poland can into space?

Trump gonna rape all the normies and we gonna start the new crusades!

Fucking Meme magic does it again.

I for one welcome our new emperor Trump

She also believed that by 2066 the US will attack Muslim Europe, trying to take back Rome and bring back Christianity.

What a time to be alive

>In 50 years at the age of 119 Emperor Trump calls for a new crusade to free Rome from the Muslim hordes

This. A lot of her "predictions" contradict.

She says china will overtake the US, and that the first world countries will become third world, yet she says the US will be able to wage war against a middle eastern/European super powered caliphate...


on my 33rd birthday

Memers be good, memers be great,
memers and trumpkins shall alter this fate!

China overtakes us economically
we become a puppet state of china

We americans go fight the islamic european caliphate as chinas puppet

how is that string of logic hard to grasp user?

Better take "her" in quotation marks.

>the 44th US President will be our last.
Hmm. Matches Nostradamus' prophecy that the current Pope will be the last.

If Meme Magic is real then let great gets be revealed!

It'd probably be Eric or Barron who'd be Emperor at that time.

>Emperor Barron Trump

Has a nice ring, don't it?

>Shitting on russian history

Opinion discarded.

holy fuck

>Vanga predicted that a World War III would start in November 2010 and last until October 2014.


If time is static like you suggest then it doesn't really matter if they're believed because you wouldn't be able to do dick about it anyway.

I tried finishing that user, but it can get boring as hell after a while

There was a crazy old woman who lived in my local area about 600 years ago and made predictions. She lived in a cave. She was called 'Mother Shipton'
It's a tradition to put shoes, kids' toys and socks on the waterfall next to Mother Shipton's cave, they turn into stone. (pic)
A lot of her predictions came true.


There's a lot of weird stuff associated with that area. I just keep away; that's some top tier magical activity.

44th President will be black.

Even if this woman is faking it, I gotta admit that prediction was spot-on.

She also predicted that the 44th President would be the last US President and he would leave the country in economic ruin by the time he left.

If Trump gets elected, I can see the elites provoking a fake war in order to install martial law.

predictions spot on

They aren't turning to stone, they just get a coating of minerals from the water constantly dripping onto them from the rock face, like how a stalagmite is formed. Nothing magic about it.

Only if kek wills it.

I heard about her back in 2010 when I met my Belorussian ex, she was into mystical shit anyway like all EEs and said Vanga was popular there.

Read about caliphate, Muslims, chemical attacks, everything, and I laughed it off.

Then Syria. Then ISIS.

Very soon, judging by all of the news we've had lately of chemical weapons smuggled into Europe and the fucking millions of migrants in Europe, that Europe will suffer many simultaneous chemical attacks that will wrack Europe and be followed by the POTENTIAL use of a nuclear weapon (that al Qaeda is reported to have procured).

Paris was a small scale test bed. Chemical attacks will be followed by more Paris-style attacks.

Thousands will die, possibly tens of thousands.

Beyond that, Obama has ambitions to lead the UN as his post-POTUS career plan.

This election truly is momentous, and I truly do believe we are on the cusp of full blown tyranny (Obama suspending election in response to international crisis) OR the beginning of a new age for America. But Europe is fucked either way.

>War on mars in 3005

I for one welcome our now Trump God-Emperor,
But I've got to get to work on building the Adeptus Mechanicus. Only for it to schism....

I can't advocate pre-2010 but all the attacks and Muslim shit are legit and not made up last week. They've been around pre-ISIS.

Her fuckups can be explained pretty easily if you accept the possibility of clairvoyance. Her fuckups could be simply she saw a different dimension as gay as that sounds, but as all points in the universe are connected as are all possibilities simultaneously in existence it's not a stretch to say she got a couple of bad signals.

She had a similar prophecy. Pope will die visiting the graves/while remembering a massacre of Christians.

Mfw Trump does such a good job they find a way to make him immortal and president forever.


>the rest of Europe

Is it that hard to see the mooslems turning them third world? Doesn't have to be all first world but first world is code for basically Europe and NA and you know Europe is fucked

>war on Mars in 3005
The one war I really wanted to see and I'm going to miss it.

>those digits


oh my...