Gun Freaks Will Argue With This

Gun Freaks Will Argue With This

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Is The Daily Show cancelled yet?
How's Noah doing? I haven't watched one episode since he became host.

Alex was right. Jews did 9/11

>I haven't watched one episode since he became host.
Gee I wonder why?

Infantofile cock suckers will defend this.

wait but isn't the left now concerned about the rise of Actual Imaginary Hitler
someone make one of those sweating button-press memes about this


>can't have a single jon stewart thread without someone mentioning he's a jew
>We're not really racist, its satire, for the keks!
fuck off Sup Forums

Same, a lot of people ditched that show, and that entire channel, they have BLack Power Hour now every night with the two most annoying niggers you could find

apparently they are failing as a network and are trying to get rid of them without 'being racist'

oh look, another loudmouth kike telling me how to behave on the electric jew. and he only has the job as a kike propagandist because he's a kike an makes retarded faces at goyim that do not suck jew cock everyday.

how quaint.

>implying he'd have a job if he weren't a filthy kike

Wait a second. The 1776 WILL HAPPEN AGAIN guy was Alex Jones?

People kill because they have guns.

How retarded you have to be to say that?

>on Sup Forums
>fuck off Sup Forums

Where do we go then, kike?

>We can't even begin to address 30,000 gun deaths
Sure you can Jon. Break down the deaths by type - homicide, suicide, accidental. Then break those down further. Legitimate self defense, black on black, depressed people, young children, etc. People did that way earlier than 2013. We know where most of the violence is coming from. It's not coming from legal concealed carry permit holders.

I am an ammosexual and you are infringing on my right to have a sexual relationship with my firearms! Fucking shitlord!

>I have a weapon to defend myself from crazies
>Crazy kills me for being able to defend myself
I don't think you thought this through.

Someone open carrying is not a threat of bodily harm.

Eat a dick Leibowitz.


>how dare you have the right to defend yourself



>libs support right to death
>guns are quickest and most painless way to end one's life
>libs want to take guns away

What if I told you that you're crazy?

This board is not satire you fucking newshit. Saying its satire is the joke. Why would a whole board be 24/7 satire, wouldn't that get tiring and old very quickly?


>Why would a whole board be 24/7 satire, wouldn't that get tiring and old very quickly?
/adv/ is a thing.

Sup Forums is a board of peace!

Jon Stewart's inability to point out the hypocrisy of the anti gun crowd was a turning point for me in politics. I lost a lot of respect for him, and New Yorkers in general.

It's honestly insulting how much they overlooked the manipulation, the lies, and the racism/sexism/classism that is in the core of gun control.

Saturday night live is currently being ruined by the same shit. It's fucking awful. My wife and I are so disappointed.

What's crazy about realizing humans are capable of committing atrocious acts of violence?
Is history no longer thought in schools?


Listen to my arguments. I do a lot of research. I make sure I understand both sides before I weigh in with my opinion, that's why I believe I'm correct.

I'm going to have a public debate with "Tide comes in, tide goes out" guy, and totally lambast him about why he's on the wrong side of history. This'll be so easy. He's a pushover.

>Deficit and debt are interchangeable.

>this post is satire
also so is this one

Chris Hedges: Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart Have Destroyed Satire

This based lefty ripped Stewart and his shabbos goy counterpart a new asshole. Extremely insightful. I suggest watching.

Daily reminder


You notice how they always talk about gun deaths in raw numbers but never want to talk about who is doing the killing?

>mfw I was going to shitpost about only 4% of all gun deaths being "justifies" means there's a gun problem.
>mfw I realized that it's actually a mental health/gang violence problem

Many thanks user

>Generational guilt

Disgusting cuckoldry

labor members need to be taken out back and dealt with

Don't stop there, go get actual stats from the FBI

Would like a source on the breakdown

>Broadway musicals aren't cultura
Wigga what?

Are you kidding me?

i want to punch him in his cuck face

>Guys give up your guns Hitler isn't coming back
>Guys the conservatives are Literally Hitler right now

>Sup Forums tinfoilers who rage against the FBI trust it when its convenient for them


>people trust national crime stats from the national crime bureau
You act like this is a bad thing

>caring what gun grabbing likes think

It's called math, you ignorant nigger

>goys give up your guns Hitler isn't coming back

seems to me like Hitler has come back three times stronger, that means we need three times as many guns to protect ourselves.

Check the FBI

someone has yet to prove OP wrong

>mfw live in California

I HAVE to care what they think, since those fuckers are the ones making policy.

I am so sick of writing letters and making phone calls man, especially when I know that they give no shits what we think.

>It's called math
so you just pulled the statistics out of your ass?

Sup Forums is a board of peace.
We're all #Hillaryharpoons that are just pretending to be racist as a parody of Trump supporters.

Except they aren't. Even a bullet in the head can leave a person in horrible suffering for several hours before they finally pass away.

There's nothing to disprove. No argument was made. If you think you know what it is, state it for us.

So you're more in favor of decapitation, eh leaf?

Pretty sure it's fbi statistics.

CDC stats from 2011/2012

Hanging or French revolution head removal technique. Of course.

>a gun

>causing a reasonable person to fear for their life

holy fucking shit my sides

you retards are so fucking sheltered

Only 1% of defensive gun uses end with a shot fired, and of those only 1% end up being lethal.

Is that real?

I remember seeing someone mention colonialism a while ago during a farage debate and I thought I might have misunderstood.

In 35 years on Sup Forums I have never seen anyone rage about the FBI.

Notice how the antigun shills always carefully say

>no one wants to take ALL the guns

Yeah, no shit. Not all of them. Just any gun invented after 1880. Get raped.

>let me just kill myself with my trusty guillotine

So if no one wants to take away people's guns, how about guaranteeing it in writing by adding the following to the 2nd amendment?

>It is and shall forever be illegal for any federal, state, city or local government to ever seize, confiscate, or otherwise deprive any citizen of these United States of their lawfully-acquired firearms.

Would the Libs be opposed to that?

Really makes you think, huh?

Helium tanks and ropes are still on the table for suicide. If a guy builds a guillotine just to commit suicide, we'd have to give him an upboat for dedication.

Just all the guns not belonging to them

Brit bros

Find this nigger and rip his anus out through his dickhole

That liberals are obsessed with cock and can't think of real arguments besides ad hominem?


That picture on the right... how many stories are there seriously of that happening? He's describing a hypothetical scenario where gun owner A shoots gun owner B because gun owner A felt threatened when he saw gun owner B open carrying. He calls this a perpetual violence machine, yet I can't off the top of my head think of a single instance of that occurring. Surely the media would jump all over such an event to push their anti-gun agenda, and yet I don't know of one.

That's all this hack is good at - sophistry. He describes imaginary trends and concepts that sound reasonable when you don't think too hard about them, and without presenting any evidence, he suggests that they're grounded in reality.


>Live in Alaska
>Open carry doesn't even draw a glance from locals (unless they're trying to find out where the good hunting has been)
>Tourists on the other hand flip out/cross the road. Asian tourists have the funniest reactions because for many it's the first time they've seen a gun
>Walked through town last week with my rifle on my back to meet some hunting buddies. Friendly waves and people asking where we're going

Living in a big city must be really shitty

That is allready in there.
Pic related

So people kill themselves anyways so it's got nothing to do with guns.

you let me down, Sup Forums
too busy handwringing over kikes to make funny memes

Why don't you like guns?
>Because they're giant penises.

Never said so. All I was saying is that death by gunshot is one horrible way to die.

I'd like to live in Alaska, but I doubt there is much work for architects, right?

God I fucking hate Horsey
>why do you want to have that dangerous killing machine
>republicans: every time :^)

You want something done, do it yourself.

In the offchance you fuck up and survive. Seems very rare.

>death by gunshot is one horrible way to die
Clearly you've never read The Torture Garden.

Not really... Maybe some in Anchorage but most towns would be too small to support a single architect. Around here most people contract people out of Seattle. Construction contractor here

It's rarely an instant death. In most cases of gunshots, people die at the hospital hours later.
We're talking about suicide.

Oh well
Guess it's Texas then with a summer home in Alaska

Got a source fo that?

>Folding stock ar-ak-fal


no, fuck you
you're all here to entertain me
get with the memes, slaves

He should make porn instead

Is Tosh still popular?

>anti guns
>knowing anything about the guns they want to ban

You'd be surprised how common that is here. Currently working on a ~$3m house that they plan to use ~4 months a year in between time they go fishing

Seriously, dick is always on their mind

On my phone "working".

People don't die from the shot itself, it's most often blood loss of lack of oxygen if lungs are hit. More hits = quicker death, in most cases.

Even if the brain is hit, the person will pass out and probably die of blood loss anyway. They would be a vegetable if they survive though.

Nigger problem not a gun problem