What politicians have you noticed using body doubles, Sup Forums? Pic related shows that there have been at least three different Putins.
I strongly suspect Hillary of using body doubles but I have yet to nail down any rock solid proof.
What politicians have you noticed using body doubles, Sup Forums? Pic related shows that there have been at least three different Putins.
I strongly suspect Hillary of using body doubles but I have yet to nail down any rock solid proof.
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that just blew my mind post more
>Hillary Clinton
Look for differences in her busted front tooth
how much autism does it take to notice this shit, jesus
It's called getting old OP
There's been at least 3 obamas during the last ten years.
why do you have to fruit up the place
That's all I have as far as politicians go unfortunately.
on a releated note however I am pretty positive that all four of the Beatles were multiples/body doubles since the beginning (the "Paul Is Dead") rumor being just a distraction conspiracy theory.
Here we see two clearly different John Lennons for example.
That would require multiple people as ugly as Clinton.
not much the human ear is as unique as the finger print
ears grow till you're dead, you know
The many faces of Hillary
These sorts of things are not possible in open republics where there is a general following of the head of state.
In Russia, media is tightly controlled, an all appearances scripted. Putin does not exist as a manifestation of the will of the state. He exists as a manifestation of the ideal of the state.
This is a huge distinction. Actual power vs. Idealized power. Obama is far, FAR more powerful then Vladimir Putin. Its like comparing a Peacock to an Alligator. Sure, the Peacock looks impressive, and the Gator is lethargic and bland looking. Until the Peacock tries to fight the Gator.
does she even exist ?
that is true but there is a clear difference in the structure
>thinking that Putin is a man.
>Not realizing that Putin is an idea.
Also those are the same ears. The only difference is aspect ratio from the different angles and pictures.
not the distinguishing the difference part but to find several encounters of a political figure to see his/her ear, is this a common practice or did someone notice it randomly
Call me crazy but I've had a nagging suspicion for a while that Sarah Palin and Tina Fey are actually the same person.
When they supposedly "met" each other on SNL and walked past one another you could tell it was green screen.
I don't know what's underneath her flesh-suit
Knock it off. That shit has already been tried elsewhere years ago
Notice also that the Putin on the far right seems to have a long scar or other mark going down his cheek. Facial surgery?
i think its pretty obvious he has gone under the knife
Worked for the CIA for a couple of years.
I can tell you for sure Biden uses doubles all the time.
Your nose never stops growing you know.
really makes you think
too much difference in too short a span of time. the chin is different too.
and if you think those two Lennons look different... have a look at THIS Lennon. Ridiculous! Obvious plastic nose!
quite believable, any more info you can tell us?
I think they find people that look similar to the original subject then put them through world class plastic surgery. But they they dont change everything thus the ears.
Putin himself has assuredly had work done. Wouldn't be at all surprised if he had body doubles around in case of assassination.
I'm not 100% convinced by the photos but it is noticeable so maybe there's something to it.
I reckon any sensible world leader would have this sort of thing in place after JFK though. Like if they ever have to visit a forum that they're not sure about the security, send the guy in the skin suit in your place, you never know.
how can you say Obama have more power when he's a homosexual with a transgender "wife" and a completely sketchball past. He's under total control and implied blackmail threat.
They all look like the same ear, just from different angles and different shadowing
What concrete proof is there that Michelle is transgender?
She had kids, obviously a man
Body doubles are horrifying.
Group can just kill the real guy and puppet the hapless body double.
All of things you mentioned (which are not true) do not detract from the power of the office. US Presidents are at once restrained by domestic infighting, and also liberated by them.
To outside observers, the constant obama bashing by people in America is seen as a sign of patent weakness. This is nothing new. Hitler assumed the same things about Roosevelt in the 1930's.
Very related.
The US is always underestimated because of the way we treat our head of State. We love to lampoon, oppose and generally make life miserable for the President. Especially if we disagree with his domestic policies. Up until the point some retarded foreigners fall for the meme that we can't drop all of that and kick their ass at said presidents command.
show a picture of her pregnant or with their daughters as babbies
the first and third are almost identical and the second is taken at a weird angle. This shit is flat earth tier
Well for one, Barak called him Michael not once, but twice! Hard to explain why he would do that unless he really is a robot and his chip was malfunctioning or something.
And just look at "her." The shoulders, the neck, the eyebrows, the hands... how obvious could it be?
Pictured with a suspicious bulge many times as well.
Ears and nose are the two things that don't stop growing and changing.
3 different angles 30 15 andd 5 year between those pictures. get a fucking live.
This. It's common knowledge that Putin has had plastic surgery.
There's no way Obama is anything more than a puppet. He's a mental midget, nothing more than an egomaniac sexual deviant on strings, convinced of his own self important as he does nothing more than act and read a teleprompter.
Look at that fairy and his man wife... way less passable in older pics.
Why would he need a body double? Vice President is not inportant at all,
Three different angles my ass. You are seeing things Hans, its called cognitive dissonance. Its a straight on shot of his head from the side, its a fucking ear. It won't look that different from angles or time. The one on the right even looks like it has a fucking chin implant.
Und lern mal englische Rechtschreibung du Versager.
His mother looks like a stereotypical Tumblrina.
No wonder all this PC nonsense started on his watch.
prob cuz he's busy off molesting children somewhere
she actually looks like a psychopath
shes a full blown SJW, jew, obamas mother is jewish blood meaning he technically is jewish however cause he is black, the jews would never consider him equal in anyway, hes just a useful puppet to them
If she was even real. Everything is so sketchy about Obama, people will even try and say this shit isn't photoshopped.
That discomfort screams loudly to me:
his doubles all have different ears but the same pushed out vein on the sides of their heads tho? fascinating
>t. vladimir
his ear got saggier as he got older............ WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!??!!?
That picture is doctored to make it look photoshopped. the brightened the picture around obama and slightly blurred it but left obama alone and sharpened the contrast on him so he seems out of place. here's the original
Sure bud
yeah and what the fuck is going on with the grandfather's arm and shoulder? why is the grandmother in such an awkward and distant position? shit is fishy as hell just like all the early photos of obama.
Then there's this one, an official picture they posted on his facebook. They are just fucking with us really.
Or maybe he just fucking ages you fucking cunty retard.
I'll just leave this here
>what the fuck is going on with the grandfather's arm and shoulder?
Well obviously they've simply cut the two people apart and sandwiched king nigger in the middle.
lol it is pretty funny that if you took obama out the photo his grandpa would be making a walk like an egyptian arm
When did he call michael? Forgetting ur wife's name is pretty weird
literally looks like a pomeranian..
same ear different lighting conditions
Post about body doubles get's dubs.
>me too
I laugh everytime