Redpill me on Brock Turner.
Redpill me on Brock Turner
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Dindu nuffin
He's a prime athelete, the testosterone in him made him do it. In fact, many athletes suffer from the same problem. There are examples everywhere. NFL NBA MLB, you name it.
life go bye bye because he has no game. i support this, stupid whitey
He is not a rapist. He wasn't convicted of rape. He was convicted of sexual assault with a foreign object - his fingers, apparently.
The girl would not have been sexually assaulted if he didn't do it, of course, but also if she did not get shitfaced drunk with him and leave the party with him.
It's another feminist witch hunt to fuel their war on the evil patriarchy. It's a bunch of horseshit, and I'm saying this as a female who has actually witnessed and interfered with assault of both physical and sexual. The more you read into the story for FACTS the less it makes sense.
nah. he's a jew degen. just look at that hair and nose.
gas (((him))) now
read court papers, if you actually care about the issue put in the effort.
made love to a liberal in a dumpster, now he's serving 4-6 (months)
Brock Turner is a pretty cool guy. He crushes pussy and doesn't afraid of anything.
He's the victim of a white man hating society.
The Jew controlled media has turned everyone blindly against him.
Basically, if you read the details of the case, he dindu nuffin wrong and the prosecution's argument is very arbitrary.
Why couldn't he find a more willing girl to fuck? Seriously he's like a 7/10.
Tbqh, he should get a harsher sentence.
However, it fucking annoys me that everyone asking for him to put in jail for 15 years for rape are the same ones that constantly criticize the US prison system for being a 'punishment' rather than 'rehabilitation'.
Because lets be honest, it will be much, much easier to rehabilitate a young man with no other offences and a low chance of any further crimes, unlike a gangster or drug dealer, which is why they sentenced him they way they did.
Also i hate how everyone is saying it was rape on fb when it was actually 'intent to rape', i personally think they are quite different offences.
Dindu sheeeittt.
I'm guessing the broad passed out mid-fingerbang and he didn't realize it because he was too busy looking at her dirty twat.
This case makes me rage with the force of a thousand suns because he's being depicted as one of those guys that pulls a chick into a van, beats her senseless and then ass rapes her without any lube. It's just so not the case.
And if you read the chicks letter, she sounds like her head is so far up her own ass she can see daylight.
Haha that's cool :) What's your email, maybe we can talk about this some more?
He's just a cool dude who slays tang. Fall asleep behind a dumpster and he might slay yours.
She was willing. They were seen making out at the party and left together. She just passed out during their encounter and he kept going.
>White college athlete fingerbangs passed out girl behind dumpster while drunk
>6 months in jail, life time on sex offenders registry
>black college athlete violently beats and rapes girl in her dorm room while sober
>6 months in jail, 10 months of sex offenders registry
Guess which one is making headlines around the world as an outrageous example of racial privilege?
So much this. You should be scared Sup Forums
They are literally starting to round the last one up and lock them up.
White privilege. Didn't they say something along the lines of: "Putting him in prison would ruin his future?" No fucking shit, but that didn't come across his mind when he committed the crime.
Oh I see. So it's the usual "slut cheats on her bf at a party, gets caught and then cries rape to keep beta bux" story huh? Fuck her.
>harsher sentence
It's about as harsh as you can get.
Remember this is the U.S.
He will now be on a database searchable by the general public listed as a sex offender. For life. Every time he moves he must notify the police and residents if he's within a school zone.
Honestly his life is fucked - Or at least the sort of life he was probably planning on leading. I don't even know what these guys do after this? I'd just neck myself.
On reddit he roofied her, dragged her behind a dumpster and violently raped her
On a scale of 1-10 of the severity of the rape, it was like a 2 or 3. Rape is rape nonetheless. Now I'm not the smartest guy in the world, but personally I'd say that he deserves a solid year or two in jail. So if he was sentenced to 2-4 years that'd be okay. However, he was given something like 3-6 months and revoked from the national swimming committee or whatever, as well as harsh exile from pretty much every United States citizen. With the media attention surrounding him his current sentence has pretty much been justified.
It's bullshit that people say we live in a "rape culture" when no one condones rape and being a rapist is practically the worst thing ever in the eyes of the citizens. The only thing worst than a rapist is if you put the word "child" in front of it.
I will say that the rhetoric SJWs and many others are using against this guy is fucking retarded.
Not quite.
What's indisputable is that he was fingering and dry humping an unconscious girl.
Prior to that she claims she has no recollection, but his statements coupled with witnesses indicates they were flirting with each other and mutually left the party together.
Now, if she was so drunk she couldn't remember, she was too drunk to consent to anything anyway. But there's the chance that she "doesn't remember anything" because she does have a boyfriend. And flirting with and leaving a party with a guy looks pretty bad to your boyfriend.
But either way, what he was caught doing, charged with and found guilty of was fingering the unconscious girl, which he got caught doing red handed.
Explain this then
He's a fucking rapist dawg, no tolerance.
but Jameis Winston got off scot-free
He's on the registry. People will forever now associate him with pedophiles anyway.
>mfw I read people saying he deserves more than 6 months and the label of sex offender
>for fingering an average college slut who had zero self control and put her own well being in danger
>after he confessed he did it by his own will
dunno about the violence, but he did drag her behind a dumpster, i dunno about the roofies, you'll have to call Toxicology.
He's not a rapist.
That's sort of the point too. We're watching the media now conflate everything with rape. The girl who wrote a character statement for him has had her life ruined too, for "defending rape". When she did nothing of the sort. But they're broadening the definitions to comical points now.
So when you see the headline;
>Guy rapes girl behind dumpster
Then when you actually look into it, you realize it was not what you initially pictured. And realize that it wasn't "white privilege", it was just a typical light sentence for a first offender for a lower tier assault.
And not uncommon a sentence for anyone regardless of race But they want to make this a White Privilege thing, so they're going to act hysterical.
He didn't drag her anywhere. That's where she passed out.
She wasn't roofied. She was 3 times the legal limit (and has a history of blacking out from excessive drinking). He was 2.5 times the legal limit. They were just drunk as fuck.
It's also an interesting fact that drink spiking is insanely rare, and in the majority of reported cases it's actually just alcohol intoxication. People overestimate their thresholds quite dramatically.
That's why you should monitor your consumption rather than trying to gauge it by feel.
He's a rapist. He was convicted by a jury and sent to prison.
Unfortunately, he has become the Poster Child for Rape Culture, a sort of catch all feminist narrative somewhat akin to "it's the Jews" here on Sup Forums but without much evidence for it until Brock.
Indeed, this case has swept away the many, many false claims of rape on campus over the past three years which were making the Left look ridiculous. Not swept away in reality, not statistically, but in terms of giving the propagandists who work for the mass media something to type acres about, whilst conveniently "forgetting" about all the lies they told not a month earlier.
Lena Dunham - a rape hoaxer and child abuser (and some allege TV comedienne) has even felt empowered enough to make the case a talking point to her ever-decreasing audience. I expect Emma Watson will do similar in her next patronizing UN speech.
>but he did drag her behind a dumpster
This implies she was unconscious before she went behind the dumpster and there is no evidence statement that corroborates that, leaf
>too drunk
Only ever applies to a female's bad decisions.
He only became a rapist because the girl has a boyfriend and the case went viral. She rather destroy a man's life and future than be called a cheating slut.
That's the faggot who raped some bitch behind a dumpster right, or was that some other kid?
emmas feet are so perfect tho
Wouldn't you?
Not to mention the "I'll reward you" voicemail.
>He's a rapist.
Not legally.
>Unfortunately, he has become the Poster Child for Rape Culture
Sort of. They have much more blatant examples of College Rapes with light punishments they could use, but they chose this one.
It's because they needed a Rich, Straight, White, College Boy to make the Patriarchy/White Male Oppression stick.
He's the fabled Great White Defendant prosecutors wait their whole careers for.
How much of this is just Sup Forums bias, what did he actually do and was he given consent to do it? I need that cleared up before I btfo libtard college "friends".
Witnesses saw him raping an unconscious girl and called the police...
Don't bother, you won't change any minds and they will just say you are 'defending a rapist'
Two Swedish cucks saw them doing something and when Brock stood up they noticed she wasn't moving and chased after him
One of the cucks was literally crying while giving his testimony
She says she has no recollection of events. So she can't remember to consenting or not, but she "feels" as if she wouldn't have. They were seen by people at the part flirting (she was giving him a back rub) and leaving together.
He says she consented to everything (kissing and fingering) but passed out during the act and he was too drunk to notice.
The witnesses who apprehended him said he was on top of her, her underwear off, his clothes on, thrusting his hips aggressively and that she was unconscious. Police came later and said she was unresponsive (and to pinch her nail bed to get a reaction, because shaking and verbal cues didn't rouse her).
I also want the facts to talk about this within the family, mother is left leaning so i do my best to keep her from believing the liberal media who jump the gun
you were always my favorite island, aussie friend
>She says she has no recollection of events
But was a-ok righting a multi-page appeal to emotion letter that will make you say fuck evidence and shit
What is the big fucking deal with this case? Did he even rape her or just stuff his fingers in her cunt?
>muh privilege
He just had good counsel in court. And the bitch is presumably a Standford student too, so she's every bit as privileged as him.
Frankly any woman who gets blackout drunk voluntarily is trash tier. One step above a convicted criminal in the order of things.
>You don't know me, but you've been inside me
Kind of hot tbqh
Reddit lies. He didn't rape her.
She's pretty, and I believe means well with her schtick. It's just that she's patronizing and entirely focused on anti-white propaganda with her "feminism" which, given she was addressing the United Nations, is inexcusable.
She'd be revered if she applied feminism to islamic shitholes, but that would require actually giving a fuck about women in the world. Being called "bossy" is far more important to address Every Nation On Earth with.
And now, of course, "an epidemic" of white guys raping on campus, thanks to Brock here.
He was convicted of rape? I'm pretty sure that makes a person a rapist? In any case, he's admitted to finger banging her, so that's "forced entry of the vagina" which is the legal mumbo jumbo for rape. That's how grills can rape other grills, legally. But not men, it's always "sexual assault" or the like. No vagina, no rape.
It could get overturned on appeal, but the damage is done. And the damage to Brock inside prison, too, probably. Six months is a long time for a sissy white boy convicted of a crime that places him very low down on the prison hierarchy.
could just be my bias on the subject, right wing man, but i feel that she is lying and pawning it off on him to not look like a cheater to her bf.
>He didn't drag her anywhere. That's where she passed out.
...because Americans like to hang out behind dumpsters? wtf? no one hangs out behind dumpsters
I have not seen a non degenerate post about this on facebook
some 350lb welfare leech and a girl who didn't even graduate highschool have each posted 5+ links and his "hurr real mugshot" and calling him a rapist
I feel like there is a silent majority of people aware of this "injustice" but that actually looked it up instead of reading facebook memes and found out instantly that he fingerbanged a fucking whore who cried rape because she had a boyfriend.
when will one of these "rapists" realize they are fucked no matter what they do or say and openly and entertainingly call the "victim" a drunken slut who was fine throatfucking herself on your dick until daddy found out.
Was the girl even hot?
Yeah, I mean, it's stupid. But that wasn't EVIDENCE.
That was a victim impact statement. Post conviction. Not trial evidence.
>He was convicted of rape?
He was convicted of sexual assault
Which is why no publication is calling him a rapist
Which is why SJWs and their white-knight cucks are going out of their way to do so
No she was just some stupid whore who got all starstruck after being exposed to a true all american upper class white male and passed out before she could cheat on her bf with him.
She can't afford to buy the correct shoe size, ffs?
why hang ten, just go to the next size up, the proper size.
I used to work in a shoes store, women would do this shit all the fucking time just so they could say "Seven" when asked their shoes size, instead of 8. wear painfully small shoes, or just stupid looking in Emma's case, all day simply to claim their feet are smaller than they really are.
It reinforces two things the media has been hellbent on establishing lately.
College Rape Culture.
White Privilege.
It doesn't really do either of those without distorting the facts, but anyway, that's why this trivial case is being pushed excessively by the media.
she's a vapid whore
No, Captain Sweden showed up and told the police he was raping a girl behind a dumpster
If you were drunk and trying to fuck and couldn't inside the party you would go behind a dumpster if you had to.
>white ******************people**********************
It's astonishing how much of his face is plastered on that fucking site. Saw a post saying that he poor white people are the reason he got away with it because they turn a blind eye to rich white people and now they have to deal with him.
>He was convicted of rape?
>which is the legal mumbo jumbo for rape.
It's not.
>That's how grills can rape other grills, legally.
They can't.
>Six months is a long time
Not really. He can be out in three, plus he will be in protective custody. Which would be hard if you were serving many years, but three months isn't so bad.
What will be damaging is;
1. The exposure.
2. The sex offenders registry (which in the U.S. is public and also bars him from living in many areas).
love how it literally was two swedes who caught him and reported it
such fucking cuckolds. if it had been a nigger pounding away at her unresponsive anus they would probably have high-fived him and rode on
>college campus
they were on frat row in the wide open and he fingerbanged her ajacent to some frats industrial garbage can while making out in a front yard.
Scum like all Americans. All Americans are literally niggers.
he will do his time in County Jail, and a very mellow one at that, no prison heirarchy
two male model/engineers happen by on bikes, the guy see them and bolts.
if this guy was black and ended up dead by a cop Sup Forums would be all over how he deserved it.
black or white, he's a dindu.
>and doesn't afraid of anything.
is that why he tried to run away?
They were walking down an embankment near a dumpster, when they went down to the ground (he says she fell and he went down with her). They weren't literally hiding behind a dumpster.
I think he is guilty of what he did, obviously.
The question is how intoxicated is someone to be completely out of control of their actions? Both participants were intoxicated, but he didn't appear to be too affected by the intoxication, he was at least conscious enough to know he was doing something wrong, and to run away, basically knowing he was guilty of sexual assault.
At the same time, the woman accuser was heavily intoxicated and void of all personal responsibility. Did she deserve to get fondled and humped? No, but she should have been more aware of her decision making processes. Stupid drunk whores like her get themselves into these situations.
For a first time offender, I think the sentence is pretty fair. Apparently from my knowledge they were leaving to go somewhere to have sexual activity anyways, and I think he didn't actually full on penetrate-rape her against her. He has to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life, his career is basically over, his life is basically over now that he is plastered all over the internet. He is far more fucked than his sentence entails, and I think 6 months is fair.
That said, nothing his family or friends have said or done has helped. He should have pleaded guilty, and his family should have shut the fuck up.
Go on Reddit and read every news thread about this guy though if you want to see some real self-righteous asshats trying to out-karma the most circle-jerk post about this guy. Every single thread is filled with the same exact people saying it isn't justice and he deserves to be assraped in prison for life.
>if it had been a nigger pounding away at her unresponsive anus they would probably get on all fours and wait their turn
>high-fived him
way too masculine for a swede
If this guy was black he wouldn't go to jail.
He fingered her while she was unconscious, or at least very close to it.
That's pretty much it. Literally everything else is irrelevant to the case because of that one fact. The law expects you to not do anything sexual to an unconscious person, and you are responsible for your actions while drunk.
>mfw Sup Forums is literally dindus
Fucking hypocrites
sounds even fishier this way lol
I've not spent one second of the recreational part of my life near a dumpster, and I'm sure the same goes for everyone else in this thread.
"We fell behind this dumpster, officer."
Not buying that shit.
he was getting his ass kicked while drunk by two guys when he "ran away"
There needs to be a Drunk and Horny law passed in the same strain as romeo and juliet laws; protection against something "illegal", not illegal.
one drunk person + sober person= sexual assault and/or rape
two drunk fucks, neither can technically consent, they still smash= not rape
knowing your a whore in the morning=/=rape.
Only because the two swedes would not have reported it.
>Sup Forums is hypocritical for asking why a white guy fingering a girl and getting six months in jail isn't enough, but a black guy violenting raping a girl and getting six months in jail is perfectly okay
Yeah, makes sense.
why didn't this nigger go to jail?
he was convicted of actual rape
"All he did is stick his fingers in the vagina of someone who was unconscious behind a dumpster. So what if he ran as soon as he was discovered?! He was scared of the Northern Europeans!"
Dindu af
1. You might be retarded. I've spent plenty of time smoking weed behind buildings, drinking behind buildings and god knows what else.
2. The location makes perfect sense for people going to hook up or even just hang outside the building.
The part of the story that's retarded is;
>Oh, she fell down. Then I fell down. And we decided not to get up and continue to her place and just get it on there.
I mean, I guess it could happen. But that's the part of the story I would expect to raise eyebrows, not "we got drunk behind a frat house and hooked up".
>He stuck his fingers in a girl while she was drunk! Why isn't he on death row!
>The black guy violently raped a girl, but six months seems perfectly reasonable, and we don't need to talk about it any further
Yeah, dindu af.
Dindus get falsely accused of rape too. But since their base rate is so high no one questions it.
>>The black guy violently raped a girl, but six months seems perfectly reasonable
Name ONE (1) case where that happened.
It doesn't. You're a fucking retard
I think Brok Turnr is a pretty cool guy. Eh sticks twigs up passed out girls cooter and doesnt afraid of anything.
Lets look at the nuances of the case to determine why his sentence was so low
First time offender, remorseful, drunk out of his mind, leaves with a girl who he says consented, she doesn't actually know if she did or didn't. Convicted of a sexual assault - not rape. This is not the same as dragging a girl into a van and raping her.
I could find thousands of first time offenders getting light sentences, white, black, whatever, the whole "this happened because he is white" is just random zero evidence nonsense, by liberals who got the story off huff post and think they can do a better job than a fucking judge with all the testimonials.
Trump says " a mexican judge may discriminate against me " - the entire media goes nuts, then a week later they produce headlines that suggest a judge would have thrown a way the key if this was a black guy.
kobe bryant ? oj simpson? oops
who actively tries to get someone to cum if they're raping them?
>"You took away my worth, my privacy, my energy, my time, my safety, my intimacy, my confidence, my own voice, until today."
Knowing the details of this case and reading this chick's letter is infuriating
This chick was wasted at a frat party about to fuck some dude while her BF was sitting at home
Personal responsibility for women is extinct