Lol stupid fucking white people

Lol stupid fucking white people
Remember who did teach you to take a bath probably
And who created your modern civilization

So that's why whites smell like shit and niggers smell great...

i thought you were nigger, not a chink? why do i have to squint to see this picture?



>shitposting about white people
>posts a thumbnail
Nigger go.

And because we never took baths our immune systems grew stronger, allowing us to take control of the New World so much easier

Hmm, I wonder what the Romans used their famous Bath houses for..

oh wait, OP is a clueless faggot

Why haven't you gone back to South Africa yet? I would of thought if you were leaving that shithole you'd go somewhere better, not WORSE.

too bad KANGZ never learned how to attach a properly sized picture

>black people
Pick one

>nigger can't even post a proper image, posts a thumbnail instead

lmao niggers gonna nig

Doesn't this painting depict a white sex slave being bathed by a black slave?

Citation please

So called "white people" need to go back to their caves, fucking Neanderthals. Pink skinned faggots. Black people are the only pure humans, and it's clear by our superior genetics.

Why do you think every cave bitch wants to breed with an actual pure human? Kek.


Daily reminder that negroids hadn't passed the level of sharpened sticks until about the early 1800's

You're not black Imhotep

you and your jpeg are shit

>we wuz white ppl n sheeeit

I loved those movies when I was a kid

yes I finally have a reason to post this

>What were Romans?

Why the shitposts lately egypt, and why are they so low quality?

hahaha sleep well in your mudhut shitskin


>smelling good

Pick one