>spring semester
>have half-black anthropology professor
>much of class is about race
>learn that from a bone fragment you can determine what race/sex that person was
>pretty cool
>one day she makes a joke about Europeans having lightbulb-shaped skulls
>joke was actually funny the way she delivered it
>take this as an OK to also make a joke
>blurt out "Yeah and Africans have monkey skulls"
>dead silence and disgusted looks
>niggress professor scolds me like a child
>"That was not appropriate."
>classmates are now awkward around me
>I'm now the ignorant bigot in class
>fucking niggers
Spring semester
not an argument
tbqhwu you took it a bit far
youre dumb
>take this as an OK to make a blatant insult against an entire race
>I reveal my power level in front of the entire class because I'm four years old and have no filter
>I can't judge social situations because I have autism and assburgers.
Saged for being verifiably retarded.
I would have laughed
kys racist
op... i mean that was pretty uncalled for
Well, your joke wasn't even funny.
Even in retrospect I think it was pretty funny tbhfam. It was just the content of it
>In liberal class
>Somehow think there will ever be social cue that will greenlight a racist joke
Ouch. Sorry OP. Should've contained that power level, especially in a liberal studies class.
Maybe your delivery wasn't that good.
You are a fucking retard, apes are more close to homo sapies than monkeys , that's why the looks retard, get your shit together boy
They guessed right
Why you mad?
Autism at its finest
>homo sapiens
Sorry Mexican Warlock, they're actually closer to Homo Erectus than they are Homo Sapien.
You're still right though, niggers are closer to apes than monkeys. Monkeys are also cuter and less assholish. They're whimsical and spry, where as apes are brooding and murderous.
If niggers evolved from monkeys they'd probably be far better for it.
Wo cares? Funny or not, you will meet death alone, with eternity less than the breadth of a strand of hair from you, you will feel the coldness of the universe as it engulfs your entire organism. No my friend, there are things of greater importance to care for than a stupid racist joke that was barely funny.
nice dubs, but check these trips praise kek :^)
>teacher makes vague joke
>become anally ravaged and scream racial joke with obvious negative connotation
>no one is amused
>become even more anally ravaged and get online
>not coming up with a clever retort
0/10 - apply yourself !
That's hilarious and made people face the fact it's true. If you said blacks had rectangle heads it wouldn't be offensive because it's not true. Here's a pic of a black child and a gorilla. Look at how similar their skills are
Autistic as fuck
> being this autistic
Dude you fucked up here for sure. Even if its true you just have to hide your power level at all times.
>it's shaped like a lightbulb because we're the only ones with any ideas in our heads
One time my old cat lady English comp Prof was attempting to draw a swastika on the whiteboard. She wasn't sure how it was and drew an obvious Hindu rune version. I started to correct her bc I I was basically expected to for my open trump support... and another two dudes behind me were like nah you gotta turn that thing and beat me to it.
>All the white conservative dudes knew their swastika orientations and other connotations.
>oy vey
"lightbulb" = ideas
wasn't a joke, your professor wasn't making a joke, she was acknowledging European superiority.
Also, if she is an anthropologist professor, why is she generalizing all of Europe as one group, when there quite different skull structures between European phenotypes. dolichocephalic, bracyphealic, etc....
>OP makes a thread clearly illistrating a obvious double standard
>all you fagots side with the scoffing liberals
fuck this board, it has turned to shit.
That's the problem with Sup Forums and the manosphere and all of this stuff OP.
Certain things mess w/ u, and it literally can change the way you act. Definitely the way you see things.
Its not autism, I think. But that barrier between thought and what you project is altered. I read Stoic philosophy, because it helps them control emotion. Not just shitlord tendencies, but anger, guilt, regret, excitement, anything I don't want to control me, or let others control me with.
Maybe you need to not hate them as much, and apply yourself that you may control your inner shit lord. Try Stoicism/classical philosophy. And if you already do, try harder
>>it's shaped like a lightbulb because we're so bright
literally anything was funnier than your joke OP
problem with your joke OP was that it wasn't clever and it relied on being offensive to be funny which is lowbrow
What? There absolutely are features common to most European skulls, African skulls, and so on. Forensic anthropology is one of the few sciences in which the concept of race is still considered useful. To an extent the same old terminology is still being used (Caucasoid, Negroid, & Mongoloid), although it's slowly being phased out, but the classifications themselves aren't obsolete.
It's not a double standard, idiot, his professor made a lighthearted joke with absolutely no malice behind it. His joke was clearly demeaning. Fuck off with your false equivalency.
fuck 'em
Anthropology is a """"""""science"""""""" based around writing fanfiction I mean """""""ethnogrophy""""""
Fuck the discipline.
Forensic anthropology, dude. It's essentially a hard science, has nothing to do with ethnography.
Most of the bullshit that gets published in anthro is in cultural anthropology. Archaeology isn't immune but goddamn if there isn't a lot of bullshit in cultural.
You should have said something about light bulbs and ideas. Just yelling monkey is pretty cool to I guess....
you're an idiot
You really should have gotten up in front of the class and made an apology to monkeys.
>jokes about whites are fine cuz their just "lighthearted"
>jokes about non whites are wrong because they have "malice behind it"
the bias deepens...
>To an extent the same old terminology is still being used (Caucasoid, Negroid, & Mongoloid), although it's slowly being phased out
I don't even.
Can't you see what's clearly been happening here?
>white men start anthropology
>unbiasely and correctly distinguish the differences
>Jews infiltrate the unis and add women
>suddenly the differences "disappear"
>conveniently fits the Bolshevik agenda
Sup Forums, you are blind as fuck now. Fucking shills are ruining uni courses now - everything from anthropology to psychology (should hear what I heard about that course)
That's the most autistic thing I have ever read in my entire life. Good job.
>Well, the jerk store called...
Is this the designated shill thread? Revealing power level is important so that others less brave can feel more comfortable doing it
>compares whites to a lightbulb which is a symbol of creativity
>compares blacks to a monkey which is a longstanding racist meme
you really can't see the difference?
>not understanding reverse racism doesnt exist
>making fun of whites for having lightbulb shaped skulls
oh uh... oh yeah its just the symbol of creativity!
>makes fun of black skulls in retaliation of someone making fun of his own skull
he said it was a joke not a compliment. how don't you see the double standard?
>getting this angry over a joke
jesus you people are just as bad as the dindus
Which one's the gorilla?
It's not racist unless you truly believe that blacks are monkeys. user, you're not a racist are you?
dindus rob and kill people
>we make a thread on Sup Forums
>proving my point
>proving my post
I'm black and I'm actually turned on when I'm compared to apes. I like porn when it has names like "silverback attack" "big black beast" etc. I would not have been offended
She looks like my gf. I need her to dress like that.
Way to take responsibility for yourself, conservAutism bro.