Post pictures and videos of our dear Führer
Hitler Appreciation Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Adolf Hitler: The Man they Call the Devil
This is my specialty
Nice video.
Greatest Story Never Told:
Thanks, I whipped it up in a few minutes, wish I could make it Sup Forums compatible but I can't get it down to 4 MB
Made this quick video on the anniversary of his death:
Hiter dindu nuffin wrong
Poor bugger wasn't the same after the assassination attempt.
He was just doing what was considered right at the time. Can't change it now.
i cri evrytim
yeah he only destroyed europe and brought about a gigantic wave of liberalism because he made people think nationalism and pride in your own culture is evil
what a great guy
>Hitler started WW2
have a free (you), chum.
Hitler lived in the shadow of the Kaiser. He wanted so badly to bring back the Kaisereich but failed miserably
delet this
>We could have stopped this
Here's one for you faggots
He invaded Poland you idiot.
If Wilhelm didn't invade Belgium, Europe would be still a white continent
> he destroyed europe
> hurr durr
WWII was a direct result of WWI and the harsh conditions enforced on Germany after it. You can't blame a brave man for trying to do the right thing for his nation and failing in the end.
>We let this happen
Yeah and who declared war first?
Why do you guys keep making these threads? Come on, stop staring at a brighter past.
Goodbye, Europe
Damn that mother fucker is tall.
Well, they should've given him Danzig then.
lol, as a middle eastern, I can't believe you idiots did this to yourselves.
>hitler didnt start ww2 he dindu nuffin wrong
wew lad. i know you ozzies love your shitposting but let's relax for a second here
Kaiser Wilhelm caused this. and Hitler wished he was just like him.
Germany, in 1914 - starting this whole shit show
ken oath
Indians love him.
Germany declared war on Poland. Not the other way around.
So he would stop demanding land after that? Just like he stopped after Austria and Bohemia?
You're an idiot. Giving up Danzig would not solve anything.
>American education
wew lads
Not my fault he has a rare flag. Fucking jews
ww1 was more of everyone's fault but you're retarded if you don't think germany directly caused ww2
If China attacks the USA and Germany glasses the world are they the bad ones again or what? Fucking moron...
remind me again why Hitler invaded Poland?
I wish I would have known him :'(
Poland killed over 50k Germans in Poland first
lebensraum u cunt
>He forced Rommel to commit suicide, in return for assurances that Rommel's family would not be persecuted following his death. He was given a state funeral, and it was announced that Rommel had succumbed to his injuries from the strafing of his staff car in Normandy.
Is that Hermann almost losing a piece of paper flying out of his hand. Kek
Yeah but why did Hitler want Germany to expand?
not an argument
I miss you Adolf
It's a message for hitler he would hand him behind Hindenburgs back saying:
Luv u
>believing nazi propaganda
You do realize that is not even the reason why Germany invaded Poland right? I seriously wish Germany was wiped off the map because of idiots like you.
misguided belief in racial superiority (we all know anglos are superior)
why am i getting sucked into the aussie shitpost trap someone please save me
The all time GREATEST Hitler video ever made
another good one
Parts of present day Poland belonged to Germany and were unjustly snatched after WW1.
Many of the people in these areas spoke German and they were being persecuted in their own homeland.
Hitler decided to invade to take back what belonged to Germany and to help his people.
The Soviet Union also attacked and annexed Poland.
France and the UK only declared war on Germany, initiating WW2.
explains a lot
He got tired of acts of aggression by the Polish Army against German citizens near the border.
Prussia is German clay and Austrians are Germans and they wanted to be part of the reich. And the rest was war and nice some lebensraum bullshit
Really is sad when you think about it. They war could have been prevented so easily by Churchill. Without Britain the US wouldn't have entered and everything woulda been fine. Hitler wouldn't have even needed to invade Russia. Damn joos.
>implying there are no German Anglos or Saxons
>implying Britain and America was not full of Celts and Picts
Also anglos are giant cucks to the jews because they are to scared to solve the problem once and for all they prefer to bow to the jew for short term victories but long term losses. Like UK lost its Empire and is now little Pakistan despite "winning" the war and the US is being taken over by spics and niggers. Good job eternal Anglo!
>Hitler decided to invade to take back what belonged to Germany and to help his people.
This is what Stormweenies actually believe
We're not done yet.
What was that thing that loads of Germans hated and Hitler promised to revoke?
You know the thing that took away loads of Germany's land which led to Hitler taking it back by force and led to WW2?
Do you hate friendship ? :/
Yeah no Anglos are disgusting and inbred
Because Poland refused to peacefully return the German lands they occupied
>militarised the Rheinland
>Annexed Austria
>Built up his navy to directly compete with the Royal Navy
>Annexed Sudetenland
>Invaded Poland
All these could probably be justifiable on their own, moving troops in his own country, protecting Germans in occupied land, but the fact that all these events took place in such a short space of time shows that Hitler was practically goading the west into war.
Hitler says in mein kampf (paraphrasing) that you need war in order for ordinary people to distinguish themselves as great people
i say anglo as a catchall for the british race aka a nice healthy mixture of nords, germanics, and celts. i dont care about you filthy german subhuman cucks. as i said earlier you destroyed europe and ultimately western society by making people equate nationalism with nazism
Hitlers hand was forced on his invasion of Russia. There was no not invading Russia on the books.
Historical evidence suggests that Stalin's forces were massed up in column formation near the border at the time Hitler invaded; which is what made it possible for Hitler's forces to advance all the way to Stalingrad like a hot knife through butter.
Russia was going to attack Germany and there was no chance of Germany surviving a defensive war on the Russian front. So he had to take the offensive.
He basically saved the rest of Europe from becoming part of the USSR.
>not all burgers are deadshits.
You know that how? Some great YouTube videos? Books from your stupid education system? You know nothing burger clapper
While we're on the subject of ww2 what does everyone think of the holocaust? Real or fake? Be careful what you say Germans
>He basically saved the rest of Europe from becoming part of the USSR
You do realize majority of the population was Polish. The only exception was the city of Danzig. You're a cuck worshipping a dead loser
Ah Austria annexed alright... And the next thing you will tell me is the Austrians doesn't wanted to be a part of the reich right?
i'm not even bluepilled or anything i'm pretty right wing but people who worship hitler and nazism are legitimately brain damaged. nazism did nothing good for the world and only pushed us to where we are today aka a world of cucked fucking western nations
Pick up a history book
Hitler the greatest story never told is not accurate. so don't be an autistic sperg and link that as a source like stormfags always do
Which is why he asked for the Danzig corridor, but war broke out. When you're at war you don't just take the chunk of land you want then sit their while the enemy regroups and attacks you, you press the advantage to force a settlement
Wait do you support Hitler?
>i say anglo as
Okay m8, other people also call them poodles or island apes but hey just go ahead.
By your lousy definition niggers and pakis are now "anglos" as well because they are part of your healthy mixture ya know?
And according to your loose definitions I will just call them anglos fnow.
> as i said earlier you destroyed europe and >ultimately western society by making people >equate nationalism with nazism
Right, the people who brought the bad message and tried to solve it are at fault not the ones who allies with judeo-bolsheviks and sold their Empire to American Jews just to stop them from doing it. Alrighty mate. I heard you are getting a shitload of new anglos coming to your country from Mexico?
>Many of the people in these areas spoke German and they were being persecuted in their own homeland.
even if that was the case, how does that justify the genocides? in some cities, nearly 60% of the civilian population was murdered, hows that okey?
This. This is why
>even if that was the case, how does that justify the genocides? in some cities, nearly 60% of the civilian population was murdered, hows that okey?
Just wait and watch the mental gymnastics these stormfaggots do to justify this