Who was right?
Huxley vs. Orwell
Orwell was up to like 10 years ago, still both were right
Kurt Vonnegut
This. FPBP.
Right about what you fag? Fuck your low-effort posting.
really makes you think
They both foresaw differing aspects of the NWO society being formed- Huxley knew the people would turn to pleasure, drugs, and apathy, Orwell knew fear mongering and false flags would drive war such as the Iraq War.
Orwell was correct in how the Govt would work/behave with its power (surveillance, proxy war, etc)
Im not as well versed in BNW, but Huxley was more right about the way the Govt would passify citizens with entertainment/information and over-socialization and stimulation.
Vonnegut is never mentioned as much, but I think his evaluation of our future, especially in Player Piano, fits very well with today
orwell was right
you don't know because huxley was right too
This, and the internet is an exact amalgamation of both philosophies as it is both the perfect tool to keep the public apathetic and an excellent resource for the government to surveil us.
Huxley was more right.
read We by Yevgeny Zamyatin
Inspired both Huxley and Orwell and eerily predicted Stalinism a solid 20 years before it actually happened. It's a great read.
Pic related for the translation I read
Huxley was more accurate in his dystopian future
Huxley was way more right.
Orwell feared ultra-powerful states that would scare us into submission by constantly monitoring us.
Huxley feared a world were we let our unrestrained desires run wild. He feared that we would become undisciplined and only seek out immediate pleasure. That is what is happening. Huxley also believed that most people would be fine with this new world and would embrace it.
>Orwell feared ultra-powerful states that would scare us into submission by constantly monitoring
What is the NSA?
This. Animal Farm was the means to which social divisions would lead to 1984 and eventually Brave New World.
Brave New World is basically the liberal hipster version of 1984 so no
The difference is that the NSA equivalent also exists in Huxley's world. The difference is that the NSA in Orwell ruled through fear and pain and people accepted it unwillingly. The NSA in Huxley's world is accepted and supported because it helps protect the degeneracy that the people love. The modern NSA is much closer to Huxley's example.
not even remotely comparable in power
I agree but look at the power abuses the government made after 9/11.
Great literary critique.
Criticising the government was illegal John Adams
Shit isn't new
Which we were totally complacent and even supportive off because it helped protect our "freedom" aka degeneracy.
Huxley is an ACID LMAO meme writer. His """"""""""theories""""""""" are useless and only teenagers think they're deep.
What about Huxley is so bad. Brave New World kind of predicts the modern world pretty well.
I thought it was a pretty good book right up until the end.
It has been a while since I read 1984, so I picked it up again yesterday to refresh my memory.
>women are the most loyal and bigoted members of the party, and the most restless fighters against heterodoxy.
He was right about more things that I remembered.
I think the ending is the ultimate black pill. Once degeneracy is allowed to go far enough there is no recovery or escape.