post 3 things that are overrated in your country, I start
1. beer
2. wurst
3. fun
post 3 things that are overrated in your country, I start
1. beer
2. wurst
3. fun
1. Tim
2. Fucking
3. Hortons
1. Multiculturalism
2. Communism
3. Anal
t. Mohammad
Yeap, czech beer is better.
Wurst is ok.
I can't say anything about my country, everything is great.
I second this.
The only people who preferentially choose Tim Hortons over any other coffee that I know of are fucking morons or smokers who can't taste anything anyway.
1. London
2. """""""""politeness"""""""""""
3. Lad """""""""""culture""""""""""
1. diversity
2. "freedom"
3. weather
I mean the little fun we have is overrated in my opinion. Fun isn't really necessary at all.
I haven't had fun in 5 years and I'm doing just fine.
1.Us being Jews
3.the "war"
>diversity and shitskins
>all big cities
1. Weed, it's actually absolutely not socially acceptable to smoke weed in public. DO NOT tell your boss either.
2. Tulips, haven't seen any in years.
3. Healthcare. Seriously, fuck off. I have to pay 100 euros every month without even being sick and another 300 at the end of the year because I went to the doctor for a check up once and my "own risk" has been depleted.
Fun is subjective, I have fun working with milling steel, or coding, or whatever.
You can subjectively and objectively not be good at something if you have fun doing it. Because enjoyment hinders perfection.
>Weed, it's actually absolutely not socially acceptable to smoke weed in public.
Even for tourists? Because I can't imagine they don't blaze it on the street
1. tim hortons
2. french """culture"""
3. maple syrup
1. a
2. fucking
3. leaf
1. Burgers
2. Celebrities
3. Hawaii
No, it doesn't. Perfection is fun.
1. Sex
2. Consumption
3. Sex
there is no such thing as perfection. There is always a way to do it better.
t. virgin
1. Football
2. Dress code
3. Rules
>fun is overrated
Yeah, That adds up.
Sex really is overrated
pls leave
what is zorg toeslag.
1. Freedom
2. The Flag
3. National Anthem
1. The danger of going outside
2. The quality of our banter
3. Australian pride
you forgot shitposting
>doctors' morals
I hope all tourists stay in that shithole of a town called Amsterdam. I don't know what goes on there. It's so ridiculously denegerate.
1. Rap music
2. Football
3. Basketball
lol why is this post deleted? AIDF is out in full force.
1 McDonalds
2 Football
3 Anal
>Not liking sausages
1. Mexifornia (why do foreigners like it?)
2. Driving a car everywhere
3. Jewlywood movies
Because it's warm.
>pls leave
Read the question. Football is 100% overrated in Germany. Football is completely irrelevant to our lives. It is a degenerate thing like no other. People should stop watching it. They can play it themselves, but should not watch it.
what about fire fighting?
all professional sports is literally the same games being played over and fucking over again for decades on end. i have no idea how it could entertain anyone with an IQ above 90.
Yeah that too, also helping our own citizens when our pm only cares about shit skins
1. Ronald Reagan
2. Andrej Babis
3. Milos Zeman
So redpill me on the red light districts are they well regulated?
1. Rye Bread
2. Beer
3. Niggers
Old Labour
Wetherspoons, the owner is based though
1. Pizza
2. Pasta
3. Rome
1, rapefugees
2. multiculturalism
3. Merkel
They're disappearing fast. If you want to get in on some action you better come soon. The whore street in my city has gone from like 20 windows or something five years ago to only 2 right now. No mayor wants to be the mayor that "increased human trafficking", which is the narrative the media are trying to perpetuate. That results in any law that would diminish prostitution being accepted immediately.
Also, the EU isn't too happy with it either, so any time some kind of law hits our coalition, it'll get accepted too. After all, we're the chairmen of the EU right now. If we don't stay "neutral", our leaders won't get a cushy job in some kind of ministry or university or bank making five times what they are now after they can't run for office anymore.
Oh and to get back to your original question, they are regulated enough. Especially in Amsterdam's more well known streets.
If you think you're put in a room with a victim of human trafficking, tell the police immediately. You WILL be held liable for not speaking up when they find out.
This tbfh
Literally everything, saying its the best of south america means nothing, the best shithole it's still a shithole.
1. Our food
2. Our weather
3. Our women
wurst is never overrated you fucking traitor scum!
I'd shoah Natalie Portman's vagina if you know what I mean.
partying in general
our mountains
our country being so high
strict hooker and drugs law
n shiet
>wurst and beer
Triggered. There's not much we do right these days but these two are pretty good.
Brah, flyover country is the worst, fuck this continent.
>live in eastern Colorado
>tornados and hail one day
>searing heat wave the next
>raging blizzard the day after
Northeast Ohio here, weather is pretty based, /comfy/ winters and hot bUT nice summers. Spring and fall is always a nice mixture.
Wurst is pretty good though!
why do some many people give a rat's ass about folks who were in a movie. Big screaming deal, they make a living playing pretend ffs.
1. Niggers
2. Presidents
3. Obama
1. The country itself (Scotland)
2. The Scots
3. Anything to do with the first 2
Holy dick, you actually have those?
Yeah, why do you think we got chosen for those movies?
Just curious, when's the last time you were in CO.?
1. Football
2. Chicken
3. Wanna-be gangsters
>Hollywood and pop culture
>Social media
I always thought your country was kind of a random location for a movie, but I never thought about too much.
So do they really have hairy feet and shit?
1. Fun
2. Happiness
3. Crab mentality
1. (dude) weed (lmao)
2. Tim Fucking Hortons Starbucks is better, and almost everything else
3. Immigrants
How the fuck is diversity strength.
Pros: new foods (but could've been acquired through, I don't know... the Internet??)
Cons: racial tensions, cultural tensions, problems with self-segregation, crime increase (due to poor education), more voters who only vote on a self-serving basis, people less loyal to the country, more rapes due to people coming from literal rape culture countries, daking jerbs (is actually a serious problem and people who mock this are fucking retard Marx-lovers who don't know Marx himself opposed foreign immigrants who were used to poorer working conditions and would thus outcompete national workers. Also, why the fuck do these retards who love to spout this South Park meme love to dismiss the argument b/c they take lower-end jobs, and then proceed to mock those who lost their jobs with statements like "maybe u shud get a better job lmao" when they are often of the working class who can't just get a better job. Why is the "left" the worker's party UNTIL the topic is on immigrants at which point they stop caring about them. Also the South Park writers are Libertarian, which explains why they would make the "dake our jobs" meme, b/c they don't believe in strong government protecting the jobs of nationals - seriously fuck these Canadian left-wing cucks, I am left-wing but I am not a cuck, god damn, just prep the government-mandatory bull.)
ok, that's all
No wait.
I don't understand why it keeps getting posted in places like r/cityporn. Toronto is quite literally the most generic city on earth. It doesn't have distinguishable buildings except the CN Tower, which is now just a constant reminder of former glory, disappointment, and ugly as fuck.
Yeah, we're kind of dicks about it and have basically forced them to live in Hobbiton and dress like they're from the movies.
Still, they do make shit tonnes from the tourist bucks.
1. Haggis
2. Neeps
3. Tatties
What about Irn Bru?
I prefer it to coke so i wouldn't call it overrated.
But muh NHS
Nobody has ever rated them things
1. Vampires
2. Gypsies
3. Hungarians
1. KGB
2. Passion for potatoes
3. Poverty
So,they re cosplaying midgets?
1. Football
2. Athens
3. Thessalonica
1. Syrup
2. Hockey
3. Islam
>New York City
>Social media
>live in most German part of Canada
>only time when you are legally allowed to have fun in Oktoberfest
Honesty, the Germans are boring 90% of the time but when they party you better prepare your anus.
My first Oktoberfest I was so drunk I thought I had passed away.
>live in colorado mountains
>best place on fucking earth
hahahaha you live in fucking kansas WHY WOULD YOU LIVE THERE ON PURPOSE. I have friends in Yuma. holy shit what a shithole
>being somehow based
honestly we are a socialistic shithole, aimed towards becoming a second greece
>our migrants
Having worked with them, after a while I stopped to even introduce myself as hehe polish (was a moving job).
> ...
there are no much positive stereotypes that I could even tackle on. tells you all about the country.
>army service
>housing crisis
1. Democracy
2. Socialism
3. Submarines.
why live?
well, submarines are actually useful, just not the ones we have
- Beer
- Women
- Atheism