Trump wants to deport this

>Trump wants to deport this

She looked much cuter before her nose job.

they can come, but they have to come legally.




get. the. fuck. out.

I'd rather vote for el güero anaranjado because I'm not a pozzed shitlib.

yes please. get that shit out of here.

fuck off, paco


Mexibros, if you had to vote for someone, would you choose Hillary or this man?

That's a 5/10




i would lick her feet but thats about it

Liberals are the racists for automatically thinking she's an illegal for being mexican.

If she's illegal get out

If she's legal and can speak english, then she could stay

Is that real? I'd never seen that one before.

Anyway, did this chick ever release nudes? She's a legit qt


so if a 85 IQ Mexican has piece of paper some Jew wrote up saying it's all legit then everythings fine

where are these dipshits coming from

She lives in Mexico and has never been in the US in her life.

I miss sinaloa :(


Neat. Latinas really are the best.

oh ok then she shouldn't come to America
Well of course they should require to speak really good english and take multiple tests for a long period of time to prove they have an understanding of basic American culture and history and prove that they are emotional non aggressive.




Why not stay here?
Come closer.

She looks Mexican though... No aryan men would want that smelly pussy.

she has a manly face

S-s-she can be anything you want, Messi.

Oh, trust me, I'd be closer than rape. But I'm not white. Tryna look out for the #1 race

Poor thing is racist against herself.

Cute enough, too bad she's fucking stupid-crazy.

WTF? #ImInLove now


What do hispanic women's pussies smell like? I live in North Dakota, I've only ever been with white women.


How can niggers even compete?


That doesn't sound bad, is that supposed to be bad?

I'd pay good money to watch her fuck Evalion though.

I was joking. Texas here. The Mexicans I dated were conservative and obsessed with hygiene. So, I never smelled anything but shampoo and lotion.

Batshit insane man. I've stuck my dick in enough crazy to recognize it, but you seriously shouldn't have any trouble spotting it in this case. The picture in OP is plenty of warning. A brown-skinned black-haired black-eyed 'shitskin' who only wants 'whites' is no more likely to be sane than a blue-eyed blonde pale-skin who only wants the black dick.

Which is to say the chances of sanity are absolutely zero. I'd stay away.


>''''she'''' can be anything you want

How about being a female and attractive for starters

Bad fish.

>oh wait I see an Argie comment, I must reply 'argentina is white' without reading what he say
Fuck off, I'm not white and I never say I was.

If she is illegal, then she should fuck off or made herself legal, simple as that.
Instead, she sits in her house, showing to the internet that she is a shallow whore.

Interesting. I might go find me a hispanic girl to date for a while. Just to see what it is like, I mean if the aryan obsessed Nazis couldn't resist them...

Don't be so naive to think the only difference is a piece of paper

We have to deport the jews too, user


That fuckin picture lol

Jesus, Denmark, you're slowly winning me over...


why is her left eye lower than her right eye
is she a bit deformed?


put an anchor baby in them and send them back

when mexico turns white we annex

It's a lolipop, user.

I'm a white guy with blonde hair and blue eyes. What would my kids look like if I procreated with a latina?

She's gotten fat

Have you seen recent pictures?

Does she get naked or not

>that nose
Basically a nigger. Don't fall for the "eating out Torchi's taco on Tuesday" meme

Haven't seen anything recent. Her facebook has everything hidden.

Kinda like Selena Gomez. Shes half White.
unless she has more recent Euro Genetics. Then really white.


Like shit

This is not related to what i asked.

I'd impregnate them both in my growing harem. Even if Evalion is an idiotic cunt, I melt for her voice.

There are pictures of her naked, she's gross.


Damn, those amerindian genes must be pretty strong

only the illegals ones

Prove it

Are Mexicans Aryan?

These nudes are fake, though. It's just a lookalike.

Got any recent photos? They are hard as fuck to find. Like a treasure hunt searching through archives of the ancient internet. Kinda fun.


>moving to Spain soon
>just as the Spaniards took the Indian women, I the eternal anglo will take theirs

I am sorry. Your fellow African American patriots got there first.

How can white americans even compete?

You can have a simple answer, or a true answer, but not both.

There's the Selena Gomez answer another user gave you, and that's probably the closest to a true answer you can get without complications. Decent chance of that. Remember unless she's a flat-faced mestizo or a negra most of her ancestry is probably just as European as yours. The pale-skinned brunette with dark eyes is a very common outcome either in first generation or many later.

On the other hand it's also possible that they'll look just like you, or just like her, and that's not too rare. It's perfectly feasible for one to be darker, or lighter, than either of you, although at that point we are getting to the rare stuff.

Here's an example, these two are full sisters, non-identical twins from the same parents verified via DNA.

Nope, I don't have any

Why would I save her pics when I strongly dislike her?

that is what trump has said, why are you so butthurt?

I don't know, user.

I-i-i-it's n-not like I like h-her, either.

lol, she's even got a chihuahua

If someone were to figure out her ancestry, then we might be able to determine if they'll be lighter or darker.
It's possible she has some Arab in her as well. One of the girls I dated was Mexican with some Arab in her. Short, cute, and has an amazing ass.

where can I get moar?

post her feet

lol you sound just like my wife

that's not a chihuahua, just a tiny dog

Why are you faggots so obsessed with her not being white? I personally wouldn't date a black person ever though, but come fucking on. She's pretty cute and most of you can't deny that.

Hell, I wish I knew.

Only if she's illegal

she's 100% my type.

latinas who look like her turn my dick diamonds like nothing else.


Fuck you OP, and other shitposters on Sup Forums. You have given me an unironic fetish for Latina women, now other women aren't doing it for me.


I'd bang her in that smelly dog house.

What's your race?

>Aryan men

So clearly more than one. Praise Trump.

>it's a Sup Forums turns race traitor episode

Absolutely degenerate.

You have a country full of blondes, and more women than men... you should be swimming in blonde pussy.


I was never white to begin with, i'm native american.
