So our biggest enemy the ultra kike is buying a lot of gold. And he's getting rid of many parts from his stocks...
My cryptos are going to the moon.
This guy is a huge investor. People track what he does. That means influence. Whatever people deduce from these actions, it was calculated by Soros when he took those actions. He can affect the markets just by trading.
Do you have trump coins too?
This is the guy who said he sees no reason for any individual or country to ever buy gold, and who pretty much had his way in global economic decisions.
He knows Brexit is happening.
Market crash to follow
Pretty simple, anyone with a brain can see it coming
What stocks is he shorting?
How do we know the gold buy isn't a response to chinas gold backed yuan?
All of this means that his plans are not working as well as he had hoped. That or this is just another step in his elaborate plan to eliminate national borders and turn the entire world into one shitty unified hellhole.
He's the biggest bastard in this world. Never trust a Jew I hope he's die soon. Hypocritical af
Didn't he recently convince Canada to sell all its gold?
Except Israel of course
technically this isnt new and below 1300 a ounce it is low versus its 1900 a ounce high of a few years ago
the problem is that the regulators stepped in and said its value was to high vs platinum which is more rare. gold investing was allowed to go unchecked for to long and created a bullshit notion of dollar vs gold mentality which the dollar was always on the loosing end of
the chinese yuan is gold backed dont expect it to even get to 1400 a ounce .1200 a ounce is probably where it stays mostly as far as a yearly average for a while
If we get a massive collapse around August it would be ideal, people will be pissed off and Obama will like shit.
yea which he probably bought
>not dumping your stocks for gold
cmon people, we've reached the end of growth and it's going to get ugly
>What will happen in the near future?
The market crash has nothing to do with Brexit though. It's been a zombie market since 2008.
you're literally retarded. no one wants gold in a social collapse. buy bullets and water if your plan is to survive
You have very weird concept of social collapse, that's because you live in basically wild country, with niggers and spics, but in normal world, water is not needed to buy, people have wells and stuff, and water access is never a problem.
Gold is great, because after collapse ends, guy who have most gold wins.
Everyone knows that the crash is coming, the only question is "when".
The establishment here is desperately hoping that it comes after this November, so it can get its foot in the door for political power before the accompanying tidal wave of popular anxiety sweeps in.
>guy who have most gold wins.
That never made any sense to me. Gold is just a useless shiny rock. It can't be made into weapons or armor because its too heavy. What the hell is the point of dragging it around?
Because after storm comes the calm.
When crisis ends, and it will inevitably end, or everybody is utterly fucked, gold will be used to stabilize currencies. This is why kikes gather it, so they can dictate their prizes and their ways.
And this is why it is important to gather as much gold so they will not have it. Trade it for sandwiches, pussy, shelter, does not matter. Soros without money is just bitter old fuck. If somebody would riot in front of his house, he would kill himself.