Call 020 7219 3000 and ask to be put through to the MP you wish to speak to, they can be leaders of the party of in political roles, not just your local MP. To phone your local MP at their local constituency office, you will find the contact details online. Or through social media.
>be calm, courteous and polite
make your points clearly and explain why you think your MP should represent the British people NOT corporations, lobbyists and unelected commissioners.

>EU referendum: Independent poll puts Brexit 10 points ahead


remainers 45%

>Billionaire entrepreneur Sir James Dyson says Britain better off out

>Vote 'Remain' and UK will require seven new prisons by 2030 to deal with EU migration, Brexit camp claims

>Germany threaten Britain with wartime-like sanctions.

>what is BREXIT
BREXIT is an IN or OUT vote of the European superstate. A vote to remain IN is to keep handing over more and more national lawmaking ability and working towards a globalised federal Europe. A vote LEAVE will stop these powers being given to the unelected EU commissioners and to regain the powers, nationally, we have already lost.
>But I don't want to be associated with Boris etc.
You are not alone. The tide is changing.. Many Labour/Dem etc MPs and political commentators from all backgrounds are now choosing to LEAVE.
>wont the Remain campaign pull some dirty tricks?
using Boris (who is hugely unpopular outside London and in the North) was a sly move. They will try rig the postal vote and even have BREXIT supporting Trump (very unpopular in the UK) visiting the UK the day before the vote.


Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off remainer wanker


I am going to be so proud of my country if they vote to leave

But if the country votes to remain the shitposting will be off the charts.

Don't fucking disappoint me, guys.


They won't do shit. Can you imagine Germany telling their businesses that they won't be able to sell all those cars and shit to a massive market?

yet, they threaten


showing the true colours of the EU

What do the betting odds say?

We are doing this, lads!

Betting odds are being backed by EU (promised compensation for skewed odds).

they know it's rigged.

bookies' job is to have the inside knowledge

stay 2/5
leave 9/4

the FIX is in

they're backed by the fact elites have invested billion$$$ in the EU superstate and are banking on the UK remaining IN

>making a new thread at 184 posts

I want to leave too Thailand but you're being a retard.


but Corbyn is a fucking traitor
the worst of them because he was meant to have true conviction and the working class have supported him forever.

what a wanker

>Germany threaten Britain with wartime-like sanctions.
I fucking hate Germany. Cancer of this continent

this isn't Britpol

britpol is here
I have no interest in celebrities, politicians or celebrity politicians

I don't think the people support it
It's just idle threats because they know their fucked without us

>I don't think the people support it
You are wrong. Germans are followers by default, with all the ordnung bullshit. They will support whatever their government will tell them to support

The people don't have to support it.
That's the beauty of the EU.

They will still be able to sell their shitty autos to us.

Germans are either dumb liberals who ignore all the shit or switched on patriots who are now seeing the EU and Merkel for what they are

b but it's democracy

VW BMW shitty?.

I hope the UK buys back MG, LOTUS etc

>Call 020 7219 3000 and ask to be put through to the MP

Proxy bump. Do it britfags

I'm doing it ladyboy friend.

Isn't this referendum just for show and has no legal authority?



Glad to hear it my obese diabetic Burger eating friend

This is what they'll say when we vote leave. They'll try an EU-LITE version

It's basically a vote of affirmation to go ahead with drafting a formal exit plan over the next two years which will be voted upon again.

My concern is that if they vote Leave that they'll just draft up a plan so shitty that nobody will want to vote to support it.

Hopefully a change in government will fix that

As far as I am aware all establishment parties are as pro-EU as one can possibly be. If they were not, they would not be establishment parties.

>tfw it'll be Austria all over again.
>polls stating leave is winning
>first counts after election day will say leave is indeed winning
>oy vey, remain won by 0.1% goyim



They are bought and paid for
And would not be in a position of power were they not

This is another reason to hate the eu

It will be rigged but with a 5 percent plus lead we should be able to overwhelm them

>implying general election if leave wins

Schäuble tries to get himself into position for the presidential election, hes going full Merkel/EU bootlicker right now

however he also said that even the possibility of a Brexit shows that the EU is not doing well and the answer can not be more european """integration""", so hes realistic at least.

Gerxit support at 33%. Its something

I believe in the meme magic

Brexit will Brappen

I'm so fucking scared were not going to get out of this Union, lads. I'm procrastinating work over it every day.

there will be leadership contests
hopefully get rid of the the traitor Corbyn as well as Cameron


Yes, they're trying every dirty trick and propaganda everyday. They're worried, They'll try to fix the post ballot.

we can do it

holiday, expat or proxy?

Just found this. Made me tear up a bit desu

fucking greeks being too much of pussies to pull it off

they need a push

They wanted out, the EU fucked them into the ground.


soon they can have revenge

bubble and squeaks can be crazy protesters/rioters

>17 years and we have forgotten how to govern
>you aren't capable of sovereignty

Fear mongering cucks are getting nervous.

They take 'several years' because the EU has to listen to the interests of fucking useless countries like Romanian Gypsies and Italian tomato farmers who hold up negotiations.

The United States has a fucking agreement with Oman:

I'm pretty sure Britain could get one too.

So... Is Britain leaving EU similar to Texas seceding?

What if I called an MP?
Who should I ask to speak to?
Should I fake an accent? I'm pretty good at Irish.

Don't be a retard, user.

I was born to be a retard.


the opposite of Mexico joining you faggots

All right then, go for it.

be real

be honest

tell the truth

the MPs are not representing you or the people and are pushing lies and propaganda, as well as insults and slurs.


I honestly don't care if they go so far as to impose a trade embargo on us. We'll just buy more American and Japanese cars while Germany's economy crashes from losing one of their biggest markets.

Of course it won't happen because the EU won't disobey their corporate masters, and when the Netherlands and Denmark sees us flourish without the EU chaining us down as the Eurozone continues to stagnate, they'll be right behind us.

r/europe seems to want to sanction britain if they leave the eu because how dare they leave it

Well the MPs shouldn't really be representing me, I'm not British.

worth a try

you don't have to give a name and address and you can request to leave a message for anyone

>sanction britain if they leave
And how do they propose to do that if they are no longer part of the EU?

Cucks, lmao.

If we actually do Brexit I'm pretty sure hundreds of thousands of people are going to flood the UK before the freedom of movement laws are revoked. Just a hunch.

What if you just stop them? What will anyone do about it?

They probably get their welfare checks paid by the Brits,Swedes,Danes,Dutch and Finns and they will get less if the Brits leave

they can't do shit but our media will call us racist and evil. twats

and they can flood out again
fuck off we're full

yeah thats right. i was mainly thinking of SYRIZA boasting around before the no-vote, getting a huge backing from the fed up people and then doing nothing at all.

contrary to most other europeans greeks surely show their hate for their government, too bad their government is as cucked as it is

Especially since their labour force supposedly went through the roof last year

was fake opposition and conned the people
NO doesn't mean NO in Greece

I'd rather buy Toyota anyway

exactly, why would they fuck themselves?
they wouldn't

but we should remember the threats when buying things

If we don't get out now it will be later. the EU is going down the shitter. There's no way the UK will settle for the 'you don't get another referendum' crap.

there will never be another referendum as the population will be so fragmented and diluted it will be impossible to leave.

This is what the EU want. a Euro-people no nationality just a workforce with few rights

globalists have nearly won

nigga you american


he's talking about Der Mutterland

fuck yes


There's a lot of people who still believe in the EU fantasy. It's changing. More people are starting to open their door and look around

>nigga you american
Why not both?

Voting to leave btw.

So leaving is right wing and staying is left wing so im guessing pol wants to leave. Good thread.

The Queen seems rather thrilled in that picture.


honestly cunts like Corbyn are trying to stop people from voting Leave. He was someone who was anti-EU and popular with the working-class. Now he's decided to be a traitor

But nevertheless people are waking up

if you buy into the propaganda, yes.

however it's informed and logical Leave - Vs - insult shouting and ignorant Stay

ignore Boris he's a plant. Never trust tories, they'll always flip flop and be on the side that pay$$

there's a corgi under her dress


Does anybody know where exactly Eddie got the study that found "immigrants have contributed 2bil to the economy"?

He's mentally unstable. I have no idea who thought it would be a good idea to put him next to serious politicians.

Also don't forget, #WeAreAllBrussels


he's linking it directly to increases in population via other countries.

It doesn't account for costs or crimes

>rapes have risen also but he so far hasn't got round to mentioning it yet

Also is this tranny the new Russell Brand for shilling?

>James Dyson supports brexit
>Remain camp: 'yea but u supported the euro to n u were rong then'

Are remainers really so desperate as to use support for the euro to attack someone's credibility? Most remainers supported the single currency themselves.

What does having a 'strong economy' actually mean in real terms lads? Keep hearing about how we're the '5th strongest economy in the world' but I don't know what they're actually referring to - it doesn't seem to have much link with quality of life.

that's Eddie Izzard

a 'comedian' so they say

who's decided to shill heavy for Remain

He even pulled out the "i'm a trans male so listen to me" card in a debate

They mean that Britain's Gross Domestic Product is the 5th largest in the world.

Your purchasing power is far more important than the total sum of goods bought and sold.

You know muh bankers muh bonuses that lefties prattle on about? It's that. Suddenly we need to start listening to bankers and big business as they're so altruistic and certainly aren't furthering their own goals.

So it's a pretty shitty measure of comparison then? Would this one be better ?

>be leader of Britain Stronger In Europe
>sell smoothies labelled "Innocent" which are 30% sugar
>appear on panel as a "small business" owner
>in reality a mouthpiece for mega-corp Coca Cola's EU interests
>be such a shitty employer a guy literally died in your factory mixing fucking fruit juice
>get knighted Sir Remain by your pal Cameron

fuck this shill

For any sane person, yes. China has a much bigger GDP than Swizerland. But would you rather be Chinese or Swiss?

A lot of people have been conned into worshiping GDP like a god. Elites don't give a fuck about our living standards going to shit and cost of houses rocketing so long as the money keeps flowing to them.

GDP per capita is a far better metric


Bamping BREXIT

>massive swing to brexit
>implying this isn't just part of the scaremongering

Scary polls will just convince the average bong to vote remain, just like the Labour-SNP scare convinced everyone to vote for Blairism-lite.

There will be a brexit, nice get btw.