Nightly Islam Thread - Thirsty Mode

Good evening, Good Morning, Good afternoon and As-salamu alaykum.

Welcome to the Sup Forums nightly Islam thread, a space for dialogue and understanding.

Myself and my Muslim brothers and sisters will try our best to clear up any misunderstandings or misgivings you may have about the world's fastest growing and oldest religion, Islam.

New reverts to Islam, please speak up in here and share your stories.

As always, serious questions will get serious answers. Islamophobic comments/memes will be ignored, hidden and wordfiltered.

To my fellow Muslims and new converts: Ramadan Mubarak. How is the fasting going? Are you sticking with it? Are you always eating your suhur meal?


Tfw in middle of exams and staying focused to study while fasting is pretty hard.

Go back to fucking goats.

Why do you support a god that had sex with a minor?

What is the main reason you choose to follow Islam compared to other religions?

Genuinely interested.

Steadfast brother.

I suppose we're lucky that the government here will move the national exams if they conflict with fasting. Egypt should get on that...

Islam is the original, uncorrupted path laid out by Allah (SWT) and restored to its glory by the revelation to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in the form of the Qur'an.

To put it crudely, following any other faith is akin to using buggy software on a computer filled with malware - except the computer is your life, and the software is everything you do.

I don't care how many of you fucks come trickling in here because of our meme PM. Most of your kind wont survive the winter and those of us who are not leftist cucks will destroy all that remains of your kind.

I don't get it. Why post on Sup Forums if you know literally 95% of the people on here hate you? Wouldn't it be better to post on Sup Forums?

Kill you all soon


Why aren't you banned yet?

Why do you keep posting this shit? No one on /pol (sandniggers excluded) likes islam.

>those of us who are not leftist cucks will destroy all that remains of your kind.
>I...It's not like I even love you or anything... baka

How many Muslims have you destroyed so far, Canada-Kun?


Fuck you, have salami and bacon you ignorant inbred fucking retard

>tfw no qt muslim gf



>Islam is the original, uncorrupted path laid out by Allah
How are you so sure of that? What can you say to other religious people who say your software is buggy? What can you cite other than your holy book that proves that?

Mohammed was disowned by his family when he was kicked of of Mecca. He went to Medina, recruited an army and slaughtered the people of Mecca.

Pastafarianism is the original, uncorrupted path laid by the only true god. The quran is just a fake.

Prove me wrong.

Fuck you.

excellent trap.

1. Islam is a political ideology, and this is a politics board
2. Islam is conservative, promotes family values, anti-feminist, anti-liberal and so is Sup Forums
3. Sup Forums talks about Islam *all the time* yet clearly knows very little, so I'm here to educate
4. Da'wah
5. We actually have Islam threads all over Sup Forums, not just Sup Forums.

This is on-topic. Don't like it? Go bother another thread.

Want to learn about the one true path? Stick around.

Islam is cancer

Why aren't you banned yet?

Gee, don't you think you're been a bit dismissive of other people's religions there buddy? For a religion that claims they are so accepting of others, and one that complains they are never 'accepted' by western society you are been pretty hypocritical...

Anyways , goodluck with the thread, you might need it.


1. No, this isn't a politics board, it's the >politically incorrect board, by its very nature Sup Forums ignores politics.
2. Yeah but there's people on here that are feminist, liberal and don't promote family values, yet almost universally agreed upon is their hatred of Islam.
3. Sup Forums knows more about Islam than I think most people, including Muslims.
4. Yep
5. This is literally the last place you will have success with your proselytizing.

Since you can't answer a simple question like that Indian muslim guy, we'll play true or false. True or False, did Mohammed marry and have sex with a 9 year old?

that's not what I said. I asked why you keep shilling for your dunecoon religion when you obviously know how people will react.
Is it just to troll or do you unironically hope to make people love islam?

Well seeing as I would go to jail for murder if I just went around shooting them, none. I'm waiting until there is a critical mass of Muslims here and they start lobbying for Sharia law. Then I'll go inna woods and start the guerrilla war. I will admit our government was stupid for sending our soldiers into places like Afghanistan and trying to fight Muslims on their own turf. But this is our land, and we know it better than you sand people ever will. YOU WILL NEVER CONQUER THIS LEAF! NEVER!

But Islam is not a religion you silly goose. It's just a dangerous and retrograde political ideology designed for conquest.

Muhammad (SAW) and the revelation of the Holy Qur'an took place in the clear light of history. Even Christian records attest to the events as described.

The only basis for a Christian denial of the authenticity of the Prophet Muhammad's revelation is a denial of revelation, period.

If you disagree, I'd like to know on what other basis a Christian can reject the Qur'an.

I don't have to; that is merely an analogy based on Russel's Teapot, which was created to be absurd and believable.

On the other hand, the Prophet Muhammad has the immutable word of the Qur'an, the victories of the Islamic Caliphate, and the Sunnah tradition in the Hadith to back it up. It's not merely a "claim" with no substance, as you seem to be implying.

fuck islam


Do you think wife should obey husband?
Are you for or against honour killing?
Do you think people leaving Islam should be killed?
What are the minorities rights like in Islamic countries?

>the victories of the Islamic Caliphate
wew lad. Sure sounds like a peaceful religion.

Sup Forums is a muslim broad

We need a hiro to ip block ahmed the goatfucker.

>I'd like to know on what other basis
I asked you to cite first, and you haven't. You are making the claim without evidence.

I can reject a claim without using evidence when the claim itself isn't backed up with evidence.

So I ask again. What can you cite other than your holy book that proves that Islam is the original, uncorrupted path?

>an analogy based on Russel's Teapot
Yet you haven't proved Russel's Teapot wrong, have you? It's a claim without evidence. Therefore you can dismiss it without evidence.

> fasting

Yeah, sure. I've met enough muslims in my life to know that this is just another lie. Ramadan is actually a feasting month where you indulge on sugary sweets the whole night and when you get hungry during daytime you just grab a snack anyways when nobody is looking (well surprise goatfucker, we can smell it in your breath). And then you start whining "ülülü don't you know we have Ramadan? Can't you give this job to Bernd and I'll catch up with my work when our most holy month is over and I regain my strength?" - A WHOLE FUCKING MONTH, and the only thing you gain is weight from those fucking sweets. What kind of fasting makes you gain weight? Fuck, kill yourself.

Fuck off

>For a religion that claims they are so accepting of others
People. Accepting of other people. Not of their religions.

I respect believing Christians, and I have Christians whom I consider to be friends.

That's not the same as agreeing with their religious teachings.

A believing Christian can live a good, pious and honest life, and is as far as I'm concerned 90% correct in their way of living. Far better than an atheist for example.

>1. No, this isn't a politics board
Yes it is. It was news, then it was politics, and they changed the name to politically incorrect as a warning for people who casually click it without knowing it's been hijacked by stormfags.
>2. Yeah but
Yeah but
>3. Sup Forums knows more about Islam than I think most people, including Muslims.
If that were the case, I wouldn't spend most of these threads correcting ignorant people
>4. Yep
>5. This is literally the last place you will have success with your proselytizing.
You'd be surprised.

It depends. Her age is disputed in several Hadith. The one I personally believe to be most trustworthy does indeed state she is 9, however others claim her to be 12. Whatever the true age, all of them agree that she was biologically mature, and that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) waited for her biological maturity.

If he was unconcerned with her biological readiness, he would have consummated their marriage when she was 6, yet he didn't.

In [current year] you shouldn't really be posting plans for murdering people, even if you're just being tsundere.

Daily reminder that Islam is a religion of conquest that seeks to spread it's ideals by sword and blood. Just as their fathers, the Juden, they will attempt to pass themselves off as peaceful. Do not be fooled, for they will only bring destruction in the end.

Remember to
all Muslim threads.


>Far better than an atheist for example.
In what ways? You're being quite vague.

I trink there actually is no """refugee crisis""" but an islam crisis. Islam has to undergo a reform to change the incredible bad reputation in western countries and to stop people from going full radical mode. You have to become more liberal in case of women and other religions to suite the western ideology.

What are you and your brethren do to make islam a religion of peace like you always say? Do you think islam will ever have a modernisation?

He makes my wee wee squirt knowing that just seeing this photo can get your ass beheaded.

Why has the religion of the one true god objectively created more evil in the world than polytheistism?


Well let's start with the fact that they think they're succeeding. Do people who feel successful have a major life rethink?

Careful you aren't standing near him if he does.

lack of dissenting voices?

>Whatever the true age, all of them agree that she was biologically mature, and that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) waited for her biological maturity.

biological maturity =/= mental maturity

Or an evil god.

>Do you think wife should obey husband?
Of course. The truth of this simple claim is evident in all societies where this has stopped being the prevailing attitude.

What is the consequence of a breakdown of the family unit?

The answer is literally all around you, friend.

>Are you for or against honour killing?

>Do you think people leaving Islam should be killed?
It depends. The apostasy concept to which you refer - riddah in Arabic - is more complicated than... for example... a Muslim changing their facebook status and attending a Catholic mass.

You have to understand, Islam is not just a "faith" in the casual modern Western sense. Islam is a way of life. It is a solution for all areas of life - politics, education, reproduction, art, love etc. etc. etc.

For a Muslim, to engage in riddah is analogous to "treason" in the Western sense.

Most societies treat treason very, very seriously, and Islam is no exception.

>What are the minorities rights like in Islamic countries?
It depends again, since not all Islamic societies are the same. Here in Indonesia, the world's most populous Islamic country, non-Muslims have the same rights Muslims have - they can have their own places of worship, marry whom they like, work where they like and wear and eat what they like.

Ramadhan Mubarak, Malaysia bro.

>I'm feeling pretty euphoric right now
*tips fedora*

>Yet you haven't proved Russel's Teapot wrong, have you? It's a claim without evidence. Therefore you can dismiss it without evidence.
It's not even a claim. It's set up as a thought experiment by a person who doesn't believe it, just like the Spaghetti Monster meme.

Islam on the other hand is more than an empty claim with no evidence. To dismiss Islam, you need to dismiss everything I listed, including the chain of authenticity in the Hadith.

>implying Muslims wont be murdering/raping everyone who isn't a Muslim here when they become a majority

Here's Muhammad being classy (pbuh)

Fucking disgusting.. allah is a peanut head

Fuck off, goatfucker

Can you tell the muslims to stop drug dealing every night in the parking lot next to my house

Also tell the muslim police chief to do something about it

>Do you think people leaving Islam should be killed?
>It depends.
Thank you for your honesty. I hope for your there really is 72 virgins after a suicide bombing.

>Do you think islam will ever have a modernisation?
Are you asking if Islam will crumble to dust like Christianity in the West, and be replaced by a selfish hedonism that picks and chooses religious passages and ignores others like putting together a sandwich at a salad bar?

No. Or at least, I hope not.

What is your meter for "evil"?

If it's body-count, more evil has been created by fascism and communism.

If it's degeneracy (free sex, sex with animals, drug use etc.) then the protestant reformation and polytheistic "religions" are probably the main offenders.

Are you here to arbitrate on the "mental maturity" of Aisha?

Aisha narrated many hundreds of hadith, so I will take her word on it before yours, British flag.

I wish our great Jewish overlord would just send his big pulsating nukes to end us already.

>It is a solution for all areas of life - politics, education, reproduction, art, love etc. etc. etc.
Can we agree it's a really shitty one? The quality of life in Muslims countries without large oil reserves show that very well.

The religion of peace. Allahu Akbar.

>Muslim countries with no natural resources often have lower quality of life than ones that do
Deep b r o t b h


Let me ask you if its so great why do you guys kill eachother and bicker constantly? The Jews stayed together while not even having a state and they have achieved a state with a Jewish base while you guys just bitch and moan about the Jews instead of unifying and becoming a state. If its so authentic why are there so many ways to interpret the religion that you dunecoons can't just get along with each other before trying to go against everyone? Jews stayed faithful to each other while fucking over everyone else and by doing so carved themselves a nice piece of the sandy hell that is he middle east.

The solutions must be pretty shitty, considering there is not even a single Islamic country in the top 30 HDI index...

Reading Surah al-Baqarah right now. Why is it that almost every other verse is about 'punishment of disbelievers' 'disbelievers getting their reward in the fire' and such. Not to say Christianity didn't do the same thing but damn, it's not repeated on every single page.

How many 9 year olds have you met that were maturity ready for sex and marriage? Be honest.

>current year
>unironically believing horses can fly
>believing some faggot split the moon in half

every fucking time.

Ramadan Kareem bro


If it was a genuinely good way of life people could be poor without the place turning into a fucking hellhole. Not to mention life is shit for minorities in the rich theocracies too. The only Muslim countries that aren't fucking hopeless are ones with a shred of secularism, like yours.

are you shia or sunnitard?

I seriously hope muslims are still fighting the jews
Unlike the christcucks that vote for a pro israel jewish orange dude

>inb4 build wall
Pay the nukes :^) oyy veyy smiley


What does Mubarak mean?

Fun fact: There are more Muslims in South and South-East Asia than in the entire Middle-East and Africa combined.

Here in the world's most populous Muslim-majority country, non-Muslims enjoy the same rights as Muslims in all areas of life.

We also have less crime by every metric (murder, rape, terrorist incidents) than the US of A.

Our economic growth puts us on track to be the 8th biggest in the world in 2050, during which time it will be the 5th fastest growing in the world.

All this from a Muslim-majority country that was under the thumb of the Dutch until 1945.

The fact that Iraq and Syria are both falling apart after years of Baath party brutality and Western intervention has nothing to do with Islam (The Baath party is an Arab National Socialist party by the way, strictly secular).

Yeah but May incident

Iceland have nothing. Climate is a pain in the ass, land is one of the least fertile in the world, they are on a fucking huge volcanoes. They are one of the best country in the world. I can say the same about Japan, Sweden (it used to be really good), Canada, Australia or other countries.

Compare it to Yemen.

Also another question to muslims ONLY

Let's say that a pure-blood native american is facinated by islam
How the fuck will he become muslim if he can't have a beard?!
Real talk desu

>The fact that Iraq and Syria are both falling apart after years of Baath party brutality and Western intervention has nothing to do with Islam

>Sunni/Shia wars have nothing to do with Islam

religion is cancer

I'm not a gynaecologist, however I can pull statistics. Biological readiness is determined by the age of menstruation (one of the late signs of puberty, coming after the first pubic hair for example)

Now, onset of menstruation can certainly occur in a nine year old. And considering we're talking about 7th century Arabia, where the life expectancy was something like 20 or 30 years old, it's going to be far more likely then than it is now.

You think poverty and quality of life are not linked?

Ramadan has been super rough.
I've been missing like 50% of my suhur. Not a good look.

I am definitely sticking with my Ramadan, it is a bit hard but I manage.

And that's only thank to infinite free oil money. Muslim countries without infinite free money are pure shit.

Fact: there are more Christians inside Africa than outside. What is your point?

do you have high or low-functioning autism?

Post gore isis vids oregano.

Allahu Akbar?

You have literally no idea what you're talking about. Iceland generates its own free energy from volcanic vents. Scientists working on nuclear fusion use Iceland as an analogy when discussing what humanity will be like in a future of limitless clean energy.

You should really read more.

Weed lmao

Muslim proselytizers are, without fail, so fucking nasty. They get the same questions, and of course antagonistic ones as they should, and always respond with indignity and bubbling rage. Be just as hostile to proselytizers from other religions and marvel how they don't get nearly as mean and threatening as muslims- from some retard on Sup Forums to their most important teachers.

If there is one argument that is better than any other against Islam, it's what nasty little shits muslims are.

Reported for not being politics and having nothing to do with current events.

Get fucked you moon god worshipping bastard.


in average, how much do you pay for a steak of female buttcheek in indoneisan restaurants?