>Do you think wife should obey husband?
Of course. The truth of this simple claim is evident in all societies where this has stopped being the prevailing attitude.
What is the consequence of a breakdown of the family unit?
The answer is literally all around you, friend.
>Are you for or against honour killing?
>Do you think people leaving Islam should be killed?
It depends. The apostasy concept to which you refer - riddah in Arabic - is more complicated than... for example... a Muslim changing their facebook status and attending a Catholic mass.
You have to understand, Islam is not just a "faith" in the casual modern Western sense. Islam is a way of life. It is a solution for all areas of life - politics, education, reproduction, art, love etc. etc. etc.
For a Muslim, to engage in riddah is analogous to "treason" in the Western sense.
Most societies treat treason very, very seriously, and Islam is no exception.
>What are the minorities rights like in Islamic countries?
It depends again, since not all Islamic societies are the same. Here in Indonesia, the world's most populous Islamic country, non-Muslims have the same rights Muslims have - they can have their own places of worship, marry whom they like, work where they like and wear and eat what they like.
Ramadhan Mubarak, Malaysia bro.
>I'm feeling pretty euphoric right now
*tips fedora*
>Yet you haven't proved Russel's Teapot wrong, have you? It's a claim without evidence. Therefore you can dismiss it without evidence.
It's not even a claim. It's set up as a thought experiment by a person who doesn't believe it, just like the Spaghetti Monster meme.
Islam on the other hand is more than an empty claim with no evidence. To dismiss Islam, you need to dismiss everything I listed, including the chain of authenticity in the Hadith.