Aus/pol/ General

Three weeks until Federal election day cunts.

Nominations for all seats are in. See who is running in your electorate here:

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xth for Ian Goodenough being good enough

No non-white can ever be good enough for this country.

Remember to vote Green and show the world we are a progressive and fair country like Sweden and Germany

Guides for the senate are here:

Oakshott and Windsor need to disappear the treacherous cunts
>muh carbon tax, muh global warming

Sincerely hope they both get annihilated

What party are we voting for lads? I will be putting liberal as number 2 but I'm sure we can all agree to all vote for a smaller party to win a seat.

>I will be putting liberal as number 2
That is fitting given they are shit.

libs in lower (local member is based), FF in upper

Socialist Alternative

Vote in this order comrades.

One Nation and ALA are very far back in NSW
Can't vote for LDP since they're open borders autists

> Vote 1: Shooters and Fishers

thanks sweden

Does anyone know anything about these VOTEFLUX cunts?

>House of Reps
Family First

Family First
One Nation
(Others I haven't fully determined yet)

>Lib Dems
>Anti muzzies

Thaats how my preferences are going cunts

>voting LDP first

nice 1 satan

>Family First
So many people here have fallen for the Family First meme. I blame that Who I Side With thing which seems to steer every Sup Forumsack their way for some reason.

Family First are a bunch of cucks. They love the immigrant cock and are soft on the abo question too.

>They love the immigrant cock

check again m8, they are pretty anti immigration

fucken oath cunt

i'll vote roughly the same way - pro-gun, anti-muslim, labor & greens last

Their number 2 on the SA Senate ticket is an African immigrant.

Dunno m8, Ernie Dingo seemed good enough

>Ernie Dingo
He was just a meme.

I'm just stopping by to say, I really like Austrialia

show that you really love us by voting trump

Thanks buddy, I like you too.

Is that typo meant to be a joke?

Poorly memed if so.

Will do

The Tone Will Bone

Oops, that was a mistake
It wasn't a meme, I'm just retarded

I have a cousin who is retarded. Her wheelchair smells awful.

post rare tones

Brexit is more interesting than Aus election. Liberals are assured of victory thank God

Sydney. I'll be voting Labor.

Okay then

Based Lion home m8

id vote for them if they weren't so open boarders and dude weed lmao t͏bh

In a way, Aus politics are interesting because your isolation makes you somewhat immune from the earliest pushes to globalism. Imagine oz tying their economy and currency to like, Malaysia and India or something. You're a final frontier of 20th century nations

This is an ignorant remark. We started globalising early. The bipartisan consensus developed in the 80s.



>muh wall
.>muh weed lmao meme

you need to learn how to separate memes and real life

says the guy voting for a meme party

All Queenslanders are required to preference Pauline Hanson first for upper house.

>Three weeks

wait what it's so soon

Is Clive Palmer running again and if not who is the new meme vote

Solid Advice.

>Is Clive Palmer running again
No he has retired. His party is running a few candidates but they are all fucked.

>who is the new meme vote
Shit is too serious for meme voting. Our country is being destroyed.

I stopped collecting rares after the pepe market crash. Too much collateral champ.

you gotta collect for the love of it, not for the profit

How does Sup Forums feel that Asians own our farmlands and farming water, apartment buildings, housing properties, businesses and mining operations?

Asians are moving to Australia, being declared "fair dinkum true blue Aussie ockers" when they get citizenship. Then they buy/lease a farming property for a few hundred million and then they pass the lease over to Asian conglomerates which is not recorded in the statistics of foreign investment.

Asians buy houses at auctions on the weekend, then they either rent them out for cheap to other Asians OR they keep the place empty in order to drive up property prices in the same area.

The businesses Asians buy are staffed with Asians, usually relatives of friends.

You would have to be totally sadistic to have children as a white Australian these days. You are forcing your children to live in a nation where Asians rule and own everything. Indians and wogs do the same thing but not to the extent of Asians.


Who else /peandhamsoup/ here?

good thing the property market is looking shit then

>that feel when the electorates got changed and now I can vote for Ian Goodenough

Reporting in, could go for some tbqh

Why? Do you think Chinese people will sell their properties back to white people or something?

this is breddy good for gunfags

>those lib/lab statements

Nothing beats a big bowl on a cold day m8.

Real Aussie food too. None of that foreign muck.

LDP arnt open borders really, I think their immigration policy was to put in a tariff for immigrants IE to come to australia requires a 1 off $50 000 fee for infrastructure

>selling our birthright to muds and chinks for cash

Yeah no thanks.

The dutch own more of australia than china. The largest portion of FDI comes from the USA, Second is UK.

Rare grinches are far more equitable.

House of Reps

1. Family First
2. Liberal

Rest don't matter


1. LDP
2. Family First
3. Liberal

Rest don't matter

>tfw live in marginal seat (Hindmarsh)
>tfw vote actually matters
>tfw voting for meme party

The trend and the growth are towards China. Quit your apologist shilling or I'll end you.

Given that the average salary in China is around $4000 american I dont think we will have a problem. Now instead of letting in immigrants and costing us money in welfare they have to pay to come here and arnt eligible for welfare.

Xenophon in the lower house, One Nation, LDP in the senate followed by all small right wing parties. Liberal Labour Greens last.

I like it, looks good, I'm glad you didn't fall for the Xenophon meme.

>the average salary in China
There is a billion of the stinky cunts. The average means nothing. they have more millionaires than we have people.

Sounds pretty good. Although I wouldn't have LDP quite so high.

desu I understand voting for Xenophon himself in the upper house (even if I'm not), and even his other Senate candidates seem okay

But his lower house candidates haven't been vetted, have no proper experience and don't understand national policy. Worse still, they lack loyalty to Xenophon and we'd see a PUP situation develop where the party splits after a few months.

Sharkie is the most likely to get in (she probably won't though) and she's pretty dumb desu

Getting real tired of the economically illiterates here. This country would not function without FDI and given that americas portion of FDI is 27% of total FDI and chinas is 2% yer i don't think we have to worry.

>she's pretty dumb
So are most of Labor and Liberal cunts.

>classical liberalism

Love he quality intellectual discussion in these threads

No doubt most of them are but unlike the NXT they actually have a wealth of staffers to help them

China has 1.3 millionaires once again not a problem. But hey if 1.3 million people want to pay $50 000 each to come here and they bring their money good on them, it would be great for the country economically but honestly given that the majority of them are rich because of the corruption of their government they wouldn't be able to thrive here.

>they actually have a wealth of staffers to help them
Very poor argument.

>they wouldn't be able to thrive here
Once they had corrupted our society to be like the one they left they would do fine. Open your eyes.

Don't bother friend, I am honestly giving up on this place. Its gone from playful gas the kikes now and banter to outright racism and decrying of free trade and laissez faire economics.

>money is worth my people

A white nation nis priceless

given that we don't have anywhere near the percentage of government owned enterprises as they do, not a problem. They got rich of government contracts because its a government controlled economy, ours ranks in the top 5 freest in the world.

>outright racism and decrying of free trade and laissez faire economics
If there was a party with this as their name I would vote for them number 1.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

White nations only invest in food and mining, they don't buy housing properties from us and then have an agenda to give the properties to Asians only.
While it would be nice that Australia owns everything and exports it's wholly Australian made and owned products. The sad fact is that some foreign investment is needed to keep our industries afloat. The difference though is that having America and the UK invest in agriculture mean that there is a higher standard of quality put on Australian food. When America and UK buy land for farming they let Australians buy the product as well. Asians however are greedy and selfish, they take the highest quality for themselves, export it back to Asia for cheap while Australians pay for a disgusting rip off which is made to look like the genuine article.

It's generally unwise to let Asians control our agricultural industry as it's the only renewable and never ending source of profit we have. It's also our food which we need to survive.

>ours ranks in the top 5 freest in the world
Today. We are arguing about tomorrow.

Labor wants to kick men from government boards, who for all we know are highly capable and skilled at the job and replace them with vapid cunts just to make it 50/50. Victorian State Labor has already implemented this insane policy. I've had it with this shit, voting for the Libs for the first time in my life

Every dumb leftist thing Labor does, the Libs will only be a few years behind them.

Not being a racist

That's why you have to be active in your local party branch and push for the conservative wing, instead of being lazy and letting the moderate Turnbull crew shape the direction of the party

Free trade doesn't exist you moron

This, liberal is 5 years behind labor in social progressiveness

No it is not "the moderates" to blame. even the so-called conservatives are pozzed to the gills. There are literally only one or two Liberal MPs who are not cucked. The battle has already been lost.

Ahh yes they're all cunts

My fellow district of Moore man it pisses me off that no senitors for ONE NAITON are running in our district

Name someone in Parliament more based than this man.

Protip: you can't

Lets all vote one naiton

He is the best of the coalition. Very isolated now though.

That is why this national treasure needs to leave the Libs and create his Conservative party.

His wife has trademarked "Australian Consevatives" already.

Fucking dropped


Alright thats a fair call

I heard about that, that's why I'm hoping he goes through with it.

LDP want to fight for the ability to own a gun for self defense and legalize tasers/pepper spray/etc