War prediction Thread

When will the next major world war take place. If not world war what will be the next major international conflict on the scale of the second world war.

Who will be the belligerents.
How will the conflict start.
Who will most likely win.
What will be the political and social consequences during and after the war.
What will be the death toll.
What will the world map look like post war.

Other urls found in this thread:


we will invade mexico and take their oil.

Is this before or after the wall.

You already have all our oil...

Hash oil doesn't count.

we want more

Poland Infected with NATO NWO
Europe is Infected with ISIS Proxies
MOOT-Chan Perma-Ban Russia
What do you think?

brexit will start it, once the EU dissolves the weakened US will have to duke it out with russia

Limp-wristed leftist US politicians wont have the balls to press the all out nuke button and the russians know it.

We're closer than you think

We wouldn't have one if the Nazis won.


Are we fucked?

Nobody is going to press the nuke button. What sides do you think the other countries will side with.

It's been already discussed here;

(See whole thread for more)

Essentially "WW3" will be a international mrrcenary force "peacekeepers" slaughtering indigenous Europeans to the last man woman and child before the whole world is brought under the dominion of the Jew.

It won't be called a "war" something along the lines of the restoration of peace.

May Day ;)

Probably china/Russia.
Bad things are happening over here, China is cocky about the nine dot line. Everyone is pissed off about it. Taiwan just elected Tsia in wan who is pro independence and it seems like she is moving that way by making closer ties with Japan. The US moved a small armada of ships close the the disputed waters to scare China, so either they back down and lose face or they start the war.
Than of course there is Russia who may attack before the US is able to beef up NATO in 2017, not to mention the who presidential election, if he decides to in novemember than he will likely be able to gain an upperhand.

Russia will probably team up with china in an allience, than of course North Korea being Chinas allies will join in and member states of the Russian version of UN like Brazil may side with them.

You can see how all the pieces for a new world war are already there, it's just a matter of time I think.



Wars and conflicts have been on the statistical decline since WW2. I don't think we have to really worry.

It's all wishful thinking my mentally depressed people.

I can see this escalating or diminishing like what is saying. Seems like it could go both ways. The world shrinks ever more, lads...

70 years is a brief window it's not exactly a huge data point. Between the Napoleonic wars and WW1 Europe enjoyed a century of relative peace. Look how it ended. With the largest war in history up until that point.

>Essentially the Jew is going to lead a final war in which "humanity" exterminates whites

"Humanity" will lose, whites have been killing and butchering eachother for centuries. We're the greatest warriors this planet has ever seen.

Shit tier logic. Based on this niggers are the best warriors in the world.

Well, the iron curtain was built after world war 2, and that prevented a lot of emigration, so I would say to build the wall after the war to try to copy the success of the iron curtain. So instead of millions immigrating into our country over 50 years it will instead be 100,000. And those will be easy to deport. And we won't offer welfare to them anymore so they won't even try to get here.

Hm, it could go both ways, but I do think that there will be some sort of conflict with China at the bare minimum. See, the problem with Asians is that they do not like being embarresed. At some point the US or another asian contry is going to challenge China in those waters since China is being very aggressive. The communist party will have to attack the aggressor, if they do not then their entire party could be at jeopardy from the loss of face, especially if it is the US how makes the first move [which we sort of are by moving ships around there and the weapons trade with Taipei].

The second one is Taiwan claiming its rightful independence. It is a very real scenario right now. China is doing active simulations of land invasions on Taiwan. The only thing stopping it though is that the Taiwanese government are playing to cool so China can't attack them. However, the people are becoming restless and yearn for legitimacy as a nation, ian wans party won by a landside because they thought she would declear independence. It is pretty much guaranteed that China will attack.
The only question will be if the US defends Taiwan.

Yeah, but those are niggers.

isreal v tibet

tibet's heavy bombers deliver a surprise attack

or these forgery's in pic are correct


>Ukrainian Front


posted a day ago lel


>Middle East




>East Asia





If you don't think WW3 is about to kick off you're a fool

It's happening Sup Forums, just like you asked for

The iron curtain wasn't an actual Iron Curtain.

Mexican oil is as rare as Mexican intellectuals.

Oh believe me, US would come to your aid just to spite china. That's if Obama does it before he's booted or if Trumpypoo get's in.

Hillary is a globalist, so if she gets in, well...good luck.

He probably thinks the Berlin wall is the same thing as the Iron Curtain.


I just know we are going to be dragged into some shit we didn't start

No, not necessarily the US wouldn't.
We would sell Taiwan defensive weapons but Taiwan is in a tricky situation.
But you are right, it depends who gets into office. The problem is with the US is that we are finicky about doing what we say we will do.

>Come to your aid
... But I'm an American...

i think we will go to war with china or russa soon enough, just a matter of time. we will take there resources and we will win easy we have the biggest military ever too. not really any competetion. or we will invade mexico when we take them over for not paying for there wall.

Because nuclear weapons made war unwinnable....unless we can shoot nukes out of the sky before they hit their targets



It's only a matter of time until America feels it has a lockdown on any capability at retaliation, when that happens they'll start to tighten the screws on the economic war the west has been waging against non-central banking states.

of course we have a while before that happens...



america is consolidating their economic hegemony. Carefully isolating the BRICS nations by excluding them from these treaties. Russia is being sanctioned out the ass by the west. they've already made moves to counter the economic warfare by retaking the crimea and the industrial sectors of ukraine(necessary for prolonged conflict) .

all signs point to a world war in 5-10 years, depends on how long it takes for the dollar to crash. Especially if there is another recession. to the elites, war is simply another tool by which they create money out of thin air to siphon into their bank accounts via the military industrial complex.

War is inevitable as long as those who decide to go to war have nothing at stake, nuclear war meant that the elites in charge would die. Automation and the rise of drones have made war nearly bloodless for a technologically advanced nation. perpetual war has begun already, historians will mark bushes presidency as the defining moment where war became a permanent fixture of humanity, a slow burn into decline

All our labor and efforts will be dedicated towards more and more deadly robotic killing machines, locked in an eternal feud created by those who profit off misery.

5-10 years, enjoy "peace" while it lasts

What sucks is that you will loose to the side that has emus on it.


Never, nuclear proliferation ended conventional warfare forever.

Wars have always been fought over exactly 3 things; money, territory, and ideology. All of these things are now controlled via banks, proxy wars, and the internet.

Make no mistake, the internet is a far more powerful superweapon than the mightiest bomb or army. Hitler realized this in the 30s, with the radio. Suddenly there was a device that he could instantly pump information directly into every man woman and child's head on demand. Now imagine a machine that can control and subvert your mind over a long period of time... Then realize you're on it right now, reading this post.

Y-you know we love you long time.

survivors covert to islam
subvert shitskin leaders who have been working for kikes all along
allahu akbar samson option

Africa has had less wars than europe, whites have caused more deaths than blacks

We are number 1

Not for another 20-30 years by which time China will have built up their military to be an actual rival with USA globally

even then it depends on their internal political development and whether or not they are truly a revisionist power or decide to be basically status quo and either take over or burden-share USA's role

most periods of great power transitions throughout history have resulted in a major regional war or world war but not all of them

chance of war is highest with the rising power is within around +/-20% of the strength of the established power which isn't going to be for a while but that period of high tensions will last a decade or so probably sometime in the 2030s and 2040s depending on how quickly China's military power catches up with their economic power and whether or not there is domestic pressure within USA to make major spending cuts that make our international military posture unsustainable

belligerents: America+western europe, +associated resource colonies(Canada, australia, south america)

vs: BRICS nations+resource colonies(bits of africa, middle east and north korea), possibly excluding brazil(dependent on success of american coup underway)

Conflict will start on american default of foreign debts, america will force massive holders of reserve currency to accept a nullifcation of debts or else(insert carrier battlegroups here)

OR.....it starts because of a terrorist nuclear false flag in an american city, terrorists will be ???? supplied by ????(blame will fall on saudia arabia, russia, pakistan, china, or india) in decreasing order of likelihood.

america will win if the war breaks out within 15 years(past that china will hold technological edge).

War will be fought with unmanned drones decimating entire armies of men(simaltaneously removing now unproductive males, due to automation removing the need for labor). death toll from nukes that slip through missile shield(in the 10-50 warheads range) will be severe but not species threatening. Middle east will be depopulated

post war will be a one world government under american hegemony, with all nations subservient to central banks. nations borders redrawn around ethnic lines(middle east), israel takes land for greater israel.

war will end with "reveal" of alien visitors, either fake or real. it will be impossible to know for sure seeing as technology(cgi, holographics) will have advanced to the extent that reality is 100% fakeable.


They really shouldn't. They are great. If the west had honor killings we would have a lot less drunk sorority girl "rape" scenarios

Belligerents: Germany+ Undecided western countries VS The Islamic state that will turn hundreds of thousands radical

Conflict starts: Britain Brexits and big ben is brought down by an allahu akbar

Most likely to win: Western world

Likely consequences: Trump is elected in the hysteria and misery that follows big bens collapse, a return to moderate political stances in the public instead of this mid range/far left bullshit we have now. We take a step back and collectively realize that trannies are mentally ill, but gays still have rights, etc. colleges strength wane as Marxism is still pushed there and blue collar jobs return to america.

Death toll: 680,000-1,200,000 for the west (because we keep nukes out of the conflict) and 2,300,000+ for Islamic peoples

Middle east divided up and controlled by the west in pieces like germany was after WW2 with the US controlling 35-55% because of our ties to the area that we already have; Germany annexes or makes a territory out of their chunk and the rest returns sovereignty after a 15-30 year grace period. Kek wills it

Re-rolling for repeating digets on my post like a faggot cause I wanna see it happen

North Korea

wtf? an interesting thread? on Sup Forums? gtfo and vote Trump2016 you cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck

Dunno Sup Forums. When do you want me to start it?

it's already begun; pol.foundation

Best korea attacks south Korea
Gets their ass handed to them
South korea counter attacks
No more best korea :(

Monday first in the morning.

Gotta cancel the workweek, huh? Will do, sombrero goi

I just can't wait.
I appreciate your efficiency.
Also sombrero goy sounds awesome, I hope that's actually what you call us in Israel.