>16-23: Neo-Nazi
>23+: Libertarian
Who else took the real redpill?
>16-23: Neo-Nazi
>23+: Libertarian
Who else took the real redpill?
Other urls found in this thread:
>not being monarchist
0/10, try again later pleb.
>watches Sargon on Cukkdad once
>12-14: Cuckservative
>14-16: Fuck You Dad Liberal
>16-18: Lolbertarian
>18-20: Neo-Nazi
take the real redpill
Contrarianism at its most blatant and shameless.
Monarchy is working well over here :)
brb Achmed is at my door.
>can't be subverted like democracy
>monarch looks after best interest of his people
>no modern day monarchy has been tried
Tbh anyone who isnt a libertarian is a litteral cuck. Prove me wrong.
>you cant
>monarch looks after best interest of his people
>"communism has never been tried!"
I am beginning to understand why I abandoned authoritarianism of any kind: Different flavor, same delusion. Reactionary and revolutionary alike.
>trying to build Utopia on shitty foundations
ONLY the cleansing fire of NatSoc/ Fascism can clear the land and provide a fertile base for Libertarianism to grow.
kills the welfare, bixnood class
>Which would riot, and steal en-masse
kills the (((elite-manipulator))) class
>Which would own everything of value
spares the hardworking, civil minded people
>which will flourish in a free market society
But with Libertarianism, the welfare bixnoods wouldn't make it anyway. The problem fixes itself.
>>Which would riot, and steal en-masse
What did he mean by this?
>ONLY the cleansing fire of NatSoc/ Fascism can clear the land and provide a fertile base for Libertarianism to grow.
Red/Yellow pill
>kills the elite
Its like you want to drain your country of its brainpower
And then they get shot for violating the sacred NAP? Again, freedom would be the ultimate equalizer.
I'm a free market nationalist, biggest redpill
People don't just get magically shot because they overstep some boundary.
Not every robbery ends in the robber being shot.
Not every rape ends in the rapist being shot.
Not every burglary ends in the burglar being shot.
Not every theft ends in the thief being shot.
Even Hoppe understands the need of physical removal. And that physical removal needs fascism and fascism is inherently anti-freedom.
No it doesn't
Exhibit A:
They nearly outnumber us, you try to take away their gibbs... and they will come for you.
Good luck holding them back without the full force of the police.
Also, how dare you defy muh SATAN TRIPS.
>Kek will surely seek retribution.
>"free market" nationalist
That's mercantilism, user.
>not taking the Juche pill
fucking brainwashed slaves
I said (((elite)))
Not the successful hardworking/rich people. There is a difference.
Take your open borders drug induced Libertarian shit shill ass back to fucking reddit. Your party burned it's self down with the fat fuck stripping on national televison and your kike Gary Johnson's running mate is more anti- gun than Hillary.
Based-Austrianbro understands
You fell for the corporate meme
I'm still voting for Trump btw even if he isn't a Libertarian. I don't much care for Johnson, either.
North Korea is perhaps the epitome of corrupted dictatorships. No sane being can defend the DPRK unless you are being an edgy little cunt (i.e you). They are worse than even the USSR.
>>hurr if libertarianism works look at Somalia!!
Somalia is the result of a failed Socialist state, where you essentially now have multiple governments fighting for control. Nothing about it has ever been remotely libertarian
I used to be more authoratarian then I sort of turned into a Livertarian with borders
Libertarianism would eliminate monopolies and prevent a lot of those problems before they began. Competition would drive them to provide a higher quality product. Who would you buy from, Company A that wants your continued business and has QC of its own or Company B that doesn't give a fuck and has no regard for lead contamination?
btw I'm not an ancap just because it really would devolve into might making right. The government should just stick to protecting civil and property rights.
I support libertarianism strongly, but you must be realistic about its implementation.
We CANNOT have this utopian society without FIRST physically removing the leftist subversion and the dependent-leech underclass that brings us down.
See: Somalia was without a government since 1991, the "free-market" could not take root in such barren soil. The population was weak and there was no unity.
Chile is one of the best examples, even shitty South America can find relative prosperity if you first REMOVE the leftist scum.
>based pinochet is based
You become red pill once you acknowledge and praise the almighty KEK !
>unironically roleplaying a non-existent deity on an anime imageboard
If kek is real, then why doesn't he give me doubles?
>If kek is real, then why doesn't he give me doubles?
You were saying? :^)
not you
welp, I guess you can say I'm a #kekmissile now
>16-23: Autist
>23+: Autist
not very pleasant tbhonest lad
> 3+: Jew
Welcome to the fold, brother
the true red pill is coming into the grace of kek
Libertarian = Self-cucks, scared of power,
Monarchist = Bending over for Queens and Kangs?
Nazi = Furfags
Family is everything. Have one, work for its greater honor, wealth and integrity.
And whiten up the underclass while you're at it. Just don't start with your housekeeper or secretary. It will impair their efficiency.
>scared of power
Having power over yourself is being scared of power? That is how pinko douches think.
Is your sister single?
Thread theme
I've always been too clever to be either neo-nazi or libertarian which really are whigger-tier ideologies.
Did you not manage to evade the pit falls of the retardism that is neonazism and/or libertardism?
Not an argument.
are you a butthurt leather-fetishist like most german-spekaers?
Libertarians are the most obnoxious twats in the world. Muh behead those who insult Ayn Rand (pbuh), muh everything the government does is evil.
-23: Neo-Nazi
+: Libertarian
Most nazi's on this board are the reverse, we think that libertarianism is great and perfect until you realize that it's literally impossible.
16-18: libertarian
19-20: national socialist
21+: traditionalist monarchist
National Socialism
>the removal of weakness and evil
= A strong & united, free society.
Alone they are insufficient, together they will bring us salvation.
Are you planning on making any arguments? If not, I've always wanted to make a reaction face folder and I might as well start with Stefan Molyneux.
KEK Wills IT
may as well have anarcho-fascism.
How can you combined two diametrically opposed opposites?
Toilet training isn't a credential or a source of identity.
I'm aware of no superhero called Captain No Fap.
There are more World of Warcraft players than there are Libertarians.
And most of them are just Democrats who want Pot legalized, because they don't dare offend the law givers.
Not all Libertarians care for Ayn Rand.
>From liberty to statist
The general trend over last few years seems to be Libertarian>Alt-right/race-realist.
Not sure if libertarian outlets (Reason especially) seem so horribly cucked to me nowadays because my own views have shifted towards the Alt-Right or because so many other libertarians have taken the same path leaving only the Left-'libertarian' retards who just slightly less hate filled versions of standard liberals/progressives.
12-15: radical leftist
15-16: leftist
17 -18: libertarian
I think I'm going to be a nazi when I hit my 20s...
>12 anarchist
>15 libertarian
>21 National Socialist
>18-21 'Moderate' liberal
>21-30 Libertarian
>30+ Alt-right
yeah nah
monarchy and libertanism are not exclusive.
Libertarians kind of accept Republicanism as going without saying. A monarchy is pointless under libertarianism...
maybe in the US, I know libertarians who support a monarchy. The idea is that the king would protect their freedoms and that democracy can be used a tool for the majority to bully others, something along the lines. I mean it makes some sense I guess.
>The idea is that the king would protect their freedoms
13-15 libertarian
16-25 liberal
I doubt I'm changing anytime soon.
You aren't a fucking "liberal", you are a """""""""""progressive"""""""""""
If you are a libertarian who doesn't like Ayn Rand then you likely haven't actually read her books. Even for a liberal like me who liked to laugh at her continuous straw-man arguments, she's quite a good writer -- her point always gets across and all paragraphs make you think in a way that doesn't often occur in longer novels.
idk man, I don't tend to agree with everything maddow or bernie says.
If you have ever agreed with maddow or bernie on anything political whatsoever, then you are probably a communist.
I already explained this.
See: Kek confirms, it's the only way
Neo-liberal or classical liberal?
I could get the latter but the former might as well be a mental illness at this point.
Sargon is a democratic socialist, neither a libertarian, nor a classical liberal. I know he calls himself a classical liberal and a left-libertarian, but that's because he's retarded.
I assume when he says hes going from Libertarian to Liberal, it ain't of the Adam Smith type...
I think it's safe to say that the statists here have all been schooled.
>tfw libertarians are cucks here
King is not synonymous with tyrant. Brazil had a badass king who believed in all that freedom shit the american founding fathers did. In something like 30 years Brazil turned from a shitty colony into a great fucking country... Sadly later in life when he was already old and tired he suffered a coup by the military that then turned Brazil into a republic, and we all know how well that turned out for us.