What does Sup Forums think of this?
What does Sup Forums think of this?
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Musicals are for faggots
What is it?
Musical theater will be discussed as pre and post Hamilton
Basically a musical that tells the story of Alexander Hamilton but it also portrays George Washington as black
Bullshit really?
Its educated black people trying to get average niggers interested in the history of our country and the men who formed it.
Sad thing is it seems only whites are paying attention.
The funny thing is tickets are like thousands of dollars nigs cant afford that shit.
Literally Epic Rap Battles of History: The Musical
One of the most overrated pieces of art in an medium ever
For reference: youtube.com
the lyrics though.
I saw it in September not knowing what to expect. It was good. Some of the music was really good and I guess it was historically accurate (besides the spook and spic actors obviously). I don't know why it's called the greatest thing ever though it's just a bit different
Why are there spook and spic actors though? I know the guy who plays Hamilton wrote the show, but why do it like that?
Its supposed to be a representation of how modern america looks.
>no white people in modern america
I'm sure it was mostly for muh diversity and shit but I think also they had to find people who could rap–yes there was a lot of rapping–and nigs are more natural rappers I guess
Saw it to great show in my opinion paid a lot of respect to classics of Broadway and rap.
The cabinet meetings are rap battles where they literally quote Grandmaster Flash and Biggie Smalls. Pretty cool I guess.
I want to see the show, but I hate that cunt Hamilton with such a righteous fury that I can't separate my feelings of the man and the musical.
That cunt wanted to make the United Kingdom of Hamilton and his plans ultimately worked. The continuous expansion of the power of the executive and the reach of the government can all be traced back to that piece of shit. Adding a bunch of jiving niggers and puerto ricans to the mix doesn't make things any easier.
If Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson was better lyrically, I'd go find a theater putting it on, but I only ever liked the first act finale of the show. Thank God the man that did his damnedest to shit on Hamilton's ideas, killed the bank, and pushed out those shit indians got the theatre treatment as well.
Brah Hamilton was right though you think we would be where we are at with out a strong central government? We tried it with the articles of confederation and shit was messy.
I actually think it's great. Despite that racial radicalization of the show by LMM, the music itself is good.
This is pretty dope, really. I'll probably see the show when it comes near me.
Got to just hear some of it, I thought it would be a hip-hop album so i brought it to play on a road trip.
We ended up turning it off, it was kinda too musical-y if that makes sense.
After all it IS a Broadway play.
I'd like to see it live, to really form an opinion.
Yeah, it's coming to Atlanta in a year or so. I think they will be substituting some cast members though. I def. recommend listening to the whole thing through if you have time.
Not that I expect anyone to believe me, but direct descendent of Aaron Burr here, Hamilton died like a bitch
I hang out in a theater so all my friends sing the songs. I've probably listened to a third or fourth of it. I don't really want to keep going because I'd like the show itself to have as strong an impact as possible when I see it. I don't want to hear all the songs first. Although I have liked everything I've heard so far so I might change my mind eventually.
Burr was an ass though.
Nigger, I'm talking about the abuse of power by utilizing ambiguity within Constitution to suit whatever aims he had. It was that cunt that started us using the Commerce Clause as the primary means of getting shitty legislation started.
Fuck him. Fuck Hamilton. Aaron Burr is our greatest unsung hero. I want a monument of Burr shooting Hamilton in the gut with the hair triggered pistols that ol' Alex forgot to shoot straight with when it mattered most while high fiving Andrew Jackson.
it sure is going to become like that soon enough :^)
I HATE the creator and all his musicals
Bring it on, in the heights, Hamilton
All trash
Bought the cd the other day, love it. Catchy songs, good story, has educated actors, wish I could go see it in person. ^^
fake and gay
There are better usa history musicals
The picture should be the other way around tbqh.
t. Mongol
>Paid a lot of respect to the classics
Not really it's the same pop style that is completely taking over Broadway
they're in the audience, dumb fuck.
Nah the show referenced Gilbert and Sullivan and did it well.
In what fucking ways?
Name them
Holy shit that is Alvie from House
The entire im a modern major general was taken directly The Pirates of Penzance
Honestly if you like this shit and you're on Sup Forums you're part of the problem
Theatre is the most pozzed medium out there and is in need of a purge behind Hollywood and Washington DC
But how does this not make the musical the same pop shit that's taking over Broadway?
Are you saying it's not pop shit because of its reference?
the line "I’m with you but the situation is fraught/ You’ve got to be carefully taugh" Is from South Pacific.
What im saying is that it is advancing the artform forward while at the same time paying respects to Broadway in general.
Yes but how does it make it not pop shit?
I've listened to the music
It's trash
>It's advancing the art form
Yeah and postmodern art advanced the art world
So why are you so hostile to it?
Because I hate Broadway
I hate every single actor, director, writer, producer, lyricist, musical accompaniment, etc. on Broadway
I hate theatre
I hate the direction it's taken
I hate all the works that have come out in the past decade
I hate it all and I hate when I'm reminded that Sup Forums is full of fucking trash and that I should just leave this place
What was good theater in your opinion then?