Deport pedophiles

Why don't we deport convicted pedophiles?

If you can't keep it to far superior 2D little girls you don't belong in this country.

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KEK Demands Execution

>im not a pedophile if its cartoons

Weebs are the most deluded, stuck up pretentious fucktards on the planet.


You need to be 18 years old to post here.

I agree

what do with canada then?

kill yourself you absolutely deluded projecting underage worthless pile of shit

Just deport everyone

Build the wall 10 feet higher.

Better yet deport them to an island, they'd fit right in with people like .

You're clearly a repressed homosexual


As opposed to them getting raped and stabbed dead in prison, probably before they even get a trial?

Where should they be deported where their kid touching is MORE frowned upon than the US of A? (Australia... maybe.)

And notice the system used to convict such people is usually only effective against down and out white men. Power, or membership in an institution like the church or a strong union, insulates most kid touchers from accusation, never mind prosecution.

Kid touchers are the least of your problems, Amerifag. You can solve that problem one Walmart discount bullet at a time.

You need to start worrying about the people who decide the agenda of power. Hint: If it ain't you, you don't have a future in your own country.

It would be cool if they just threw pedophiles off buildings just like ISIS does with gays.

I wish we could do that with you syrupniggers.

Canada is Vital to the KEK Nation
May Canada One Day Show their Faith
Praise KEK

Give the computer back leaf.

Where would they go?

i agree.

Vatican city

deport them to prison.

Which loli doujins are Sup Forums approved?

They teach small boys to dress up as girls, dance and take dick.
ISIS kills, but for PR reasons. Read Animal Farm. (Try not to fap. I know it's hard, but try.)

>deport them to prison.
Australia is full. Like Obama's ass when Michelle decides he's been a good boy.

The ones with consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation while holding hands.

Bonus points for incest.

Thanks, we needed a good loli thread, its been awhile

I want to Anko's manko.

Wow, excellent taste.

But you still have to go back Pablo.

we had one yesterday.

Archive link?


The best solution is VR/Robots so degeneracy can be contained without harming others

Fags who dig 3D just aren'y as lucky as the ones who dig 2D, and honestly there's no guarantee 2D only fags will only dig 2D for the rest of their lives.

Careful lad, the magistrate might see

You can deport the pedos but know that Sup Forums has totally different plans for all the anime and hentai degenerates...


You cannot realistically fap to 2D loli and claim not to be attracted to the IRL version.

The reason why you fap to hentai is so you don't have to do it IRL and risk causing harm; Which is a good thing. You're doing it right.

But you don't get to claim that you don't have any interest in it. You live with this shit and denying it to yourself is just trading conscious suffering for delusion.

why tho?

Deport me to Japan where it's legal.

Except I can. Because I'm attracted and aroused by the 2D medium itself. I don't like 3D whether they're my age or 7, it makes no difference to me.

No man, there are people who legitimately aren't attracted to 3D
Reasons can vary, either because the real thing disgusts them while 2D shows a more "clean", "perfect" version (think 2D women vs 3D women), or are cuter

Or simply because they have a very strong consciousness of what happens with 3D and empathize with children enough they don't bother ever dealing with it and 2D is fine for them.

Usually a bit of both, more of the first than the second.

Where is Pedophilia on a map?

Men that prefer drawn cartoons made in Japan over real women are mentally insane. Only the camps can save them.

Real little girls simply can't compete with 2D, lolis in comics can act mature and sadistic, they are super cute and have incredible hot bodies, plus they horny and slutty

Pedos who are into real kids are degenerates with shit taste

by that logic playing violent video games also makes you violent irl which is complete bullshit

Or we can try to rehabilitate them instead of passing them off to be dangerous elsewhere?

fuck off, faggot

But they make us 2D lolicons look bad

Loli is the highest form of free speech.

Fuck off, favelanigger.

Pedophilia is a mental disease very difficult to treat and very resistant

Unless we find a way to completely re-wire the brain to even cure homos and turn them to straight and do the same thing for pedos, their best hope is just contain their urges

We're not that far from VR waifus/Robot waifus, maybe there is hope for them

What are we supposed to do, send all our criminals to some island somewhere across the world? Imagine what a shithole that place would become.

animal farm is literal cia propaganda, anyone who unironically likes it or thinks it has some deep message is a bootlicking retard

I tried the Vive at my local Microsoft store. If we can somehow translate that to 2D loli VR I think I'll be good for life.

Explain Canada then

Loli is a shit tier fetish. Onee-sans are where it's at.


Onee sans can be lolis too you idiot kike.

Checked for truth. If you catch someone fucking a kid, drown them in a bog.

>VR/onahole loli version gets released
>reports of obese men in their early 30s found dead with a VR head set and an onahole skyrocket

Deport them? Fucking annhilate them.

Plenty of worse ways to go I guess.

You are free to say something like that if you're capable of killing your own son.

There is literally nothing wrong with being attracted to children.



Ill fucking batista bomb that kid you filfthy br.

I very much doubt that
Do you plan marrying a psycho for a wife too mate?


You can't even annihilate the remaining abos.

they lost to emus and will lose to the carps too. feels good.



3D is always PD.
It smells and you have to get to know them, the horror.
2D is 15 min in out, no consequences for anyone but our dick.
Porn is the sole reason crimes rate felll like a bitch.
Likewise loliporn, with one cavehat: if pedo will like loli, it isn't the only demographic.
I'd wager the "fap at anything" is the majority.


you`re not baiting me with this shit again, why wasn`t it just what i expected

All paedophiles should be given weapons and equipment then dropped into the mountains of Pakistan.

That way we'll avenge Rotherham and BLEACH an entire country.


I agree

>pedo on Sup Forums

Come on !


we had one last night, did you miss it?

>send all pedophiles to island
>australia 2.0 pedo edition is formed
>somehow ends up less degenerate than the nations they were deported from

pretty sure their degeneracy is hand holding and tea parties, that would be a terrible place to be

Australia is more degenerate than most western countries, it's just that it's taking a little while longer for our demographics to catch up.

Age of consent here is 15.
You're not a pedo if they are older than 12, then it's hebephilia.
Both wrong, but once a woman gets her period she's old enough to experience sex.
The older men and women get the higher the chance for autism and miscarriage.
But too young and you'll instead endanger your waifu unless you do a C-section.

Women imo should be around 16-17+ before you start breed but having sex at 15 is not wrong.
Teaching them about sex is something all schools do when kids are around 13-14 in Sweden and USA should learn how to not treat sex among young as taboo.
The places where it's considered taboo have the highest teen pregnancy levels because you don't fucking teach your kids about it.

Kids are a result of love between parents, what fucked up parent don't give their everything to bring up their love creations into something they can be proud of?