Notch has been slowly giving the redpill to millions of followers. He's done more for our cause than anyone else...

Notch has been slowly giving the redpill to millions of followers. He's done more for our cause than anyone else. He truly is based.

That fat sad fuck? He made a video game for retarded children. He's shit.

>He's shit
>Implying we aren't



If you want to change the world, you need to influence the next generation. Notch is looked up to by millions of kids around the world. If one person can redpill an entire generation of white kids, it is Notch.

>jealous you didn't make over a billion on a trash game

he's a multi billionaire and he's done more in his life than you ever will you fucking loser troglodyte

>Not diminishing your own self worth is now politically incorrect
How have we not hit rock bottom yet?

And i don't really understand why doesn't everyone else with a high status answer liberal shitposts the same way.

I love how when he first got paid he tried to be a normie. Got a giant house. Threw giant party's with celebrity's. Rented a yacht and filled it with whores. All it did was depress him, he had all those sad tweets where it sounded like he was going to kill himself.

He has re-embraced who he is. He has realised that, like all of us, he can never leave this place. He has gone full shitposter.

Being born with fair skin and xy chromosomes makes you racist and sexist regardless your personality, didn't you know that???!

Not if you repent and become transsexual genderfluid with some headmates.

You all shitpost but that man has literally millions of children hanging onto his every word.

When he laughs at marxists and blows Clinton the fuck out, they listen.

They don't vote (underage, lazy, retarded or all at once) so its irrelevant.

But they are impressionable.

The leftist have gotten pretty good at indoctrinating kids at a young age. A dissenting voice undoes a lot of that.

Literally who the fuck is this

Oh, mindcrap. What a faggot. Can't even into graphics and shit. It's like watching Lego movies. It's 2016???????

>lived the life of a robot until MC got popular then suddenly everyone pays attention because now he has money

>a woman marries him just to divorce him right on the day she can officially sue for alimony

>he sells his IP and gives some of the people closest to him a bit of money who then bitch that its not enough

>he then hassle him online to promote/fund/support their shit because hes rich and supposedly has the obligation to share it with the people who wouldnt look twice at him if he walked past them

>then people tell you that all your experiences dont matter again because "muh white cis privilege"

Lefties create legit monsters. They yell about love and understanding but hate on whites 24/7 and then go sucking up when they want money only to backstab you again if you refuse to play along.


Needs a red pill wall to go with his candy wall.

Wait a minute. He didn't make a game for retarded children. He simply made a game, and retarded children started playing it.

He didn't even want to make what he made, he wanted to create a Dungeon Keeper clone and Minecraft was just an accident. Dude just got lucky.

Bullshit. On the main page of Minecraft he added "Undocumented" to the list of flashy yellow meme words. I saw that shit last night


Stop being a bitter edgy Sup Forums kid. His game went mainstream and made fucking millions. Meanwhile, you sit on your chinese imageboard and pretend you're above others while doing nothing. Just think about that, edgy neckbeard edgester.

This is what happens when the leftist propaganda goes overboard.

He made a fuckton of money, got screwed over by his "wife" for alimony, tried to fill the gap with whores and grog, then decided to abandon that and simply live his life as an extremely rich shitposter.

He's gone full redpill, and his wealth is a mix of liquid, stock in microsoft, and various houses/shares. He's not going to lose his money because of any random lawsuit due to swedish laws either.

I can guarantee you he's going to start telling leftists to get fucked left and right, and even go to the media with it. He has no reason to live and he has no employer or real estate agency to call.




If he still lived in Sweden, you think he'd go for SD?