What the actual fuck is wrong with Americans?
What the actual fuck is wrong with Americans?
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Republicans are wrong with Americans.
That's depressing.
Niggers always have to shoot whitey.
why is everyone so worked up over some nobody getting killed?
please be muslim
>not feeling the slightest bit bad about someone who had just started living her dream and got randomly murdered
sub-human pls go
Was it already confirmed the shooter was black?
False flag operation.
When they want to get serious they kill a celebrity. Especially convenient that he was killed too.
Would this mean Trump finally won the preteen YouTube commenter vote?
Did she not make any money?
They are begging for money on go fund me. Top Keke.
What's wrong with Americans? It's simple - it's a certain amendment in their constitution. The second amendment to be exact, it's the cause to all problems in American society, and you question why there's so many shootings, in school or whatever places you can think of I can guarantee it happened. I can't believe American still believes in living in the wild west.
It happens every day. Why didn't anyone care yesterday when some random got killed? Or 2 days ago?
He is black
There is zero doubt
nice mk ultra false flag.
>dude goes to concert
>shoots the singer
>immediately shoots himself instead of firing into the crowd
mk ultra false flag
No mention of who the shooter is, so I'm guessing black.
Blacks don't tend to kill themselves after a shooting.
but mkultra is old hat. they are now using directed energy weapons where they can influence and make you hear things
>That OG Sonic poster
Gotta go fast
he didn't shoot himself on purpose, apparently it happened because the chick's brother tackled him
>it's the guns
No it's the niggers
another narcissist gets taken down good
she was gone too fast bro, sonic says so
>literally everyone but nigs are below average
>mk ultra false flag
>they are now using directed energy weapons where they can influence and make you hear things
I can't tell if you really believe this
>it's the cause to all problems in American society
This is the least intelligent thing I've seen posted today.
Well fucking done man, jeeze.
Because it is an attractive young lady. If it was a male nobody would care.
Yes, we should get rid of it and become a safe first world country, like mexico did.
That is FUCKED
people get murdered constantly and you are all crying because she just started living her dream yet you kek at pictures of dead children excuse me for being a little puzzled
From the Wikipedia page:" The unknown gunman then fatally shot himself after being tackled by her brother. She was taken to a hospital in critical condition; her death was confirmed on June 11"
Could you imagine being her brother, right now?
Compassion is a weakness.
I bet you've done literally no research into the topic
So many edgemasters like this itt.
Just discover Nine Inch Nails there, my high school friend?
Easier to use the "omg, ban all the guns!" argument if its something normies who watch this trash can relate to.
Meanwhile in Chicago...
Was this another gun free zone?
when will they learn from Fort Hood?
mate she was already shot you expect her to just be able to pull out a gun and be fine
Death is an illusion, anons. She still lives on in our heard and mines
>tfw they never shoot the fat or ugly ones
>always shoot and murder the qt's
Guess I'm safe though
Only faggot normies post on social media expressing sorrow over celebrity death. It's like Anthony Jeselnik says, what does posting "thoughts and prayers" actually do? Fucking nothing, except divert attention away from the tragedy onto you, so you can let everyone know what a good person you are. And all the fags promoting gun control over this make me sick. I hope feral niggers break into their houses tonight and kill every last one of them.
gun free zones are magnets for crazies/muslims with guns
>heh... nothing personnel, kid.
Kek smited her for mocking Trump.
She deserved it.
>there are people in this thread that think banning guns would have prevented her death
and how many people died in chicago this past week from getting plastered by a tec-9
who cares
>Kek smited her for mocking Trump.
Did she?
The venue had a strict no guns policy too.
>the ethnicity of the shooter is not being published
>be european
>only have plastic forks to defend family with
>get raped and killed by muslims wielding EU sanctioned assault rifles and machetes
poor blen
I mean, it would have made it less likely. If guns were banned, the guy would have had to go illegal channels to obtain a gun. Maybe he still tries, fucks up along the way, and gets arrested.
Or he says, "Fuck it," and instead decides to stab her. Unlike shooting her, this is not a guaranteed death and would have also probably not resulted in his death.
being shot isn't a guaranteed death either :^)
That is true, but it definitely is more likely.
From what I've heard, the killer was known by the family. Probably an ex-boyfriend bothered by her popularity. Maybe she had a black ex-boyfriend.
No need to ban them altogether. A thorough background check is all that is needed. Right now someone with severe psychological trauma can go to a gun show and buy a dirt-cheap AK clone. With background checks only mentally stable, law abiding citizens will be able to own these weapons
>What the actual fuck is wrong with Americans?
Nothing, britfag.
Criminals exist.
Those are hood nigger rats killing each-other, they do not matter to anybody... including themselves.
>Be British
>Government gets taken over by Muslims and they enforce the sharia
>have no guns
Is this one of the aircraft graveyard Trump talks about?
Guns don't kill people, people with mustaches kill people
On point. Who the fuck cares? Everyday out here in Los Angeles I hear gunshots, sirens, and some poor fuck dying in an ambulance from level 1 trauma from .45
I guess lives only matter if you're known by the hollyweird jews but in all fairness no lives matter. Life is merely about whether you can survive long enough to pass on your genes before you die.
>muh qt singer american girl
Kek, 100 more could die today I would not give more fuck.
She was just a jewish shoah artist
nothing of value lost
Good job to the nigger that got the critical hit
3000 Gansta As Fuck points awarded.
only reason this is such big news on this shitty website is because she was jewish
it wouldnt be much of a hoopla if it was just a goyim shiksah.
EXCLUSIVE - Picture of second shooter... BREAKING...
how racist and ___obic of you, you ____ist ___ist ____ot
Probably some guy who had a grudge against her or something and he decided to murder her. How is the whole country to blame for this?
I bet some people are sad.
Get better security.
Please come to Brazil we are safe here, owning guns is against the law
"city of god" made it look like they only had revolvers and crappy auto pistols.
That's some good shit right there right there
Some faggots never read the book of five rings
An inch of steel is an advantage but good luck telegraphing that swing do you even meditate on the things pertained within?
But this happens everywhere everyday. The only reason people give a shit about this woman is because she was a semi-famous memelord. Now fuck off.
Oh no, drug cartels grew a lot since then, they have RPGs now to take down police helicopters.
>have guns everywhere
>people get shot
Wew, suprising really!
fuck that's crazy, thank God Bazilian cops are like Judge Dread. How often does shit spill out of the barios?
I bet I could make people get shot in your gunless utopia
Who would stop me?
>country has more cars
>more car accidents
Woah what a shock
Im worried its gonna turn out to be a white guy. At first I thought it wouldnt be because of Ann Coulter's Law but then I heard he had two guns and shot himself. That kind planning and commitment is a white person thing to do.
the only correct response to this is
>"yo, senpai" unironically
>blue hair
and i no longer care
>muh self defense
Your love of guns doesn't work if everyone has guns, faggot. People literally want guns to be cool and special, nothing more.
The cartels basically control the adjacent neighborhoods, so if they want to use a street for something they can order stores to close at a certain time; sometimes robbers decide to steal cars from highways that pass near their favelas because they can take the car and drive up their streets where the police won't follow; minors involved with the drug cartels deal drugs in public schools and terrorize teachers, so the police has to get involved to protect public schools; kids from the favelas like to band in groups of 5+ to terrorize and mug people in Rio; everybody knows at least someone who has had his house invaded and robbed; and criminals in general are usually linked with drug trafficking.
The best part is that they don't even need guns to rob you, they can just threaten you with a knife or the implication that they have a gun, because what can you do to stop them?
The police advise you to not react to robbery, to give them everything you have without a fight so you don't get hurt... but in Rio it has become quite common to be robbed and then stabbed by the robber even after you gave them your stuff, and they don't give a fuck if you reacted or not, they kill you because they can.
The military police does a good job of keeping them at bay I guess, sometimes they do some badass shit like this one time they teamed up with the army and entered the favelas with tanks in a series of operations to clean the favelas in time for the world cup I guess, but in the end someone else always takes over the favelas. So... brazilians could use some guns for self defense.
Best outcome; Mexican shooter.
Good outcome; Black shooter.
Bad outcome; White shooter.
Ann coulters law is in effect. So, yes.
Empathy is our downfall.
Hotline Orlando: Rising Star
Damn what a waste she was a qt, I expect the burguers fry the faggot who killed her.