>"My ancestors were slaves from SPAIN!"
>looks at camera to make sure it's focused on her
>"Claiming someone has white privilege because of the color of their skin is a RACIST comment!"
>looks at the camera, grins
What did she mean by this?
>"My ancestors were slaves from SPAIN!"
>looks at camera to make sure it's focused on her
>"Claiming someone has white privilege because of the color of their skin is a RACIST comment!"
>looks at the camera, grins
What did she mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
No idea.
She's so perfect.
who is she
There were Spanish slaves?
That's a very pretty boy
Women do shit for attention. More at 11.
can we all just agree that the jews did everything
Oh boy. It's another "Sup Forums FAWNS OVER A MAN PRETENDING TO BE A WOMAN" episode.
This thread should be deleted. Why does Sup Forums worship females, or men that look like females so much?
I tried to talk her into camwhoring she replied (on deviantart) that she'd never do that. At least I tried lads...
They're all the same.
I wonder if I can get her to make an audioclip calling me a "fucking beaner" and telling me to "go back".
I-I don't have a femdom fetish I swear.
Russians went to Georgia to use Sup Forums.
Yes, look up the Barbary Slave trade. There were American slaves as well. The Muslims would raid mercantile ships around North Africa and even as far as Ireland. They raided coastal villages so heavily that some were left ghost towns.
The left has emasculated and cuck'd white men so hard that a girl like her can't even find a guy that makes 100k a year to take care of her.
I meant spanish slaves owned by Americucks, how would muslim slaves end up in the UASSA?
Trump supporters are such fucking spergs
>high test
>best test
This isn't kayla, right? no way
You know who else are spergs? pic related and guess what? they also have the highest IQ.
i need a fap. post more lewds of her.
I will have to ask you to delete this picture.
I see this meme a lot. Apparently women now are oppressed if they can't find a white 10/10 Chad Thundercock to serve them on a golden platter. Oh well. The street corner will always be there for them.
Delete your account.
What? am I being a moron? I am very sleepy.
I wish she would sit on my face
She has a point.
She said her ancestors were slaves, not that the ancestors who were slaves came to the US.
Did Muhammads rape her ancestors?
She might not be pure white, we have to hang her.
She looked awkward as fuck in that
it's adorable desu, I wanna hug KayKay. :3
i don't care she looks gud
she has vaguely slavic eyes, she might be referring to serfdom
kill yourself commie
She's going off
>people desperately want Kayla to be a trap because they can't handle that feel when no cute tomboy Trump gf.
So how do you make babies with a trap gf?
You don't.
THIS TRAP THREAD No. 123235415
faaaaaaark day booty
The truly sad thing is that he looks better than most women when dressing up as a girl.
Why is life so unfair? Why are Dutch women so ugly?
Shes my dream girl
She can make a killing taunting and belittling pathetic nu-males though.
Her mother is dutch/swede.
Nut in her bum
Our women are so fat.
Do you see a dick in this picture?
no, that's why he's a decent trap. traps are still degenerate filth but hey whatever you already support (((trump)))
look at those hips, impossible to be a trap unless HRT was started pre 16.
Holy shit, name? Source? Who is this beautiful person?
it's a girl idiots
>not Moorish
>complaining about others thinking they're white
oh the ironing,
Good sir, I cannot let those mean words to go unpunished
She should show her dick.
No matter how hard I look I cant find a link to this video
someone pls help
manhattan skyline is a fucking goat song
now we're talking
lol at all the fags in this thread who want her to be a trap so badly
medusa stare
I want to fuck a trap in the boipucci
Stop this meme.
>many contributing factors
Rent. Food. Cocaine. Clothes. Alcohol. Gasoline. Cocaine. Toothpaste. Laundry. Cocaine.
I am pure ancient Aryan Colchian from Maykop culture.
>georgia even having white people
that's rich.
> she
> she's
Fuck off OP
perfectly thicc and would pop out many white progeny
Not liking hotter traps
Now come on Sup Forums
HRT WAS started pre 16.
Thats how niggers are made? That would make sense tbqh
We are not white. we are superior to whites, whites are our rape babies.
It was pretty annoying the way she kept looking at the camera
What kind of moron are you? Hundreds of years later you think the descendants of Spanish slaves can trace their ancestry?? They would just be fucking Moroccans?
>My ancestors were slaves from SPAIN
Implying there were slaves from Spain
Please just use this instead
Fat white SJW cow calls Hispanic Trump supporters racist
Will the ride never end?
how does nobody laugh at them? i don't think i could keep a straight face
That's because they're white, clearly.
Just look at Zimmerman.
Nevermind, her name is Kayla Ariza.
Funny how on Facebook it says "send him a request"