before going to vacation im going to be sure that there are no anglos in my hotel cause they are the worst..much more worse than people from netherlands..
Worthless, beady-eyed scum. I hope the French police kill some of them as an example.
Frogs can't handle some bants.
once again, cucked yuros siding with the ISIS locals instead of brave England lads on tour
It's just the lads having a drink. What's wrong with that?
People underestimate what being a lad requires
But in all seriousness we need people like that just so we can find a common ground with nationalism
we need an extreme right and an extreme left so society can find the middle otherwise we just have the extreme left and the middle ground from that would be left. Which is cuck
French police can't handle the bants
It's just a prank, bro!
you are anglo you mong
Why are anglos abroad so uncivilized?
It's just abroad, right?
Because they're father were cucks.
all the undesirables tend to go just look at Australia
We all have lower classes, unfortunately we no longer have a thriving manufacturing industry to elevate then to working class
gtfo of my cuntry Pajeet
>once again, cucked yuros siding with the ISIS locals instead of brave England lads on tour
Its fucking pathedic. Burn that shithole isis stronghold to the ground
How did these people sober up long enough to control a quarter of the world back in the day?
Hail Kek!
i hate divegrass fans with a passion
It's just a few of the Lads having a laugh.
Nothing to see here.
England is the nigger country of Europe.
We done it all tanked up.
So apparently the Russians and English met up last night. Did they form RWDS and go paki-bashing or just end up knocking lumps out each other?
maybe u fookin frogs got to lern too cook sum chips innit
Those "people" aren't extreme right you dumb cuck. They're just low IQ subhumans.
are they really that afraid of light beer? what the fuck
Leave our lads alone, they dindu nuffin.
I hope that the Hooligans turn Marseille into a second Gibraltar
At least you're not posting nigger dicks straya
So by that logic you should be letting a million in to hang round your train stations and finger fuck your women
It's marseille you Stupid fucks, whatever damae they do is deserved, fuck that shithole, it's literally the asshole of france
Why does the French police behave like the faggot English police and do nothing?!?
Are they on strike, too?
>faggot English police and do nothing
Muh Sup Forums memes.
On about relative context you dumb cunt
>Accepts females
Id say youre faggots
>tfw Anglo and actually do have beady eyes
Just a bit of bantz lads. England doing alright considering they are getting started on by French, Muslims, Police and Russians.
Hows Gerry Adams the pedo doing
>Accepts females
So does the Croatian Police.
On the whole the patrol Bobbies are unarmed . .. so?
england russia 0-1
The Eternal Anglo must be destroyed.
By any means necessary.
He could be fiddling kids morning, noon and night and he still wouldn't be as much of a laughing stock as Trudeau.
>Eternal Anglo
Look at me everyone .. I'm posting a meme started by a Turkroach . . .I'm really clever.
>burning mudslime shitholes to the ground
Based Crusaders
English supporters can't understand that we don't care that drinking too much and acting like chimps is a home tradition
Anyway, they have benn ruined by the arabs, by the cops and by the Russians
In Lens they'll be ruined by the Welsh and the local population will help
funny kraut
What's the matter, Anglo?
Not like the truth?
guess your one-sided brain oblitarated the images of English supporters getting gassed and beat up
have your brain check by a specialist, kraut, I worry about you
>defends pedos
Can't expect much else from the irish..
Give up on the memes kid.
You are probably a Salty Scot . . .who seems to think they are not genetically different to the English.
Grow up.
Tbqh hooligan actions give me good memories of better times where some hooligans attacking other hooligans was the worst what happened in european nations. Now we have endless shitskins, muslim rapes, ISIS suicide bombings etc.
Th-thanks post war boomers, you are responsible for this leftist shit
You mean the French have had to call in so much security that they're having to hire their plebs to fill the ranks who just want to brawl with English fans drinking in pubs, alongside ultras, Russians and frog pakis.
Yeah, thats right, your cucked police are fighting alongside frog pakis.
go to Sup Forums for redpill
England fans are surrounded on all sides by French police, muslims, Marseilles ultras, and Russian ultras
>thanks post war boomers, you are responsible for this leftist shit
I think millennials are more to blame . . . they are the loudest voice supporting this lefty shit.
We have firearms units when they're needed.
It means we're not bootlickers.
Cant even wrecked the spot, it was a shithole before they arrived.
They maybe be the loudest, but they're not ones pulling the strings, or even voting for it.
No, ultimatively they aren't. They are just retarded results of this
>not realizing that there is a whole board dedicated to sport
Go to Sup Forums you enormous faggot
English showing the french what it takes to crush islam. after the English crush islam I hope they take their shit. you must crush islam. English will break the grip of islam cuddling and take their rightful place among the free people. fuck islam. whatever it takes. or "by any means necessary"!
Christians have always risked life to help others. this time it has taken a bit too long to understand the evil of helping islam. the USA will crush islam first then we will help the first (seems to be england) to free themselves. Islam will pay the price for the shit they have done to mankind. total Final Solution on islam is the only way. Islam is a former of government using the label "religion" to lower guards. England you have one hand up in a fighting position! one more hand an islam is toast in England. don't forget to take their shit even if it's a jizzed up burkha. take their shit!
>It's just abroad, right?
No, they get up to all sorts of nonsense at home in the UK, but the weather tends to keep them indoors, so it's not so obvious.
Once they get abroad they can do all their stupid shit out in the streets, so it's much more noticeable.
I hate them, but they're our plebs, so go fuck yourself you greasy cunt.
More like a "norn irn" IRA sympathiser lad.
This is where AntiFa recruit from, chaps.
I can't imagine the French police would turn a blind eye to this sort of thing at this time, unless they were told to do so. Fits the narrative a bit too nicely.
We haven't had football rioters for a very long time here in the UK. And now, right on cue, they're back.
please provide an argument that could convince non subhumans
There is a reason why they are called the English disease. I'm expecting someone to get killed soon by these retards.
>supporting retarded Irish psychopaths
well done m8
Hate to burst your bubble, but violent morons are very human.
>This is where AntiFa recruit from, chaps.
what you mean?
Just wait untill slavs will arrive, Euro will be done