Why do American retards think it's still the 1800s and they will actually be able to whip out their gay glock and...

Why do American retards think it's still the 1800s and they will actually be able to whip out their gay glock and "protect themselves from the tyranny of government" when the government comes knocking on their door with drones, 100 man swat team and total surveillance capabilities?

>violate the constitution
Damn, your imbecile rantings really make me think

what is strength in numbers

Because Americans are stupid idiots

Maybe they can kill themselves instead of being dragged into federal penitentiary to get assfucked by a thousand dindus?

Perhaps gather around a few thousand armed citizen and attempt to make a rebellion just in case if government finally loses it and goes into full tyrant mode?

>because the military are not people and all the Americans in the army would be 100% okay with killing American civilians.
Yup totally zero chance for any of them to defect.

>violate the constitution

Literally been amended 27 times.

Because you can't effectively combat an insurgency with a conventional military.

If americans were convinced that they killed evil nazis and terrorists then yes.

Take my country for example. We celebrate the fact that communists killed our people while working with Italians.

Is that your room in the pic?

Yes i live in a cave like all whiteys lived in while the kangs built pyramids

The bill of rights has never been changed, and is strictly guaranteed by the rest of the document to be unalienable, you dirty brown.

Less to do with defending from government tyranny and more to do with defending from niggers and spics. There's a reason why so many people in the south are so pro-gun, there's a shitload of niggers and spics down there.

>dude just give up and surrender to the government already lol you cant win

Because many Americans are idiots. Did you hear who the republican nominee is?

That's Lee Hsien Loong doing its magic. Making its people fear the government. I tell you what, Singapore is like North Korea with internet, cars, and a few more rights. Which results in people there believing every single words their authorities say.

Not that I'm saying it's a bad and a failure of a country ofc. I'd say great job getting out of the rut and get that insane amount of GDP. But hey, the fuck do I know? I'm just an islandnigger in one of the world's most corrupt country.

Amendments aren't violations of the constitution you hooked nosed kike

What does that have to do with violation, you utter fucking imbecile?

The US/Nato military with all it's tech cant win over a group of 10.000 sandniggers armed with Ak47 and salvaged old equipment

> Just give up, how could tens of millions of potentially armed and trained Americans even havr a chance against the police?

That's not a violation you complete fucking idiot.

End your worthless pussified existence

>hurr i don't know how civil wars work
lol, k.

Ever hear of Vietnam, or are your gook eyes to small to read history books?