Ask le algerian immigrant anything

Ask le algerian immigrant anything

Eurocup 2016 edition

do you love france?
how many pairs of tracksuit pants do you own?

>do you love france?
no, I just like it better than algeria and less than swizzerland
>how many pairs of tracksuit pants do you own?
>how many pairs of tracksuit pants do you own?
lol, none

Are you one of those algerians whose both parents are teachers and you managed to worj yourself up into -- a Grande école and your friends shower you with bants for being brown?

almost that, yep

Would you rather have France be more like Algeria, or Algeria be more like France?

Algeria is a shithole with a dead puppet as "president", nobody likes it, especially Algerians.

I' rather have both get better than they are now desu

They seem hell-bent on turning France into Algeria though, much like Muslims in Sweden do.

and France is on strike, declining with a dumb weak president

>France is on strike
It's our culture
>Dumb weak president
We had many of those before

the quality of the french presidents are in contant decline since charles degaulle

they should be worried about niggers invasion too

That would be racist though.

of course, and france is not racist

>contant decline
Giscard was way lower than Mitterand or even Chirac (despite Chirac doing literraly nothing). Pompidou was also really bad.

We also had very few presidents if you think about it, third and fourth had plenty weak presidents.

giscard >> mitterand
pompidou >> giscard
Lepen 2017, I can"t wait

Yep, you don't know shit.

I think I do
French econmy was much better under giscard than mitterand

>French econmy was much better under giscard than mitterand
Learn your history please...

I did