ITT: artists you can't believe you liked at one point

ITT: artists you can't believe you liked at one point

my taste has literally always been good, i can't participate

I love neo-psych. What's wrong with Tame Impala?

Sleigh Bells
Death Grips

it's too popular

Tame Impala is the Instagram of rock bands. I often wonder what the most perfect iteration of Tame Impala would be to Kevin Parker or to fans of his music (would he just sound even more like John Lennon?). I know it’s unfair to take a piece of music to imagined logical conclusions — its logic is not necessarily mine, and there’s a reason that Parker released this record instead of literally anything else — but I’ve always felt a little intellectually insulted by Tame Impala albums because they confront me with a logic that really is that simple. As with Instagram, what appears to be the singular affective nuance ends up being a simple formula. Just add a particular guitar tone, lots of phaser and tremolo, and that Lennon affectation to any rock song and you’ve got it. While many will point to Parker just plainly stating his feelings as a sign of musical evolution or increased lyrical complexity, I’m not buying it. The feeling of listening to Currents is the same as that of seeing a photo with the “Toaster” filter slapped over it for the 50th time, to say nothing of the fact that Tame Impala’s last album had a sleeve with a white balance I associate more closely with “Walden” than with instant film

lmao fuck off, kevins great and this album was great



Death Grips
St. Vincent
Animal Collective
LCD Soundsystem
Run the Jewels

Yes, it's a genre. What's wrong with that?

>this is the reading level of people on this site


>reading level
>Sup Forums
>the internet


U mad bro?

The absolute state of this website

Hip-Hop as a whole

All of this Psych Rock throwback shit is poorly written and boring as hell. They care more about aesthetics than song writing.

For starters, 'neo-psych' isn't a genre. It's some shitty categorization for ease sake for retards to feel in on some hip genre.

Secondly, they're trash. Not a single original bone in their body. Basic pop songs layered with epic psychedelic cliches to bring about an image. trash for poseurs. take away warbly effects and le epic woah reverb and you have very, very boring music.

only soyboys stop liking something because of context
since tame impala are became normie tier they are great music to hang out

I liked their first album and thats prett much it. I tried listening to Lonerism but it just sounds a lot like something John Lennon or the beatles would do. No wonder why a lot of "kewl guys" glorify it.

>be Sup Forums
>like tame impala when nobody on earth knows about them
>five years later normies love it
>its cool in alot of circles
>hate it because youre autistic as shit and are allergic to being seen as cool, trendy, or just all around sociable

folk metal


I can guarantee most people that are shitting on Tame Impala for being watered down psych probably likes their hip hop equivalent, Kanye West, or their jazz equivalent (take your pick of Kamasi Washington, Ryo Fukui, or Charles Mingus), or their classical equivalent (take your pick of Erik Satie, George Gershwin, or Steve Reich), etc. Sup Forums acts elitist as fuck about w/e until it comes to a genre they listen to but are too lazy to fully understand.

Normies and Pop influence ruined Tame Impala for me.

pretty much everyone who performed at beachgoth 2015 (excluding Ghost). i was such a fucking normie and i didn't even know it

Don't like any of those. What now?


what a fag


I was really into Tame Impala for a while until I paid attention to the vocals

>Ryo Fukui

You have just proven that you have no knowledge or taste. Nice try cunt. Everything you said is void.



Jesus their lyrics are fucking awful

nope try again normie Tame Impala is mediocre at best.

Phil Collins
Pink Floyd
What's exactly wrong with death grips besides fan, Melon and eccessive spam of them on this board one year ago?


I thought AnCo was the shit a few years ago
Now I can't stand their soyboy sound

Most Pop-Punk and Nu-Metal

if you are a loser in high school this album is perf

Hahahahahahahaahah this guy switched the words order hahahahahahahahah LOLOLOLOLOLOL such epic joke
You degenerate cunt

Social Distortion

I think they're great but i can't stand listening to MPP or Feels