Let's start a thread where non-slavic people ask Slavs a bunch of questions, and who knows, maybe it evolves into a decent conversation.
Ask a Slav Thread
How is life back in the homeland? My family left because of soviets and I've never been. I know the language and culture but is it the same or has it changed?
Why do you squat instead of taking a chair?
Where can I get a qt serbian gf please
wouldn't mind if she is christian desu
Is it hard to find virgin non-degenerate wife-material cute serbian girls in the country-side? I only know one, she's cute and kind, from Belgrado, but not a virgin anymore.
It's dreadful, the economy of course. But it's pretty nice when it comes to things like freedom and shit. You can drink what you want, where you want, at any age, smoke and stuff like that. But drugs are bad.
Because that is how real men do it. If you squat (in proper position), drink questionable liquor, smoke cigar and handle an important business, you wouldn't use chair ever.
I think I might come visit for lulz
I will join squat session and bring good vodka
So American bringing good work to Slavic countries? Are you sure you want to do that? You'll end up laughingstock
Slavs are very conservative and traditional, not just because i am raised like that, but we because of our bad economy are very closed. We don't really accept gays and stuff, no fucking with thousands of women and stuff like that. Surprisingly morals are very high, so Slavs will be your friends, will respect you for who ever you are, and gladly accept you, but if you're not Slavic, or at least ethnic Europen, i don't think there is a lot of chance of you having a Slavic gf, or even harder, wife.
Why does slav sound close to slave, and why was Serbia originally called Servia?
What would the Balkans look like if Turkey was a Christian nation?
are the Polish considered the good slavs?
Well, as i told the french guy, morals are surprisingly high here actually, in my town that has like 200000 people in it, guys like to find sluts and lose virginity before finishing high-schools, but like 2/10 girls i know that are vergins, and they are 19 and up. PS people here don't talk about that that much, except degenerets but they are at least being pushed around and still not accepted.
All Slavs are good Slavs, Polish especially.
Annuda Jasenovac when?
Slav is form Slavic word Slovo, it means "word". And Sloven means "a man i understand". It is a coincidence, from what i've read. Btw Nemac mans "Man who can not speak, a man you can not understand" and that is also how Slavs call Germans. Serbia was called Servia because in Latin it meant outpost, or guard tower, also people say it is a mistake because serbian "V" looks like "B". And if Turkey was a christian nation you wouldn't have Serbo-Croatian ethnic group devided into 4 groups (illegitimate ones), and they would still rule as Byzantine Empire today.
Nah mate, you can only bait Serbs with that, i do have Serbian flag but i'm Russian, so good luck.
I am half Russian.
I wish to learn more about my Slavic culture, by I don't know where to start. Slavic mythology? Even Slav culture in general.
Why is there so much war in the balkans? Is it because of Turks?
>PS people here don't talk about that that much, except degenerets
Now I understand the look in the eyes that the serb qt gave me
Don't discourage the lad, you Czechs are the softest of all Slavs, you have no right to talk shit.
Correct way to squat is heels on ground
Hello fellow countryman
Which 4 groups are you talking about? Bosnian, Croatian, etc.?
whats the most bad ass loot you guys have from Saracens/roaches?
Its good for those that have money.
I am EE and I can't complain.
Only neet junkheads complain senpai.
Depending on a country, the life varies from decent to meh. In Poland for example, we earn less than the likes of germany, but people are hard working enough to make this a non issue.
You should start with Byzantine and Roman records of Slavs, Slavic history and culture is a very extensive subject, especially because it is around a single ethnic group that is divided into 3, then 5, and at the end about 10. So starting with first appearing of Slavs in Western history, there you will also find what Slavs look like (personally we were kinda more badass than Vikings but never mind), and after that starting with Russian history is a great start, Russia has a glorious history my friend, she is kinda like the oldest brother of all trying to keep them form fucking everything up, so through Russian history you will learn also a bit of other Slavs.
Yep, they use to be a single Serbo-Croatian ethnic and linguistic group (ethnic groups started from linguistic ones).
>tfw no other race live here so no race war
Reminder that the russian jew invented pan-slavism to help his with imperial dreams and convinced all eastern europe that they're all slav. Bulgarians have very little slav in them - mostly thracian blood from the native tribes that lived on the land for thousands of years.
Don't want to ruin it for others you should know your own history.
the true original slavs
Vikings conquered england, settled in france/sicily/italy/northern africa and were personal bodyguards of the byzantines.
Don't get me wrong, old slavs are badass, but Vikings got more shit done
The fact that we were because of them 20-100 years behind entire Europe. They literally came, ruined everything, and left nothing but backwardness. But we have a skull tower, that's fun.
Get Age of Empires 2, download the expansion and play as Slavs against Huns on easy, then Slavs against Turks on very hard. Boom, history lesson complete.
Yep, i kinda agree, but Slavs and Avars made it to Constantinople, that is maybe the only reason i think this way, but they took down an Empire, for a short time of course, but yeah Vikings had to earn their name somehow.
Mind if I racemix with a qt slav in the future?
Get out of here roach, if you do not understand this cause for what it is, you are not a Slav to me to begin with.
Well the Turks did originally started it all, and the bloody southern Slavs continued it. But i believe that those wars were inflamed by foreign powers, Yugoslavia was too good of a country to be destroyed just like that.
Why are slav women so hot but your men always look inbred?
I told this to the French guy, Slavs don't have enough money to care about race mixing. Slavs in general are very conservative, they will accept you as a friend, and they will do it best trust me (it is a part of the culture that is etched into mentality of Slavs, they really like guests), but Slavic girl will hardly have a serious relationship with you if you are not Slavic, or at least European, even i just can't imagine myself with a girl of an other race, it is not that i hate them, it is just the way i feel, and most of my kind from what i know.
I guess it's more about having the same culture then?
lol kys faggot
worst enemy to slavs are slavs themselves
do not believe these commie imbeciles that think slavs care for each other
we are literal subhuman mentality
What are the top-tier slav nations as well as the buttom tier?
Still won't stop me from doing it.
so,here s a a serious question Sup Forums
do you think we are slavs or latins?
Well i understand that to other men, Slavic men look inbred, but Slavs in 97% of situations chose other Slavs for their partners. This is because Slavic men tend to be very masculine, and are forced to do so, as it is only accepteble look for a men (i asume that's why others think they look inbred), and women are prefered as feminem as they can be, it sounds logical but in a lot of nation this feeling is being lost.
>russian jew invented pan-slavism to help his imperial dreams
>do not understand this cause for what it is
>slavic union
Nobody wants union with you or with the serb horsethief. This bullshit has passed its time.
Even russians are not really slav its just one of the many hoaxes the rus empire has perpetrated.
pic related
kneejerk response would be GYPSY
But I'm genuinely interested; what's the actual genetic makeup like?
DACIANS! So Indo-european. So literal gypos from day one.
It's nice if you have enough money. Nice enough to not make me want to move out, at least for now
>commie imbeciles
>we are literal subhuman mentality
Go fuck a goat traitor, you Serbs are for nothing better but sucking German and Croatian dick.
Czechs top tier, the souther and easter you go, the worse it gets
How are slav woman in general? What values do they normally have and what kind of mentality?
Good luck mate, i won't stall your ambitions.
This is more to the Belorussian posters, but how was life under communism? My Grandfather just keeps rambling on about the Great patriotic war and how he was a partisan when I was my age. and my Father keeps saying some vague cryptic stuff.
Actually Slavs how was living under a communist regime. You don't have to answer Poland, we know you love the buildings that were build
Serbs are different from other Europeans in the sense of having been bombed like sandniggers. In 1999 NATO had operation merciful angel. And they bombed civilians. For instance, Serbian state TV said it was bad for NATO to bomb Serbian children, so the next day they bombed the Serbian TV station. Serbian civilians dying meant nothing, they where Serbs, not real people.
MY question, how aware are modern Serbs of this? Do Serbian teenagers know of this or care? Maybe it has been so long it is irrelevant? Are you still angry or is it all forgotten?
The map tells you it self, on the top there are glorious Poles and Russians, then there are Czechs, Slovaks and White Russians, then Ukrainians Serbs, Croatians, Slavines, then on the bottom you have Bulgarians, Macedonians, Bosniaks, and those who dare call themselves Montenegrians.
Please annex us and kill Merkel
i'm asking since i am going to 7 different cities in the slavic countries this summer for my holidays.
They have this hospitality that every Slav has, it is a cultural thing with all Slavs, that got etched into the mentality of an entire group. But even if they will be friends with you, they are hard to get. There is hardly a Slavic girl that will jump in bed with you for a night, or fall on her knees after few days, those values are considered disgusting here. And yeah, Slavic women are very feminine, and prefere masculine men, naturally, but i see that in some western countries the wheel is turning...
I'm not sure that you'll get laid, but you might find someone nice there, all Slavs, especially the Souther ones are very friendly.
Oh ja, wir müssen reverse Anschluss machen!
Are you that faggot from non white thread that's going to get jewed in Dubrovnik?
I know we hate each other and all, but we can be friends.
Well that is a nice choice of location i have to admit.
are you the offspring of balkan refugees?
Is God a serb?
lol, friendly slavs from the south? Had a fight with Serbs last weekend in the center of Prague, fags got rekt
Poland where are you?
Thanks that's good to know, overall i have only had wonderful experiences with slavic people. They were the friendliest people i have ever met.
I don't think i am no. Although i am going to dubrovnik as my final place before going back. Just there for the views and food.
Yes, why?
Slavs are shit.
you have to go back
Expressing friendship and respect for the Croats.
Empathy for the Polish for their history.
Salaam aleikum brother
>Serbian blood has been tainted with Turkish /Arab blood...400 years of Turkish rule of Serbia has therefore rendered them inferior slavs...that is why they are not recognised as true slavs by Croations, Russians, Poles etc.
But i will answer your question. Nobody here really cares about that, people have no money and yet they go every day after work drink, and have fun with their friends. Sure, a lot of people hate America because of that, i was just a child back then, it is a horible thing to happen trust me, feeling is just dreadful. But all in all life goes on, there is a saying "Even worst things we survived in the tavern.", so if you ever come to Serbia, you will always see polite people, intrested in you because you are forigner and something new to them, and you will see bars open 24/7 always full of people.
Who here agrees serbia should divided between neighbouring countries and erased from history books?
Do you even Slav mate? I'm not a Serb, i'm a Russian as i said, but lad you are so full of shit, leave the thread please.
All Slavic blood is tainted, there are no "pure" Slavs
Except maybe Belorussians
vodi sjbe svoje,nek se vidi nikog se ne bojeeee lol
Përshëndetje. I don't speak Arabian, sorry. Me të mira.
You are gypsi
Belorussian master race reporting in. When do we start extermination the Germanic people
the serbs should just expand into bosnia and Croatia
Belarus are russiophille whores...its a meme country that not many have heard of
Kosovo is not enough!
Dear Sup Forumsslavs, I'm an american with a fuckload of croats and serbs in my family. should i waste my time and learn my family's language or just stay in burgerland to forever eat burgers in peace?
Meanwhile in your country
Better than being Eurocuck whores, like the stupid Ukraine
THAT BROTHER, that is how Slavicman dies for motherland!
Bullshit, Serbs are considered top-tier slavs who did literally nothing wrong.
Every slavic group has some ethnic admixture. That's makes them distinct. Czechs have German admixture, Poles have German and Jewish admixture, Russians have Asiatic admixture etc.
can you bring us some more cheap vodka?
Which town m8?
Fuck off.
Wait at the border, be there in a sec.