The white race is going extinct because young white men and women focus on their careers rather than taking on the burden of raising a child. Meanwhile, niggers are reproducing at alarming rates and also impregnating white women. White men can't just give up on their careers to make more babies...someone has to make society function. What's the solution?
The white race is going extinct because young white men and women focus on their careers rather than taking on the...
Destroy capitalism.
Full on nazism.
I gave up on white women. I go exclusively for Asian women now
>we're fucking rich
I recommend you do the same.
White people have become selfish. They embrace individualism over community more than any other group. Who gives a fuck about anyone else who. You're too busy getting the latest instaneous gratification.
>working as a sales manager
>Get to work at 8:30, eat at work, start at 9
>lucky to leave work at 7
>get home at 8
>eat, sleep
How the fuck am I supposed to fit a girlfriend into all this? Let alone kids. Christ.
Same here. But even worse. I am responsible to make rapefugees healthy. My life sucks
>What's the solution?
Proof that you can financially support a child before you are allowed to have one.
Shit, requiring proof that you're competent to care for a child would do wonders by itself.
Welcome benevolent chink overlords.
>How the fuck am I supposed to fit a girlfriend into all this? Let alone kids
That's literally the point, goy.
You aren't. You're supposed to give your life to your job, to generate profit for the boss, who is in charge of making more money for his boss, so on and so forth.
>t. britcuck who has never met a nigger
end your life you miserable race traitor
I couldn't do this and live with myself. I would feel like a failure to the white race. After all, white men with yellow fever are only contributing further to the death of the race. If you have full white blood and don't see to it that your genes are propagated into the next generation, you're a disgrace.
I was unacceptable to the society I live in so I left it. I'm not bringing children into this fucking world of shadows.
Who cares? We'll be dead in 50 years anyway.
you're a disgrace to your ancestors and are contributing to the death of your people
put a bullet in your brain now if you don't want your own people to survive
I couldn't do anything with an Asian girl as I know my kids would either end up like Elliot Rodger OR post on /r/hapa
Maybe if white girls were worth it, the vast majority of them are all depressingly similar.
>The birth rate of every developed country is rock bottom low
>Hurr the white race will go extinct
Even if that is true, the only way to have white men in the future is for white women today to give birth to them. And the men are worth it.
Genocide all non whites
The white man marches on
most women area easily impressionable
manipulate them into seeing the light
>I am responsible to make rapefugees healthy
>Just redpill the women
Let's be serious here
What should I do ?
Back then, men used to work from dawn until dusk. They got married through friends and family introducing them to a girl.
Raising children is not a burden.
You are a part of the problem.
Get any other job that does not further the enemy's cause. In your field, there should be plenty of jobs, shortage in Sweden and Norway for all kinds of health workers.
I don't give a shit how many ghouls are born as long as their over the wall.
White race is going extinct because the state controls; migration, association, disassociation, contract, speech, public assembly, education, property rights etc.
Any other "reason" is just demoralization shilling.
If I do so, I will help brown people in Sweden or Norway. They are everywhere
That's rough buddy. Is it that bad where you are?
Yes, NRW
A nation is defined by it's :
The Globalists know this, that's why they target these things. They targeted them in the UK and they've nearly destroyed you guys with it. Ironically the guy who leads this nationalist cause in the US is a Redpilled Jew named Dr. Michael Savage. He's banned from entering the Cucked UK.
The Globalists run the anti white agenda by targeting the 3 laws of thought:
1) The Law of Identity : A=A
2) The Law of Non Contradiction: A does not equal (Negative)-A.
3) The Law of the Excluded Middle : A or (Not)-A.
Read up on these laws of thought and you will recognize the Globalist's attack on them in the Deep Grammar of popular culture.
I have to hand it to you OP, this is one of the most neutral threads I've ever seen on the subject.
99 percent of Sup Forums threads and posts on this blame men and get angry at us. Same goes for the rest of the Internet, almost everyone blames men.
Good job on your neutrality.