Russia is back on the boards! Let us celebrate our Slavic brethren's return from exile!!
Return of Russia
Thanks man, I'm glad we're able to post again
they were exiled?
Why would someone want Russian cleansing?
apperently russia was fucking with Sup Forums, they ip range banned russia and it went back to normal
It's literally the same country in terms of religion, culture, people, DNA, architecture style, etc. Basically a Russian outpost in the Balkans. Try to find one even remotely negative news report from the Kremlin propaganda service RT about Serbia.
not according to ips :^)
>negative news report from the Kremlin propaganda
No it's not. Russians are commies in their hearts and atheistic in their hearts. Serbs just like sucking Russian dicks.
It's not the same country nor the same people. Serbia is just Russia's little dog and when Putin says jump Serbia asks how high.
Sorta the same relationship between Israel and the USA baka desu senpai.
You guys must have missed the most epic thread on Sup Forums since hiromoot took the helms.
Huh? I miss something?
Russia got b& from Sup Forums for like 5 seconds
>Why would someone want Russian cleansing?
Ask anyone outside your window, Andriy.
Maybe you should try an anal cleansing followed by a street cleansing.
Oh well... I always get broken ban notifications while posting from phone, because VPN exit node. Not sure why. So I probably didn't even notice this.
I told you.
There are libs from 2ch that want to move their platform and generals here.
Ban motherfuckers or they stay here forever.
why are they moving here?
They are mad that this board is pro Putin and they wanna change that with their shorty general
Also they are trying to fix people, check their archive links in their OP, they literally make a list of people who post there with details about them
Literally real shills
Did you forget about your duty to sit on a bottle today?
Probably because they get banned or people just told them to fuck off. I not sure why Sup Forums allowing them to exist because their hread is mostly copypaste and samefaging, and not even in english.
>They are mad that this board is pro Putin
Except, it's not. It's just a loud minority of pidorashkas and russiaboo cucks who can't ignore when their beloved manlet is getting shit on.
libs make everything worse, its in their nature
But Im not a commie...
>self hating liberal telling people he is majority
No, this board is pro Putin, go back to your shorty board
Why is your life so miserable? Did Putin molest you when you were child?
Because they are despised and lost all popularity on homeboards due to being paranoid repetative dogmatic fags.
In fact only reason why Sup Forums wasn't immidiatly flooded by them is that only a little portion of them can into english, but since they are quite a swines they will go here anyways to shitpost in russian.
>blo blo blo self hating liberal
More buzzwords, nigger.
>blo blo blo your life must be miserable if you don't worship a crook manlet with inferiority complex
Keep projecting, slavshit.
>board is pro Putin
it is pro-putin, pidar
that's so weird
Forgot to ask you, t*rk. Pay debts.
>is a selfhating slavshit
You are literally the worst of the worst, how does it feel being poor and lazy?
Sew up your asshole, it's soon to be ruptured beyond repair.
They don't even owe any denbts to you.
But anyway so we're going to get another wave of out of control faggots? Sounds like fun.
We are pro Putin, anyone else is a globalist scum like yourself
Fuck off
1. That's not Russia, that's Serbia, shitskins who want to be Russian when they grow up.
2. The few Russians that came back are mostly FSB shills. True Russians are anti-Putin, either Commies or Nazis. Only Jews support Putin.
not even close bby
How does it feel never stop sucking Ivan Ivanovich Shitstainovsky dicks on the internet?
How much is Navalny paying for this little shitposting project? Can I sign up? I can shitpost almost every night aside from weekends after 10 PM.
>Putin isn't a globalist jew puppet
>calling others slavshits
>is a slav
talk about self hatred
>is lazy and uneducated
Switzerland of poorness sucking russian dick as usual while russians don't gib a shit
Go back at being paranoid about the Russskies invading your shithole you Baltic shit top kek
>effectively bans Soros from the country
>globalist Jew puppet
Oh look, it's the Assmad Squad! :D
welcome back russian friends
>Serbia is just Russia's little dog and when Putin says jump Serbia asks how high
I love how angry stableboy nations try to imply our relation with Russia is like yours.
Projecting HARD. Russia here is a brotherly nation, and a foreign friend.
You have to let American niggers fuck your children, whereas Russia and Serbia have never come in contact militarily.
>oh, i will act like jackass so people will start on Russians on this board!
you are fucking pathetic, next day you will cover yourself with shit so /pol would think that other Russians are shitskins.
>another rectally ruined shitblood mongrel gets anally annihilated
Triggering worthless cucks is so much fun.
>iq's of nations
>effectively bans Soros from the country
[citation needed]
It's classified.
Shouldn't you fuck off back to Serbia if you are so thin-skinned about your slav heritage you get offended on a politically incorrect board of the weeb cartoon forum?
Oh, look, it's kremlin shills attacking me with copy-paste non-arguments. Nice hivemind you have there.
>makes the same thread over 2000 times with the same copypasta on a pro Putin board
>calls others shills
How stupid can libtards be?
Why is your life so miserable? Did Soros molest you when you were child? How does it feel being poor and lazy you become a prostitute for money?
Alright, he's not a globalist jew puppet, he's just a jew puppet
i was only pointing out that you hate yourself
pic related
Are Russians white?
Confirmed mongol mudslime that hates white russians.
whiter then you
How the fuck are you not keeping up with what's happening in a neighboring country?
fuck off john
Note that kremlebots or putinshills talks Sup Forumsacks. You're going to see it quite often since one of the keystones of russian liberashka's mindset is that he cannot be wrong on anything and anyone who opposes him is "kremlebot".
Just like western libs claiming that any opinion that not fits in their dogma's is "racist".
Oh boy they didn't even started +15 orgy yet.
I think you misunderstood his post, mate. Try reading it again (granted, his English isn't the best).
I still don't know what the fuck happened...
Read post again.
welcome back
Houd je bek kut mocro
>pro Putin board
See >It's just a loud minority of pidorashkas and russiaboo cucks who can't ignore when their beloved manlet is getting shit on.
Spot on. Just replace their "it's pro-putin board" with "you're on the wrong side of the history", it's the same SJW tactics being used against political dissents.
Hopefully fucktards like you will be deported along with the illegal spics or better yet, shot in the fucking street.
There's actually a big difference between them. Jews jsut want to control your country and play gods but globalist jews want your countries to fall apart under nigger and muzzie pressure.
Only pink nipples can confirm maximum whiteness! Post naked Russian ladies!
They're meant for gas chambers either way
>one quarter
banning Russians before Russia-england would have been unfair
Now Russians will be able to fight back
That's a fair decision
Russia has libtards? I though Putin would have had such shit gulag'd?
Can you explain your libtards to us? Western libtards are united in their contempt for all things tradition in the west and their fawning over all things brown. What do yours do?
>It's not pro-Trump board, it just loud minority of rednecks and racist cucks who can't ignore when their beloved sub-80IQ racist is getting shit on
Reminder that pol is also satire
Can't diagree with that
If Sup Forums's libpidors are real they are trying to do just the same.
>Also they are trying to fix people, check their archive links in their OP, they literally make a list of people who post there with details about them
lulwut. Spoonfeed me plox.
>Sup Forums now has a Russian embassy
When will we be an official nation?
Russian libtards hate to see strong Russia, they want Russia to surrender to USA, accept gay values, ban church and destroy the country once again for the sake of soviet guilt. They blame Putin for everything bad, ignoring or hatin on anything good that comes from the Putin's regime. They are cucks incarnate. They think that if you disaggree with them - then Putin himself payed you for expressing your opinion on the internet. They don't accept any other opinion than their own.
>It's not pro-Trump board
There has been an influx of trumptards from reddit. They mostly circlejerk in their own containment general before Trumps spills the beans in his twitter and there's a thread for it. I doubt that Sup Forums supports Trump unconditionally. Most pollacks are just being reasonable and recognize that anything beats Shillary.
>wanting the destruction of the USA
Fucking Brazilians, I knew you hated us
I have those obnoxious holier than thou cucks on autohide
they are no better than putinbots
You can't make this shit up!
Pol is also satire, amirite?
Glad to have you back.
From what I heard Russians aren't allowed to have a different opinion if they don't want to get imprisioned. Russians are truly the cuck incarnates and animals. There is no other nation that would think it's merely an opinion to repeat what you have been told by the state owned media and ratinalize it's backwardness by geopolitical stunts.
>Pol is also satire, amirite?
You must be a retard if you didn't notice.
Niggers have no say in this, sorry.
>he fell for the Sup Forums is satire meme
Then shut the fuck up, pekka the mongol nigger.
Sorry, I don't understand mongolian.
then why Sup Forums is still not banned? Why i can write you things and post cute underage anime grils? Putins is a faggot. See? I said it. No police is going to come for me for saying that.
People on the liberal front are just over reacting for their political benefits.
Poo in loo buddy