Country rankings

Most meme'd countries on Sup Forums:


Most Respected:
5-South Korea

Give your rankings if you disagree



Most respected


>Most Respected:
You forgot El Salvador

>Israel respected
>not bought the mods with bags of new gold.


Is El Salvador some pacific island?

>Is El Salvador some pacific island?
Ehemm.. let's talk about something else...
Did you know that we are white?

White like Argentinians?


How is it over there brother?

rice cold


4-Some arab country


3-Mother russia

>4-Some arab country

Can you not admit it?


>country where immigrants spawn claims to be white

never gets old

Stop stealing my OC fucking spic

Israel has the merchant meme probably Sup Forumss oldest and best known. How long have you been here champ?

You are an African country stop pretending to be an Arab.


Top kek!

Most respected Swiss, USA, Australia, Finland, Russia, Czech Republic. Most meme'd India, Sweden, Germany, UK Turkey.

Fucking South Norway, disgusting!

Norwegians may be pussies, but at least they're human. That's more than I can say for you, you smelly spic jungle bunny.

Don't you have some muslim to vote for somewhere ?



Countries I hate the most
1.USA because they are not true partner for Poland
2.Germoney - because they bring doom to european culture ( new soviet union )
3.Sweden because they are cucked and genocided already
4. Russia because they hate Poland for no reason
5.USA/Israel because they support both, Polish goverment and anti Polish goverment which is post soviet occupation elites who got their current economic position because of collaborating with betrayers and helped oppresing Polish nation.

Countries I like:

No he's right. You norwegians have always been sissy faggots.

Damn... Brti BTFO

What memes are there about France?

I'd say eastern european countries are more respected than israel and SK

Mostly because Sup Forums is full of slavaboos

>no one mentioned Brazil yet

You guy are a bunch of liars. Every single day Brazil is shitposted here.

So swedes have muscles but are as much cucks as Nowegians. It makes you the worst one Cuckweden.

Can't say, sorry
(Can't solve captcha withou proxy, then my actual IP changes, so different ID)

>So swedes have muscles but are as much cucks as Nowegians.
>but are as much cucks as Nowegians.
>cucks as Nowegians.

>Britbong desperately shilling, hoping to gain acceptance by real whites

E den faktisk sanne? Det jo faen meg hysterisk loye.

>Germany honorary Scandinavians
Kek, this explains a lot.

Most meme'd:

1. USA
2. Sweden
3. India
4. Turkey
5. Australia

Most respected:

That should about answer your question.


You'd have to put Russia and Poland above Israel for sure. Possibly even throw Hungary into the mix.

I mean S.K. and Israel? Really? Switzerland #1?

Here's the real rankings.


The guy in the pic doesn't have abs. He's muscle fat


>A swede talking shit about Norway

>A menorah

reminder that every Jap IP is a white male living in Japan

well, obviously


He's a strongman, gypsy. Caring for aesthetics is a feminine trait.

I don't see why not?

>not Serbia with its kebab-removing meme
At least the memes about Switzerland are true. Serbs have never, in their entire history, successfully removed kebab without foreign aid.

Wow this picture really makes you think...

Women don't care about how much you can bench or squat. They want to feel hard squares when they touch your belly

>quarreling with one another
>not fighting for Scandi supremacy as brothers

>South korea

Cuck. Glorious Serbia has always stood alone against the Empires of the world and fought bravely. Glory to Serbia! I kill for Serbia!

>Women don't care about how much you can bench or squat.
They care about how strong you are (i.e. masculine).
>They want to feel hard squares when they touch your belly
They don't want to be with sissy boys (like norwegians). Being strong > having a 6pack.


Are you telling me that white swedish men aren't all die-hard faggots and/or handicapped?

i would blanda upp desu

whatever that means

All alphas have 6 pack abs. Powerlifters are insecure cucks that think being strong will bring the pussy

Sweden should annex Norway. It's rightful Swedish clay.

Death to false capitalist puppet of south Korea! All hail the Social-nationalist regime of North Korea! Glory to To the unbreakable Korean race and the uncorruptable ideals of Juche!

>not in the list

>a canadian player in the pic

Bravo Sweden. Just, bravo. So cucked you're too ashamed to show a pic of a Swedish player.

Caring about what women thinks or wants makes you a bit of a cuck in the first place.

An uncucked man knows this to be truth.

>be from northern Germany
>it's essentially like Scandinavia
>50% of people are blonde and blue-eyed
>have friends living in 'Little Sweden' where all people are named Sören, Björn, Svea, Fenja etc.
>mfw honorary scandinavian
Feels good man

You complained about stealing your edit, yet you talk shit about true nords. Lmao.

Same goes for you You're both non-white trash. You just confirmed it with your obsession with aesthetics. Gaylords.

If you don't care about what women want you will die a virgin or end up raping which means you are a muslim

Nigfu claim thread now

> Tfw

It means mixing up, a degenerate slogan of the corrupt capitalist puppets Who seek to destroy the integrity of the Swedish ethnicity to advance a Globalist agenda sponsored by shadowy plutocrats

You are a muslim without abs lol not a true Nord like Norway

Successfully getting raped by Muslims.

It was a good picture, so I took it. Besides, it's probably a swede playing for Canada. That's the only way for you to win against us. You recruit our best players.

Why do you think the Jews try so hard to destroy us with their evil schemes?

We're the true ubermensch and we had nearly constructed an utopia for ourselves. The cuckening of Sweden and Scandinavia as a whole is their Magnum opus.

absolutely disgusting tbqh

>Football on ice

We are uncucked. Were about to uncucked our nation

Your obsession with Abs sten from your closeted homosexuality

>getting fit for pussy
The only hard sqare a woman cares about is the one your wallet makes in your backpoket

>True nord like Norway
My sides.

There are no somalians in his picture so no, they're not swedes

>no pads
That's called soccer


It's a womans job to please YOU, not the other way around. When you free yourself of the thirst women will come to crave your attention and do almost anything to have it.

It's a winter sport. You have 0 medals. Lol.

>Most Respected:

Wut. It's only the recent influx of r/the_donald JIDF/TIDF niggers that unironically support Israel.

thas called rugby

Most of them cringeworthy

You act like you're not obsessed with abs because you can't get them

If it was an African country, why are they all Arabs?

America is the most cucked country in the world, the smaller western European nations Who are more cucked are so because of American influence. Trump cannot statistically win

That's because most of the world doesn't count nigger cocks as medals.

respecting israel... hahahaaaaaaaahhhhhhhahaaaahahahaaaaahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhaaaaa

>Winter sport
>Played inside
Pick one

Gypsy, just don't.