Why do muslims keep pretending and saying Islam is a religion of peace? When it's clearly not.
Why do muslims keep pretending and saying Islam is a religion of peace? When it's clearly not
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don't be an islamaphobe
Are they going to admit their religion sucks?
Because Muslims are stupid.
They can't recognise inconsistencies in their way of life, Islam and culture.
They may beat you up chanting Allah Allah lililulul and still claim they are the religion of peace.
One thing: low IQ, logical inconsistency
I blame the left more for letting it happen
>Put this on SJW dominated site.
>Wait for their links with "true and correct" reserach results which destroy islamophobia
>Then get reported and blocked for hate
I wonder what happens to people who criticize it?
>this thread
Their argument is that Islam has been co-opted by violent extremists, and that this doesn't really represent Islam.
On the surface, this explanation can be reasonable. Movements and religions have been co-opted throughout history for exploitation. However, it falls apart when you realize that the majority of Muslims genuinely believe in violent solutions to problems and oppression of their people.
If it is a religion of peace, I only want to see one thing. I want all of these "peaceful" people to stand up and denounce all the radicals. And I don't mean 1 or 2 on TV. I want to see marching in the streets by Muslims condemning the radicals and calling for their death.
Why does Sup Forums keep pretending and saying Trump isn't racist when he clearly is?
The same way everyone pretends their dick is bigger. It is just better to call yourself peaceful than maniac.
Because it triggers you
I've not actually ever heard an actual muslim claim that it's a religion of peace. Then again, I don't know many actual muslims, and the ones I do are here on visas for education or actually wen through the legal immigration process so they could live peaceful, productive American-style lives.
Although as with any demographic, I fully expect there to be a wild shift in behavior when they achieve critical mass.
>my book of lies is better than your book of lies
they're all shit
I think the rule is that the farther away you are from a place the better your opinion of their natives will be because only the wealthy educated ones can reach you.
trudat. I also don't have to deal with the savagery of criminal Mexicans. Just the illegals that manage to get all the way up here and try to squeak through the system being your stereotypical hard workers.
Should still get the deport, though. Can't start being lawless just because a few people are nice people.
If it was a religion of peace then its extremists would be extremely peaceful.
Low murder rate?
Low aids?
why straya think they themselves are great..when clearly they are shitposter
The worst people are those who claim that Islam means peace. I don't know where they got it from but 1 minute of research showed that Islam literally means surrender or submission to God.
Those who say it aren't real muslims.
Why do christians keep pretending and saying christianity isn't a kike religion. When it clearly is.
I have just the image for that my friend
You can't reason with these people. Had a mate try to lecture me about Islam being a religion on peace because "everything is open to interpretation" or some shit
>Point out that Muhammed wages dozens of military campaigns
>Point out he was often the aggressor
>Point out he was a pedophile
>Point out he would order his men to execute captive infidels
>Point out the history of Islam is frought with war
>Point out there are many Imams would would fit the definition of an "extremist"
>Point out the leader of ISIS has a PhD in Islamic Studies
>Point out that only Muslims are regularly committing acts of terror in Western countries
>Point out that even in Muslim countries, they kill each other over different interpretations
Guess what?
>Calls me racist and changes the subject
>Next day I see him sharing something on facebook comparing "Islamophobes" to Nazis
>Point out the false equivalences
>Calls me racist again
it's as peaceful as any theocratic religion relative to the number of people actively practicing it. and all theocratic religions are more peaceful than secular religions like nationalism, ethnocentrism, etc.
Because it's against whitey
I will kill you if you don't call Islam religion of peace
Well in my country they kill them.
Reason why your country is the shithole that it is.
George Bush said it. Non-Muslim apologists say it. Muslims themselves rarely say it.
They also live in an overpopulated swamp below sea level.
Well to be honest
If you deeply study the religion
you will find out it's Actually good
I debate many Islamophobes
they mention stuff like
>Mohammad married a 9 year old girl
>Mohammad killed Infidels
>Quran has verses of Violence
>Bombings Muslims do
>Immigrant Problems in Europe
I know many Islamic scholars who reject Isis
If you deeply study the religion and stay away from those Arguments Islamophobes repeat everyday
you will really know it
If you want to know Isis
they are "Khawarij"
If you want to know who are Khawarij go look it up
hehe and we dont...
The Anglo masterrace freely converted to Christianity.
Nobody cares about Balts or Finns.
>reject ISIS
>don't condemn their actions
>The West deserved it
>'moderate' Islam
You can learn absolutely nothing about a religion from reading its canon. What's in the books is irrelevant. All that matters is how its followers behave.
If we are gonna talk about crimes
What europe did in it's History
What america Did in it's History makes Isis an Angel
Muslims are killed in larger numbers than non Muslims
I actually don't like Isis
If you want to debate me Okay
If you want me to prove that all your ideas about Islam are wrong Okay
look who's talking
No the book matters
not every person represents the religion because Most of the religious people are born with the religion
there is who likes it
Who Ignores it
Who loves it
who leaves it (I can prove you there is no apostate killing in islam)
I know there is Hadith that says (Who changes his religion should be killed)
I can explain that Hadith
the Apostates were killed if they betrayed Muslims and fought against them
there were apostates who converted at the time of Mohammad but left the religion
And they didn't get killed
If you think it's
>how it's followers behave
then kkk are christians
nazis are christians
crusaders are christians
the lords army in africa are christians
Its because of shitty translations. What means peace for us does not mean the same as peace for a muslim.
Peace for a muslim is when everyone follows the same cult of islam as the individual. A utopia in all imaginable ways.
There is no such thing as peace for an arab. It is simply not in their vocabulary.
Peace has only 1 meaning Muslims have the same meaning
and I'm already an arab Muslim and you are wrong dude
the Quran already said to fight only who fights us
and Show peace to people who don't fight us
If Muslims don't apply that then it's not Islam's fault
> What europe did in it's History
Colonised weaker nations, exploited their labour force which prompted local population to enslave their own people in order to reach the knowledge and wealth the Western countries had.
Exactly the same way how the The Caliphates spread Islam around the world too, expect Arabs were far more cruel and racist compared to their Western counterparts.
> What America Did in it's History makes Isis an Angel
Which America? There are different eras of the US, but if you're talking about the treatment of native population, ISIS is far worse than first colonisers or the late expansionists.
> Muslims are killed in larger numbers than non Muslims
That's because Arabic culture is pushed on other Islamic countries, which causes conflict with every civilisation their encounter, whether it's Hindus, Christians, Buddhists or Shamanistic religions.
Besides, most of the Muslims are killed by other sects/tribes of Muslims, so your "sophisticated" culture is root of all of your evil.
> If you want me to prove that all your ideas about Islam are wrong Okay
Explain me this: how are every other Islamic culture functioning fairly fine (Indonesia & Malaysia, Central Asia, Northern India & Bangladesh) expect the ones near or in direct contact with barbaric tribe lives of the Arabic Peninsula?
Nope. You are in the wrong my friend. Ask any """radical""" muslim in Europe and they will say that peace is only found by the side of allah.
Wouldn't it just be easier for everybody if we like stoped the kikes from being such warmongernig kikes, left the Muslims in the Muslim zone, and then we wouldn't even really need to argue above why we prefer to do things the way that suits us?
Just accept that some languages have limited ways of translation.
Its like the danish word "hygge" there is no direct translation in any other languages.
You simply lack the mindset of being peaceful. Its a culture thing and I respect that. I just don't want to live with that """culture""".
>the Quran already said to fight only who fights us
Then why does the entirity of Muslim history involve Muslims attacking and invading non-Muslim lands? You realise you are only Muslim because your Coptic Christian ancestors were conquered by invading Muslims.
Muhammad himself was a warmonger who only managed to spread his ridiculous religion (a dumb rip-off of what he had learned about Judaism and Christianity) beyond his family by attacking and conquering other tribes.
North Africa = Christian before Muslims attacked.
Middle East = Christian+Jewish before Muslims attacked.
Iran = Zoroastrian before Muslims attacked
Asia Minor (Turkey) = Christian before Muslims attacked.
Central Asia = Buddhist/Hindu before Muslims attacked.
Northern India (inc. Pakistan) = Hindu/Buddhist before Muslims attacked.
Muslims don't exactly have a good track record when it comes to leaving non-Muslims to live peaceful lives in their 'non-Muslim' zones. Western history from Muhammad until 18th century involved ceaseless attempts by Muslims to conquer what little of Christendom they hadn't already conquered. This only stopped because the Christian world advanced economically and militarily far beyond anything the Muslims could manage.
Still and all, if the Jews didn't use us to whack at the hornets nest all the time and we weren't actively bringing them in, then would we really have to care this much?
thats the thing Sup Forumsack. musilims do not pretend that islam is a religion of peace,never have,never will. the only ones pretending that islam is even slightly peaceful are the cucks and the (((elites))) who control everything.
the holocaust
>> What europe did in it's History
Spain used Chemical Weapons on morocco
Algeria killed nearly a million algerian
Crusaders slaughtered many Muslims
(In your school you are taught the Crusaders are the good guys and that's false)
> Which America? There are different eras of the US
lets see um
>Treating slaves like trash
>Killing native Indians
>ruining Iraq for Oil
> Involving in every war that isn't even related to it and spend trillions of dollars
America had only 22 years of peace in it's History
>Muslims are killed in larger numbers than non Muslims
there's Only sunni shia and ahmaddiya sect
and there is 60 mazhab
But I never heard of any Muslim killing other Muslims to force any mazhab on Others
>Explain me this: how are every other Islamic culture functioning fairly fine
Because of salafism
Salafism and wahabism comes from Saudi arabia
(Of course you know how things go in Saudi arabia)
they are the one who came up with the idea of
Killing non Muslims for excuses
Making worthless Fiqh
of course that salafi Wahabi Ideology spread to north africa
and they keep making barbaric things in the name of Islam
Islamic culture was Fine Until Mohamed abd al wahab came up with Wahabism
>(In your school you are taught the Crusaders are the good guys and that's false)
shut the fuck up ibrahim,our media demonizes every single aspect of white culture and national pride,attempting to desecrate all european culture so that when the (((elites))) import you,we dont fight back,oh and we dont even learn about the crusades as far as I can tell in standard education, we just learn about how white people are on an endless evil quest to slaughter the entire world,and that it is our fault. go away ibrahim,your goats asshole is getting cold.
If they admit it it means taking responsibility for themselves, for their own culture and their nations, and it means the end of white handouts to the millions of them that leech off us.
>In your school you are taught the Crusaders are the good guys
>muslims actually believe this
>Treating slaves like trash
The islamic world had over 250 million black slaves over 700 years, and all of them had their penises cut off and castrated(they were called eunuchs). America took 1M slaves for 40 years then abolished it globally. Fuck off with this slavery shit, the islamic world is the biggest slave owner in history.
>Killing native Indians
>ruining Iraq for Oil
See above.
>In your school you are taught the Crusaders are the good guys
No they arent, they're taught that muslims are awesome and the crusades are evil. Also, the first crusades happened over 600 years after the first islamic conquest battles, after the islamic world had taken over 3 out of 5 of the capitals of the former christian roman republic: Constantinople, Alexandria(oh hello), and Jerusalem.
thread ends
> Spain used Chemical Weapons on Moroccans
Chemical weapons have been utilized in every single war where they have been present. Are Maghrebs especially vulnerable dindus who need your sympathy compared to say, Kurds or Shias gassed by Saddam?
> Algeria killed nearly a million algerian
> what is civil war?
> Crusaders slaughtered many Muslims
That's all you got? it played exactly the other way around too during conquest of Egypt and Northern African coast and during Ottoman conquests in Europe.
Crusaders were nothing but saleswords who even sacked their own kind in favour of the highest bid (see 4th Crusade and Constantinople).
>Treating slaves like trash
> implying the conquering Muslims didn't do worse in Northern Africa, India or in Mediterranean region.
Fucking hell, even modern day Arab countries treat immigrating Asians and black Africans like slaves with no worth of human life. So much from superior morality.
> Involving in every war that isn't even related to it and spend trillions of dollars
that's fair point thou
> But I never heard of any Muslim killing other Muslims to force any mazhab on Others
So what the fuck is ISIS then?
> Salafism and wahabism comes from Saudi arabia
so why don't you spineless fucks then deal with the cancer?
All of your problems and external view from different cultures would be normalised if you would deal with KSA and start to respect human beings as other cultures are doing universally?
Who put that stupid logo on there?
>Chemical weapons have been utilized in every single war where they have been present. Are Maghrebs especially vulnerable dindus who need your sympathy compared to say, Kurds or Shias gassed by Saddam?
oh cool that justifies it
No it's france that actually killed them
Stop reading propaganda boy
>That's all you got? it played exactly the other way around too during conquest of Egypt and Northern African coast and during Ottoman conquests in Europe
I hope you can read more about Islamic conquests
Instead of being a "Islam was spread by the sword" dude
>Fucking hell, even modern day Arab countries treat immigrating Asians and black Africans like slaves with no worth of human life
that's not An Islamic Issue
Where in Islam does it say to treat your slaves or workers bad?
>So what the fuck is ISIS then?
I already said what they are
>so why don't you spineless fucks then deal with the cancer?
We are trying to deal with cancer
but many people are blinded by them
What is being done to deal with the cancer?
Being that you're in PR war among other things, this should be made clear to the world.
Haha Another western Egyptian thinking he's Smart
>The islamic world had over 250 million black slaves over 700 years, and all of them had their penises cut off and castrated
Islam doesn't promote treating Slaves bad
Even Mohammad and the Sahabis Freed Slaves
and made it a charity
British colonized way more than 60% of the Country and If Muslims were unpeaceful
Explain why many old churches and coptic christians still exist?
>No they arent, they're taught that muslims are awesome and the crusades are evil. Also, the first crusades happened over 600 years after the first islamic conquest battles, after the islamic world had taken over 3 out of 5 of the capitals of the former christian roman republic: Constantinople, Alexandria(oh hello), and Jerusalem.
Would you like me to give you a video of an Egyptian coptic christian priest admitting that Islam helped them and saved them?
Since you are an Egyptian like me you will understand what he says
I hope you can read more about Islamic conquests
Instead of being one of those "islam was spread with the sword boy" there are many Verses in the Quran and hadith that reject spreading Islam by the sword
I can even get you a video of a coptic christian priest admitting that romans were oppressing the christians and it was the Muslims who saved them
and for the central Asia
I never heard of an Islamic soldier entering Indonesia or malaysia
It's those countries who attacked us before
Islam was spread to those countries by trading
Oh good
that Thread went "Goat fucker" and "sand nigger" crap
I'm outta here
Enjoy your paranoid Guys you will never understand what's really going on
dude you can bitch about Europe being more evil than ISIS all you want, let's just say the world is incredibly lucky that Europe was able to colonize the shitty parts of the world (like your country) so successfully. If your country was in charge, that thing you're typing into wouldn't exist. If we lived in a Muslim dominated world it would be a far worse place to live by any conceivable measure, so thank you for being completely inept at fighting European power, it has done the world a great justice.
>Crusaders slaughtered many Muslims
>(In your school you are taught the Crusaders are the good guys and that's false)
>No it's France that actually killed them
No regrets :)
Not sure if this is true, but does it actually say in the Qu'ran that muslims must invade enemies under the guise of friendship and dismantle them from the inside?
It's not exactly a modern strategy, so it could have been written by prehistoric goatfuckers.
"""Trading""" ... Just like Europe today?
Islam is always spread by invasion and conquest. Just because you don't decapitate everyone in your path doesn't mean that you are any less in the wrong by spreading pure insanity in the world.
> oh cool that justifies it
nobody claimed that, so stop arguing like a teenage girl.
You don't care about the Muslim casualties unless they are killed by members of other religions. That's typical modern day Arab behaviour, who blames everyone else for their own internal problems.
Besides, all of the Arab world (by both Turks and Europeans) was contested with "divide and conquer" tactics. Their own people bended for the mightier, and now you fuckers are too proud to admit it. That's why you're the one falling for propaganda, girl.
> Instead of being a "Islam was spread by the sword" dude
all of it wasn't, (as points out) but sure as hell the most was. See how Muslims treated other cultures from Persian border to Indian continent.
> that's not An Islamic Issue
it's an Islamic issue when it occurs in modern day Islamic countries, which stems from Arabian Islamic culture. The worse is, that the high volume of those immigrants are even other Muslims.
> Khawarij
and what is the difference?
ISIS clearly gives you too options: join us and accept our interpretation as the true Islam or face death.
yet without hesitation the Arabs decided to ignore that section
Muslims have a tendency to lie to allure their prey into a false sense of security, and then they strike.
They did this with Western India. They started immigrating there claiming to be peaceful, and started growing more violent and demanding as their numbers grew. They're trying to do this with Europe right now.
> Muslims can't be cucked
Muslim immigrants are usually insecure manlets, who get cucked right away by their wives, and a lot of them are closeted gays.
> equal rights for everybody
except certain tribes/families, who won't bend for your bid
>Mohammed married a 9 year old
You're right, that's false. He married a 6 year old. He raped her when she was 9.
P'huh! Stupid uneducated fucks.
Why do Muslims marry their cousins?
That's how they preserve their intelligence.
There were decent sects who focused on pacifism and esoteric elements like the Sufis and Alawites. But they are less than 1% of Muslims now. The predominant sects like Wahhabis and Saladin are absolute cancer and merit for the extinction of all who follow them.
so that pic related doesn't happen
they believe there will be peace under a global caliphate, islam is a death cult created by a warmonger for the sake of conquest
>(In your school you are taught the Crusaders are the good guys and that's false)
because and ideology can be morally subjective.