>German girls are literally being conditioned to be mothers with black baby simulator dolls
>German girls are literally being conditioned to be mothers with black baby simulator dolls
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black? you mean tan german baby simulator dolls right?
Since the millions of refugees are young men there will be a lot of them who will have rape babies.
Black? Tan? Whats the difference?
We combined them into the black and tans and the Irish LOVED US for it.
> hurr I'm too dumb to understand that this is part of a scare tactic against teenage promiscuity
I don't know how much more news I can handle about the Krauts, this is starting to get to me.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, hans.
>news from Germany and Sweden
It's never good news is it anymore?
They need a course on how to be a single mom first.
Come out ya blacks and tans, come out fight me like a man
Azerb bringing the bants.
Is it, because youre afraid, that we *might* become one day as worse as murica, or do you really think, that we are already worse then you?
>Delusion the post
Germans are cucks lol
>no "fathers" participating in the experiment with the nigglets
>only daddy state
At least its realistic
Nice one, Hans
I always thought the "black dads abandon their children" trope was just a cliche about African Americans, but last weekend I was in the city park and counted all the white women who had niglet babies. I counted nine women with black babies in strollers, and not a single one had a black guy with them. Very sad.
The only good German is a dead German. Stupid fuckwits
>and not a single one had a black guy with them
The dads were all off at their jobs as doctor lawyers you racist. :^)
Why is nobody else happy that Germans are getting fucked? They're the worst country in Europe objectively bringing only destruction to everything they touch. Fuck Germans
>oh no the baby is black burn burn it down it will destroy western civilization
Insecure 19 year old white boys at their best. I thought you were the superior race? whats there to worry then, hmm?
Since everyone one of those girls are ugly as fuck who care its called culling
Still mad about not participating in the Euro 2016?
Australia is the best country in euro mate
>nigger baby
>no father
at least it is accurate
Look at this! You can't fucking tell me the Kalergi plan isn't real...
>happy that Germans are getting fucked?
Because we aren't jew sub humans like you.
There is something about German people that makes them prone to behavior that others would classify as disgusting:
-FKK --> Nudism
-scat porn
-interracial marriage/mixing
German women do seem to have a thing for niggers. Refer to pic.
fucking germans man...
we should bomb you
Do so, Pawel.
No problem, noteven real humans, move on
Just let nature run its course.
Germans are disappearing.
When will germany stop trying to destroy europe?
Get of the weed Piet. Your country is as cucked as we are or even more, so you have no right to speak.
we would
but whwn you have raging niggers on your doorstep that's became a problem.
killing them all is only good option
Well, if the kid was white they'd need a guy to help too y'know?
Just realism man.
Realschule is superior to Gymnasium.
>says colgate
go over to any street in your country
it's literally middle east/africa with european architecture
fux you
Kevin please stop right here
They're sponges, krauts take whatever culture they find and make it more violent and worse (socialism->Communism, Catholicism->Protestantism).
> Germans are so cucked they actually believe that
What happened to you Germany
You used to be what the rest of the world wanted to be
He is right, Malte Sören.
Chantal no
>kevin aus köpenick
Literally being sub-human IQ is better than being decently intelligent...
Fuck off Kevin-Achmed
Nice ID.
But kys.
Listen up Germany.
Normally I support this cuck shit but this, this it going too far.
For gods sake get a grip man.
Spot the tard
Yeah, sure, cause white teenagers in central Europe wants black dicks.
They're promoting racemix into child's minds you idiot, do something ffs.
Yet the Germans are totally indifferent about it and move on like nothing happened.
>Germany's only hope is a dyke who cucked her own husband, the father of her 4 children.
>Germans think she's the country's last hope
>Germans are cucks
Yes, it sounds about right.
That's "their" plan. Increase work force population, and do it with shitskin mix babies if necessary. It's men in their prime for a reason. Get used to that baby color. There's going to be a lot of them.
>trying this hard
According to a new Pew Research poll, your country is the most welcoming to refugees. 36% of your country want more fugees.
You are more cucked than us, kill yourself toothpaste.
Epic troll.
Found the Gymnasispasten who chose to study social sciences instead of getting a superior Ausbildung.
>calling an Islamic invasion force "refugees"
That's the underlying problem right here, Hans.
Show your wives how you won medals down in Flanders
If you find that attractive, you should get your test levels checked, Steffen.
You're already worse hanz
petry is a whore
The name's Philipp :^)
And Frauke is knuddelig
>van der bellen
>m-muh trades
>m-muh i make 150k and own a house and am only 21
We don't live in murica, fuckface.
Never met a Philipp who wasn't a faggot or a cucklord.
Go back to work. The refugees need your tax money.
she could be attractive if she had a normal hairstyle and knew how to wear make up. as is she is a plain jane with an atrocious haircut.
also the fact that she cuckolded her husband is pretty despicable.
as a politician though she still seems pretty based.
That's not decided yet. If you watched your propaganda TV you voluntarily forcibly pay you would have noticed that voting fraud actually goes to court here.
Even if so: 50% voted for literal Hitler. In the meanwhile you piss yourselves like excited dogs when the cuckservative Afd scratches on the 10% mark.
>Never met a Philipp who wasn't a faggot or a cucklord
Now I feel unique. Thanks mate :^)
>as a politician though she still seems pretty based
>thinking female politicians are the solution.
Good goy.
>We don't live in murica, fuckface.
Americans may need context here: In Germany 50% of your salary never hits your bank account but go into "free" pension (i.e. government run trust that yields no return and guarantees you to lose your investment so you can't pass it on) and healtcare for rapefugees :^)
It's a miracle how they can put up with it without going full "fuck off, redcoats".
at least our green party doesnt get 51% unlike yours haha
Implying im not on my way to being a plasma physicist, trying to bring the world a real clean energy in the next 50 years. Try doing that with your Ausbildung, Mehmet
Where the fuck do you live that you have so many racemixers around you?
Fuck with Jews, you lose. sad really
Your greens have lots of a say in your politics, even if nobody voted for them. It's just a matter of whether you are in the glorious unified socialist party CDU-SPD-Grün (surprisingly not LINKE) or not.
Absolutely disgusting and corrupted to the core.
I live in Leipzig, German city. Population zero point seven million peoples.
I like literature and sport, in particular tennis and athletics. We live at number seven, Vicenza Platz. I go to school at The Klaus College Gymnazium and my best friends are Rudy Gunter and Clara Scheitz. I also have dog called, Trudy.
It happened in Wuppertal, but I don't live there
All of NRW is full of trashy women that breed with non-whites.
What a fucking cutie
So is my niece, but then my brother married a piece of shit woman tearing our family apart.
Everybody was angry with me when I didn't like her for the first year they were together. Now they want to keep telling me their bad experiences with this woman.
>immigrant detected
Netherlands is the liberal shit hole german cucks dream about.
I am really enjoying it
the german problem should have been solved after WW2... glad they are doing ti themselves now, even though we will have to contain the fallout
Is it really that bad in Wuppertal? I only heard about that city in the news either because of the high debt or because of the Sharia-Police
>mandatory State Pension Insurance (gesetzliche Rentenversicherung). This part of the basic social security system. All employees and employers pay a percentage of salaries into this system.
>Funds paid in by contributors (employees and employers) are not saved (or invested) but are used to pay current pension obligations.
>Civil servants in Germany do not pay any contributions themselves but their salaries are correspondingly lower than those in the private sector.
>Recent changes to the system mean that from 2012 to 2023 the retirement age will be increased by one month per year reaching 66 in 2023
Holy shit I thought you were exaggerating
>abloo at least our Green party isn't popular
;) ;)
The cuckening of Germany is real
If you would try to run a similar system and openly and shamelessly proclaim it is a ponzi scheme
">Funds paid in by contributors (employees and employers) are not saved (or invested) but are used to pay current pension obligations."
you would go to jail.
But the socialist government is above the law and basic humane decency, of course.