Thoughts on SOPHIE's body of work?
Thoughts on SOPHIE's body of work?
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I find her work rather cheeky
quick rundown please
A female artist who makes good music.
bruh she got a just stung by 2 big ass bees face
didn't think it was actually a female for some reason
she's absolutely BEAUTIFUL.
I really liked vroom vroom
just be who you want to be ;)
seriously guys, what is wrong with her face? i dont think this can be considered a human face. i'm not being ironic
>decent female producer
>not really noteworthy other than her gender
>is actually a male
This is literally the musical equivalent of that tranny MMA fighter, he wouldn't be relevant or notable without the lipstick and wig
But hey, you wanted intersectionality, you got it!
she is just so fucking unsettling to look at
Candy Bois, Candy Bois
The Lost Bogdanoff.
it's a prosthetic
i wouldn't be surprised if the whole "i'm trans now"-thing is just a gigantic ruse. Not that it matters.
Sophie's a case where it's really easy to separate the art from the artist. I don't give a shit about trannies but I really liked the singles on Product and I dig the newer singles as well as his production on Vince Staples last album and the recent Charli XCX stuff, so I'm looking forward to everything he's putting out
Sophie was interesting between 2013 & 2014
by the time Product came out the schtick was replaced by people like Arca, Felicita, Total Freedom, the Janus collective.
everything since is like a caricature of her initial spark aimed at nu-normies, personally i hopped off the Sophie train 3 years ago.
>Rothchilds bow to SOPHIE
I refuse to watch any of this things videos (and in turn, songs in general) due to that face
It's the uncanny valley, looks human but not quite, freaky as fuck.
Dunno about her music but she's clearly taken a bogpill or 2
>Bogs bow to SOPHIE
>she rules music with an iron but fair fist