Hello Sup Forums, did you know that we Anonymous have decleared WAR against Donald J. Trump...

Hello Sup Forums, did you know that we Anonymous have decleared WAR against Donald J. Trump? We have already posted his social security number, and we will attack anyone who openly support this nazi. We will not allow anyone to vote for Trump, nor support his nazi-styled warmongering.

1 of april we will attack and shutdown EVERYTHING Trump related on the internet.

We are watching the IP of anyone here supporting Trump.

The clock is ticking gentlemen.....
Tick.... Tack...Tick...Tack..


We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.

Other urls found in this thread:



Excellent, I didn't realise that Anonymous were fascists now?

How do you justify the undermining of the democratic process?



>everybody i don't like is a fascist
literally leftist logic



>April 1st
Nice pasta but back to Sup Forums.

A vote against Trump is a vote for Hillary at this point.


Top fucking kek

>1 of april

Might want to take the extra 15 seconds to read through your shitty pasta before pressing "Post" next time, senpai.

"They" want to undermine the democratic process and stifle an leader with populist support out resentment.

This is not fascism?

>1 of april
Guess i have some time to get behind 7 proxies

we r legion. we dun forgt. we dun forgib.





>Anonymous still exists
Unbelievable. Thankfully no one gives a shit about it anymore.

fascism is redpilled and right wing.
anonymous is not

Oh look a bunch of irrelevant faggots talking to the bulk of the people who made up the original anonymous....

My name is Stephen Merchant
I live at 34 Beach St Frankston
My phone number is 03 97835389

Fuck off you dipshit you teenage twats won't do fuck

haha quite funnyo to watch People just spam memes and other shit

they only do it to hide their fucking fear of anonymous

i support them

>1 of April

why is this even allowed??
why is the original spirit of Sup Forums dead..?

>1 of April
Well done.

How to be anonymous for dummies 101

>Go to mums room and check the yellow pages

>Leech that info from yellow pages and publish the it


Its a shame the name anonymous is now being used by little cuckold faggots, anonymous used to do good stuff.
Shame on you kid, shame on you for dragging the name through the dirt.

Ah come on, they came to know about it recently and thought they could co-opt it for their SJW ways as it had mostly fallen into obscurity.

It's outright adorable, especially when they try to preach to Sup Forums Sup Forums and other Sup Forums boards about it spouting the same old copied phrases thinking they're scaring people.

Then again, this one looks like a troll.

>creating the original anonymous
so many fools in one thread

where did that Spiderman thread go?

fuck off faggot

My IP is

Fight me you little bitch.

>1 of april
Fuck off you faggots.

Now can you make a post holding a dildo


Oh no it's anonymoose




>1st of April

wew lads

shit pasta desu

if digits kek exists

>hurr we are leejun
>expect us

I expect you to kiss your mom when she brings you your breakfast in bed in her basement you sperg.

oh wow, kek doesnt like me

time to cry

Gr8 b8 m8 now say it with me loud and clear President Trump


The original Anonymous were at least Sup Forums posters though.

muh anomalous
muh leegun

make think #DogMissile now


Facism isnt a political side, its a way of acting, left and right can attach it to their own ideals, the left are trying to ban any offensive behaviour and history that doesn't see everyone as an equal, university being told the not teach about white history as it could be offensive ffs

Anonymous has always been run by nsa,gchq stepped in after the anti scientology raids in britain.

The entire point of the project is to have a white hot mass of people to bend to whatever the government wants to attack.

First scientology because they dont pay taxes, then hacking piracy companies because they needed an excuse for the digital economies bill and finally phony support for the arab spring.

Now they are against trump because hillary is the business and government backed candidate.

This is gonna sound crazy but the arrested "hackers" are more often than not actually working for the nsa and gchq and the arrest is a front to make them look legit.

>1 of april

Nigger you know it's June right? April was two months ago.

can you guys just shut down this entire board?

Its called regressive left. Even Fascism is freer than the regressive left

Someone doesnt understand what anonymous stands for


Your the fuckers who helped fuck over Gadaffi and aided the rise of isis. Go be retarded elsewhere.

Yes how dare Trump insult the religion of peace.
Go anonymous go you can totally save the world from Trump.

Damn shame the religion of peace keeps doing shit like this increasing his poll numbers you stupid shit.


Nobody likes to pick on an invalid.


>we are anomalous
>we are region
>we do not fiveget
>expecto patronum


OP, you are part of the generation that posted before lurking enough, and it shows.

I'm in Carrum I'll come over, bring some VBs and we can shitpost together Steve matey

>34 Beach St Frankston
you dont live at the shopping mall you liar

Not allow

Okay basement dwelling faggot.

We can raid you again if you want senpai

>we Anonymous

rare as fuck

I approve of this derail.



if anyone has the "anonymity intensifies" pic with the fat neckbeard in the mask with the "man cave" poster in his room please post. my old computer crashed and i lost my fave anonymous meeeeeeeeeem

>pic related


This is pretty much every stereotypical Lucifarian and Christian. I call them Jewcifarians, they're the same thing. Anything they don't like, they bitch and moan, and try to attack one another to fuck up everyones rights. Don't like guns? Jewcifarians want to take them from you, Jewcifarians? Safe space faggots is what they all are. MUH MAGEKS, MUH HILLARY, FREE TEH GEYS, JEW CAN'T SAY DAT ABOUT DEH GHEEYS. filthy Jewcifarian control freaks.

Too bad this will never actually be a meme. It has potential.

It's tick and tock in English, you daft fucker. Shitty bait.
