I think my life would be massively impacted. I work in Frankfurt in an industry which is directly connected to London.
I so hope for Brexit, I even donated 80 pounds to the Leave.eu campaign 3 months ago.
I think my life would be massively impacted. I work in Frankfurt in an industry which is directly connected to London.
I so hope for Brexit, I even donated 80 pounds to the Leave.eu campaign 3 months ago.
does she have a penis?
>does she have a penis?
Who is Cole?
I told you, I work in Frankfurt in an industry which is directly connected to London. Imagine to career chances we will all have here come June 24 and the vote is OUT.
The only reason I haven't donated a lot more to Leave.eu is because someone told me there is a cap anyway on campaign funding and because I hate Farage, this stupid idiot is jeopardizing Brexit!
I went on british shoping spree
Buy shares in british companies then buy there goods.
I got Super dry shares when they were £6.00 share.
Plan on british holiday. Bottle whiskey . Pair british made Loake or Barkers shoes.
Might be able get girlfriend buy mini as well.
Whole Europe should go out buy something british made.
Time screw with the Elite.
Fook them. Fook merkel
Firstly, I will buy a nice bottle of wine and something delicious to eat with it. Then I will funpost on Sup Forums while enjoying it and toasting to the death of the NWO.
And then I will rock back and forth and sing songs of victory to myself because that means the end of TTIP. I'd go set something on fire except I'm not supposed to do that where I currently live.
Is it possible to get a job in Frankfurt if you don't know German very well.
You buy British because of the weak Pound? I don't quite understand what you are getting at?
>Is it possible to get a job in Frankfurt if you don't know German very well.
Generally no. But it depends on what you are working in.
Well, I intend to put all my life's savings to short EUR/USD. That'll be 100% at least profit over weekend.
If your referring to financial services moving to Frankfurt, they'd already be there if is wasn't for your dreary city and constant state tinkering which will never change whether brexit or nay.
tall skinny models are literally god-tier
>If your referring to financial services moving to Frankfurt
No, I am not. I am talking about volume and attitude and investments. But it would take a bit of an essay to explain that to you.
>I even donated 80 pounds to the Leave.eu campaign 3 months ago.
How much did you donate? Not sure whether I want to donate more at this stage to match you. The campaign is literally over already.
not at all except for reveling in the fresh breeze of nationalism sweeping across Europe and her nations regaining their long-lost sovereignties
Pls all Germans try to buy some more British things from now on to help mess with Mama Merkel and help Britain pay for Brexit :^)
I'd do my part except there's like literally nothing that I know of that's made in the UK.
>I'd do my part except there's like literally nothing that I know of that's made in the UK.
Known British products are the Aston Martin (owned by foreigners), the Land Rover (owned by Indians), the Jaguar (owned by Indians) and the Mini (owned by the Germans).
Then there is Kit Kat which is British, Twix (formally known as Raider) and apparently durex (for virgins: this is a condom brand) is British.
lol kit kat and twix? I'm not into candy, but I guess I'll pick some up just to see if that's really true.
Much as I'd enjoy a Jag, that's kind of impractical, but I seem to recall that Durex were reasonable, so I guess that'll do. THANKS FOR THE DICKWRAP BRITS! :DDD
What have you done for Brexit, you clochard?
KitKat is owned by Nestle (Swiss). Twix is made by Mars ('murrican).
She looks like the heroine from Brave
It will never happen so it doesn't matter
depending how law gonna treat poles living and working in UK my bro might be going back to Poland. WIch sucks since he is drinking too much but he knows guys with weed.
Otherwise IDK.
Brexit won't change much.
All the old trade deals will stay in place, regardless of what the fear mongers claim.
Only future trade deals will diverge a bit.
Everything is made in China except for (heavily EU subsidized) farming/fishing products.
Britain really only exports financial "products".
And those only help a few thousand people in the city, not the millions of normal Brits.
Do you fellow Europeans want to follow UK when we leave the EU?
Yeah, well I don't truck with the City of London's bullshit scams. Although that does remind me that I could repatriate more of Britain's gold.
wait, whats the point of buying a lot of britains shit now? to screw them over to help them?