What could be the sane and logical , non-tinfoil conspiracy , reason for a performance like this?
I am try to be open minded but jesus christ... goat? pregnant woman? debuchery? really? At oppening of a fucking tunnel?
The fucks wrong with west?
What could be the sane and logical , non-tinfoil conspiracy , reason for a performance like this?
I am try to be open minded but jesus christ... goat? pregnant woman? debuchery? really? At oppening of a fucking tunnel?
The fucks wrong with west?
kek forgot link
You don't seem to get it, op. There is no sane or logical explanation for any of this. You don't get to sound normal to your friends and smart on here. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Either you take the redpill and understand that Jews are children of Satan himself and serve him just as Jesus Christ Himself said in Revelation 2:9 or you can go back to watching soccer games on tv and talking to your friends at the local bar about what you learned while reading wikipedia's page on the holocaust.
Either put the tin foil hat on or fuck off. Satan is real. Demons are real. Jews are hell spawn. Jesus Christ is King.
And why the fuck is this not on news?
Why the fuck is this not hot on Sup Forums?
How the fuck is this passable?
How can nobody gives a fuck?
anyone knows the title of the song at min 5:20 ?
we were watching and discussing it yesterday
Because the world hates Him.
Darude sandstorm
with the amount of daily happenings this, by Sup Forums standards, is old news and not even a red pill anymore
Satanist rule the world and invert and pervert all the teachings of Christ to please baal?
>no shit Sherlock
What does that faggy limpwristed gang sign mean that all faggy christcucks are portrayed as doing?
sooo we just go back to dick rate threads, trap threads and trump and muslim threads? while knowing its all fake?
holy fuck, this reminds me too much of I pet goat 2
>specially with pic related, also, there is a goat too
also serb, what to you think about the serb church being burned down in NY on may 1st (5+1 = 6)?
well, croat, desu baka senpai
>brown nipples
into the trash
Not advocating apathy but this particular video of the tunnel opening is just one of many
The beast system has been accepted for a decade now and frothing at the mouth at these blatant provocations will not help anybody
lol, its weird Switzerland (mountain jews) adopted this system among the first.
also, the freaking LHC is on their territory.
Switzerland confirmed for satanic capital of the world.
>The fucks wrong with west?
They want to live deliciously
Satanists and occultists run everything behind the scenes. They are getting bolder now and openly having their rituals as the vast amount of people are completely oblivious to it. Take the green pill and you will understand.
it spells out somehow the letters that make out the name Jesus. I don't remember how it works exactly though
yeah i see someone has been on Sup Forums a bit too much.
>official euro 2016 ball
>literally an owl covering one eye
guess satan hating is in vogue again.
all it will take is a child killer in a satan rules t shirt and boom all the school shootings for past 20 years will have an explanation.
sure as fuckin Sheeeiittt couldnt be bad parenting or school systems' laziness.
Bad Parenting and School Laziness are two symptoms of the systematic corruption of the state's influence and domination, and the loss of values in the West, replaced with nothing but the false god of multiculturalism, equality for all but the whites, and other nonsense the state forces down your throat. It all ties together, it's not just this, or just that, it's the complete degradation of our society.
That said, you can't have a nation of Guns and not have a mass shooting here and there. It's statistically incompatible. There's always someone crazy, that's the risk that you have to take as a nation if your people are to be free. If schools weren't so controlled by leftists there would be more civilian armed defense against the crazies. Our Education system is controlled by the Government that wants to abolish our rights to bear arms, and so there is never adequate protection for our children in school, and then they use that as a talking point against the right to bear arms.