Is this the most Jewish thing ever? Is every character a Jew?

Is this the most Jewish thing ever? Is every character a Jew?

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Yes and so is Larry David, the creater of the show. How new are you?


>tfw hate seinfeld, but love curb your enthusiasm

Seinfeld was great though
Jerry also hates PC culture

Bottom right is not a jew.

they're the good jews, though. Jews who have a sense of humor are fun folks

I could never be sure, some of them are ethnically ambiguous, Kramer and the Costanza family could be goyim, and so could Elaine

That's how they get you booked, user.

I love Jewish comedians, they're the best.

Falling for the entertainment jew like a good goy

Jews use humor as a survival mechanism, it's how they pass themselves off as symbiotes rather than parasites. They mock the goyim, who laugh at themselves and the Jew, and then eat the goyish culture.

ok but Seinfeld is a fucken tops show

As long as you are only making fun of your own race or white people

Everyone considers Seinfeld the Whitest show there was, even now people look back on it & say
"where was the diversity"

Blacks watched Martin instead so they didn't really bitch about it at the time

Sure, yeah, but TV is a Jewish medium.


I don't watch TV AKA the Electric Jew.

Seinfeld is a show about a couple of white, moderately wealthy, hipsters in Jew York. I can't recall a black dude ever appearing, but maybe it's been to long.

It's also a pretty funny show. Fuck Friends.

Funnily enough, the most Jewish looking of them is the only one who isn't a Jew.

It was literally a show about jews jewing other jews.

I'm not talking about forced diversity, I'm talking about George being Italian, Elaine being vaguely Latina, and Kramer being I don't know what.
All white, but various forms of white, with Judaic genes sprinkled among the cast.

You sound exactly like those SJWs that complain about too white men in control

There's that one lawyer who is supposed to be a parody of OJ Simpson's lawyer

It's not the "most Jewish thing ever"
And it was funny as fuck
I'm no fan of Zionism, but I genuinely enjoyed the show

And yet you like TV shows, AKA electric Talmuds

Elaine is of Russian descent, so possibly Jewish. Jerry and George are definitely Jews. Kramer is just a hipster doofus. Curb Your Enthusiasm was better. They should do another season about Larry in France today.

Don't you know where we are?

Oh yeah, I forgot about him. How funny is it that he was basically trying to Jew people out of their money.

Seinfeld meet Obama. He wasn't didn't care for him.

George: You didn't care for him?
Jerry: Did not care for him.
George: He's the first black president vice of the united states! How could you not care for him?
Jerry: *shrug* I didn't care for him
Kramer: Jerry! Oh good hey listen I need ya to take a look at my balls and tell me if something looks off to you. Oh hey George

The jungle, baby?


Kramer's lawyer

Lol if seinfel hapen 2day it wud b gud

Why is this thread does existing

>when someone (you)s you with a meme you made

It doesn't really matter as I am immune to Jewish tricks anyway.

Exactly. Whereas Curb Your Enthusiasm was a show about a Jew trying to out-Jew himself.

Please more Sup Forums Seinfelds


all sitcoms are New York's jewish humour

Costanza is Italian, his dad had a brother in Italy still.

Kramer explicitly says he's not Jewish in one of the episodes.

Elaine, I don't know. But she's depicted as a ditz so there's no agenda there.

And Jerry Seinfeld is a notorious anti-PC dude. He's alright by me.

What bothers me about the show is the extreme shallowness of the relationships, but that part is pretty much satire anyway.

I like Seinfeld as a person because he doesn't even attempt to hide his sense of superiority and contempt for the masses.

He did write a whole new season and is waiting on hbo if they want to shoot it

Found this:


Jerry Seinfeld (Jewish, of Polish, Ukrainian, and Syrian descent) as “Jerry Seinfeld” (Jewish)

Jason Alexander (Jewish, of German descent) as “George Costanza” (half Italian, half Jewish)

Michael Richards (half Italian, half English) as “Cosmo Kramer” (Jewish)

Julia Louis-Dreyfus (Jewish, of French descent) as “Elaine Benes” (Czech)

Created by Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David (Jewish)

Kramer isn't a jew.


>“Cosmo Kramer” (Jewish)
Kramer outright says he's not Jewish in one of the episodes.

Maybe his character is just meant to be "non-practicing".

No. In the show, only Jerry is specifically stated to be a Jew. Kramer is not Jewish. Elaine celebrates Christmas. George has an Italian surname and I think his father is supposed to be Roman catholic.

In real life, virtually the entire central cast, aside from Michael Richards, are Jews, and that includes the guy who plays Newman, the actors who play George's parents, the waitress at the cafe they go to, Jerry's uncle and so on. Strangely enough, Jerry's parents are not played by Jews, despite the characters being Jewish.

Which episode are you talking about?

Yes, but it's a good show.

No way! Is it set in France? Cuz the show ended almost perfectly. What better place for a misanthropic old Jew to retire?

>Jerry (reading): Jewish singles night?

>Kramer: I expect you both to be there.

>Elaine: I'm not Jewish.

>Kramer: Well neither am I.

Apparently neither Elaine nor Kramer are Jewish. Or at least don't consider themselves Jewish.

Yes, but he got the role because he was s genuinely funny and good actor. It's something entirely different from an eek ook token in modern shows.

>Julia Louis-Dreyfus (Jewish, of French descent) as “Elaine Benes” (Czech)
You meet her dad in an early season (one, maybe) and he's definitely an Eastern European immigrant.

Top two are the only full Jews and in the show Jerry is the only full Jew.

ha ha ha this show was based on new york jew humor and is fucking hilarious. thats what i like about larry jew-vid because he makes fun of how selfish and shallow they all are

I thought he was supposed to be all American and based off of Ernest Hemingway.

Man I had a fucking weird dream about Costanza last night. I dreamed that he never once had a successful relationship in the show. In one episode he compares a girl to a pyramid floating over his head that was constantly out of reach.

Anyway then I dreamed of a poster showing all the other people in the show ended the series in loving relationships, while there were just a dozen or so pyramids floating over Costanza's head.

A show about 'upper class' new york has jews in it!? I can't believe it.

Seinfeld is based

I partially agree. While they often come off as selfish degenerates, a lot of their conversations are also somewhat realistic. Just empty banter and bullshit.

While I'm not the biggest fan of the show, there are two things I kind of respect it for doing:

1. Elaine is probably the only female character in television who's treated like one of the guys, without making her a heroic feminist stereotype or someone who's better than the guys.
I mean, they somehow managed to balance the aspect of her being a woman, with her being one of the guys. There's no pretense or political correctness to be found, and she both gives and takes as much shit, verbally and physically, as the rest of the cast. Not bad for a Jewish show.

2. A lot of the humor and inane conversations they have are fairly realistic and are full of the kind of prejudice and personal hang-ups that people have, and they're wildly politically incorrect by today's standards. They openly joke about everything that would piss off SJWs.

What? Is this some weird Egypt thing?


I don't know what they are in real life, but as a characters Jerry is a jew, George is roman chatolic because his character is partially italian, Elaine is probably an atheist, Kramer is just a loony who believes in anything.

jerrys dad is so underrated

>tfw your dad is getting old

Not sure about where its set or anything like that. Just know that he has a script all written out for a new season

How do you go from this... to that?

Pretty sure Jerry was the only Jewish character of the main cast.

Can't remember George, Elaine, or Kramer being Jewish at all, but I'm sure someone will remind me.

The exterminator


I have no clue man. I remember it being kinda sad though, Costanza all on his, with the symbolism of the pyramids etc.


>muh...every street level jew is in on it
>genetic determinism meme

Seinfeld was a great show, jewish or not, if you're too weak minded to resist the seductive pull of a few kike one liners than just kill yourself now and leave the fight to those who aren't afraid of the enemy.

Of course there is a jewish conspiracy, but by buying into it so hard that you openly despise every jew, everywhere, you just help the high level jews that use the antisemitism myth as a shield against their crooked kikery.

its bigger than must see tv user

All on his own**

>black family george watches breakfast club with
>black plumber george befriends to prove he isnt racist
>jackie collins, kramers lawyer
>black marathon runner that sleeps in

Seinfeld has more jews per capita
than the NBA has blacks

Yes! I love that about Elaine. No you go gurl-ism about her. The only time any female politics come into it that i can think of is the abortion stuff which was used as a pizza reference!

>1. Elaine is probably the only female character in television who's treated like one of the guys, without making her a heroic feminist stereotype or someone who's better than the guys.
>I mean, they somehow managed to balance the aspect of her being a woman, with her being one of the guys. There's no pretense or political correctness to be found, and she both gives and takes as much shit, verbally and physically, as the rest of the cast. Not bad for a Jewish show.

This so much
Never really taken notice until now

I could swear he had like a Russian accent or something, but it's been at least a decade since I watched an entire episode.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus is just as based in Veep. Maybe it's her personality shining through more so than the writing? Not that the writing of both shows isn't top notch, of course.