What do you guys think of The Amazing Atheist?
Is he based?
What do you guys think of The Amazing Atheist?
Is he based?
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ARE Bernouts that reluctantly hop on the Trump Train based?
Useful idiot.
He's a pompous ass, an attention whore.
he's a faggot and his only redeeming factor is being anti-feminist (to a degree, he's an """"""""""egalitarian"""""""""")
This picture in this context made me sick.
If they vote for Trump in November, they are doing their country a noble service. But if they do not renounce their leftist ways, they will forever be cucks.
"Trump 2016" -TJ
He's ok again
If he doesn't repent and put his trust in Christ, he will go to hell
I like his videos. I watch every episode of his podcast. He's retarded on race issues though.
>unironically being an atheist in le current year
probably low test as well
He's a stupid faggot when it comes to opinions on certain subjects but he's pretty entertaining and based on others.
Meh. He's okay. I think he jumps to conclusions sometimes.
I wonder how many cocks he can take at the same time.
he is a berniebot.
after he failed to get the nomination AA was so devastated that he killed himself with this gun.
He's okay. To me he is like that one friend you'd have to whom you'd go to for a decent, thoughtful conversation but then you'd end up butting heads but not really hate because of that. I usually like what he has to say.
I like the things he said about Feminism. I don't agree on his religious opinions though.
I can't hear you with all that Muslim cock in your mouth.
>bannana faggot
TJ is a fat worthless idiot that manipulates his audience for money. He thinks he's more intelligent that everyone else solely based upon that fact that he's an atheist.
TJ is in no way based and should be considered on of the lowest forms of life.
Leftie cuck with too many fruits and possible vegetables up his rectum
Why did he do this?
Thanks for ruining chocolate and bananas for me.
Back to Sup Forums faggot.
He is literally the definition of a bluepilled faggot. I mean literally, it isn't even figurative.
He's a Bernie Sanders supporter, a dirty fucking Leftist whose only beef with Feminists and SJWs is that his closeted homogay ego couldn't handle the bants, but the nanosecond he turns into a faggot suddenly he's one of them, suddenly it's okay to force businesses to betray their own morals because hey, dem Xians right? His entire "rational" outlook was in fact a defense mechanism to delegitimatize anyone who might call him out for being a mentally ill degenerate.
It's actually hilarious because I called this guy on being a closeted faggot years before he came out. I spotted it years in advance, this guy is a fucking Crypto-Leftist and a Queer. So no, he is not "based," he's a discount Sargon of Akkad except he's been wasting internet space for ten years longer, is a disgusting homosexual, and looks like an unshaven pussy. Look at his fucking face, Jesus Christ.
Aside from le old banana meme, he's quite intelligent and has done society a great help by stamping out religion and ignorance in so many kids
typical nu/pol/ idol
This, he's an imbecile who's only qualification for speaking is that he was tipping the fedora a couple years before atheism was "cool and/or edgy". Outside of that, he's a complete fool and self-contradicting at times, he's literally r/atheism personified.
He almost makes me embarrassed to admit I'm an atheist. You just know if he was slightly less self-aware he'd be wearing a fedora, trench coat and fingerless gloves.
he belongs in prison, sex offenders wing
Voted least likely to ever suffer a potassium deficiency
>I spotted it years in advance
He never denied he was bisexual. He just didn't talk about it in his early videos because he was focused on religion, not his persona. What the fuck are you talking about?
He's not a dumb guy and I see myself agreeing with many points he makes but as a person he is totally off-putting for the most part.
>H-haha guys, t-those dumb religious p-people and their irrational commitment to their antiquated holy book
>Turns around and supports a literal Communist because muh feelings
He's a hypocrite AND a faggot. I'm just glad that because of the Bernie thing he has lost all credibility forever. Reminds me of how Ronda Rousey went Full Bernie and then got her face kicked off the next day.
>a dirty fucking Leftist
Libertarian actually.
>only beef with Feminists and SJWs is that his closeted homogay ego couldn't handle the bants
>but the nanosecond he turns into a faggot suddenly he's one of them
He's of the "if someone wants bananas up their ass, let them" guys.
>suddenly it's okay to force businesses to betray their own morals
user what the fuck have you been drinking?
What next, the culture and traditions of businesses? "B-b-but it's our age old tradition to use black slaves as free workforce!!" Companies have no morals, everything they do is to pander to someone.
>dem Xians right?
>His entire "rational" outlook was in fact a defense mechanism to delegitimatize anyone who might call him out for being a mentally ill degenerate.
>It's actually hilarious because I called this guy on being a closeted faggot years before he came out.
There was no "coming out". He never hid the fact.
Desu that's a pretty shit bait tier post but the sad fact is you were serious about it.
How many damn times in a month do people ask this question?
He is a liberal idiot. I don't give a crap if he is atheist like me, no one atheist represents another. If one says they do, fuck them.
Literally nothing wrong with him
Only buttmad christcucks and feminists hate him.
>muh feelings
Yes, that's the totality of the reasons he supports Bernie Sanders.
I mean I don't even have a clue what the fuck you mean by that. How are his feelings making him a Bernie supporter?
It seems pretty clear to me he's a Bernie supporter because 1) He considers Bernie to be the politician with most integrity 2) He agrees with Bernie on economic issues
Broken clock who is right twice a day (feminism and trump).
Bernie Sanders supporter. Didn't read past there. You will never have 25% of my income TJ. Never.
There is no reason to support Bernie Sanders except to satisfy your feelings.
Lie. He's a warhawk who murdered hundreds of thousands of people through sanctions he supported, helped to make regime change in Iraq official US foreign policy, and was totally pro-war right up until a Republican was elected, and is a lockstep Democrat. The only excuse for believing that Bernie Sanders has integrity is that you haven't actually read his voting record.
>The Economy
So, his feelings then.
He's a cuck. Thank God everyone knows it now.
>hillary and trump are the same
few minths later
>i actually like trump
even later
>im voting for trump
He sees the light
>Le banana man
Tip harder motherfucker
>implying there's a libertarian candidate
I know you're retarded but I'm just curious as to how retarded one can be.
The reason he's against Trump is pretty obvious - in addition to many other things, he's promised to basically violate freedom of religion by imposing a muslim ban. Not only is that unconstitutional, it goes against libertarianism.
>The Economy
>So, his feelings then.
I still have no clue what the fuck this means. How you want to model the economy of a nation to work is mostly based on ethical principles. What does that have to do with feelings?
Great post
Okay, first: There is a Libertarian Candidate, he's running for the Libertarian Party, which you would know if you weren't a country that exists solely to make playing Poland less convenient in Empire: Total War. At least Latvia has sprats.
Second: Banning immigration from specific countries is not unconstitutional. It is arguably not anti-libertarian either.
You know what is anti-libertarian? Stealing half of everyone's income to pay for welfare for nonproductive people.
Sanders' economics are Creationist tier drivel. His policies only appeal to anyone out of naked jealousy of more successful members of society. Even the most conservative estimates suggest that his proposed taxes would reduce the volume of trade within our economy alone by as much as 50%.
I'm pretty sure the US constitution only applies to their citizens m8
Islam violates the NAP
Holy fuck,didn't expect that. Mentally ill nu-male cuck.
Never watched him, never will. Looks a right scruffy cunt, to boot.
I agree with his stances on Islam and feminism but his banana fetish makes me kind of wish I didn't
Wait. He put a fucking banana up his arse?! On film? Christ. Kill it with fire, por Dios.
My 18 year old Russian friend said during his youth, he'd skip school and sit in McDonalds watching this guy's YouTube videos.
Basically sums up his fanbase desu.
>There is a Libertarian Candidate, he's running for the Libertarian Part
Stop kidding yourself. He may as well throw his ballot out the window.
>Banning immigration from specific countries is not unconstitutional
Selectively picking immigrants based on their religion, however, is.
So you're allowed to not serve non-christian tourists? Yes, I am absolutely sure noone would get into deep shit if they refused to serve tourists from UAE, because they're not citizens, right?
Any pics of him kissing the QT's feet next to the black man?
i really prefer videos where he doesn't show his face and just talks in the background. the sight of his face brings up unpleasant memories of what he did to that banana.
That "religion" is an ideology that seeks to destroy non-believers. Even worse than communism.
Yes, that may be the case for many of muslims. But not all of them. And that doesn't change the fact that it's a religion.
I'm not agreeing with him here, but that's simply because I don't share the same ethics as TJ. That doesn't mean I can't understand his thought process, which is logically justified in itself. That's what I'm trying to explain to that retard.
He's god tier.