I just found out she was was banned from Youtube for being a realist.
Does she still browse the mighty Sup Forums?
I just found out she was was banned from Youtube for being a realist.
Does she still browse the mighty Sup Forums?
Advertising is against the rules
>Youtube for being a realist.
she was a satire you dumb fuck.
> Queen of Sup Forums
> Not blond
Taylor Swift is the only queen of Sup Forums !
Milo is the only queen of Sup Forums!
>everyone who disagrees with me is just joking
Y'all just jelly, and cant get passed her brown teeth.
past you illiterate goober. does nobody actually learn english anymore?
She is a jew.
Looks just like ann frank.
remember to sage these youtube cancer threads
She made anal porn.
Degenerates will not be allowed in higher positions.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
I thought Kayla was our queen
Nazi Genesis Evalion
I NEED to see her feet
I dont care if she's fake or jewish or whatever she's hilarious. The girl has talent.
She has talent alright..
seeing the comments reminds of the polish version of Sup Forums producing shit memes insult the pope and triggering half of poland, making it even into the media. we need more of that shit, for keks sake.
reminder that anzu is the queen of Sup Forums
Holy shit
got more
The face of the "altright" is a slut just like their faggot jew Milo.
Big suprise !!
shes a reddit fag
she is. did you see the thread she was in a few hours ago?
Oy vey
Neither of these people are blonde. Stop appropriating my superior genetics.
Regards, natural blonde.
one has to wonder what kind of crappy phone, does she have?
You thought right
Just another Soros prostitute
she is Jewish.
>she was doing it as justification to crack down harder on nazis you fuckwits.
>being this thirsty for a jew e-celeb attention whore
have a sage
>lol, muh shekels
Much prefer Kayla. Even if she had a benis, I'd be ok with it.
Pupinia is better
Just want to eat up her thighs. Is this wrong?
>Not AJ
Opinion discarded.
roaches aren't the kind of bugs having queens.
some mexican chick, it's not her.
No, it's healthy.
You mean our King?
May his mistress breed many Aryan heirs.
that's why she's the queen of Sup Forums and not the queen of turkey you silly frog
Fuck off you cuck
This queen of Sup Forums shit is autistic can we not do it
>You mean our King?
the worst Sup Forums meme, by far, is the claim that all cute girls are actually boys
or is it simply a wish?
>she is Jewish.
she never said that, thought she kinda looks like one.
>he didn't see that webm where Ashley openly admits to going and starting threads about herself only to get "creepy losers" (her own words) to give her money
your waifu a shit m8
Yes indeed, we must liberate Anzu from the roach nest, her life is literally in danger.
>our queen
>anzu thread
true queen of Sup Forums
when will she post pics in these
that's some mexican whore, not evalion
btw fap hard
She was clearly a controlled opposition shill. There's a reason she kept showing Trump shit.
>discount anne frank
>"queen of pol"
stop it, goys you're worrying me
did it wörk?
Onision got rid of her. fuck that guy.
I wish I could meet her in real life. I'd give her flowers and candy, and tell her what an awesome woman she is.
just ask Trudeau. he will tell you her real name and where she lives.
that faggot has the worst case of gay face i've ever seen, i can't believe people thought some jewtube personality had a "wife" even if she did "leave" him for a girl
This. She's co opting and exploiting Sup Forums for youtube shekels.
damn you goyim are dumb
Don't get me wrong, she's super cute, but why is she the queen of pol? She doesn't seem particularly red-pilled and I've never seen her post here...
>ywn see her in these.
Alt-right is just a term used by leftists to categorize free thinking
>alt right
>free thinking
>le ridiculing meme arrows
Watch her yourself; hear her explain herself.
I watched most of it, I think she's sincere, and talented.
No turks
and secondly, how is it that almost every white youtuber has that adenoidal mid-puberty voice?
hmmmm really makes you think
Yes, because he is a guy. That makes you gay. Gays are degenerate.
what did Sup Forums think of carmen?
Hehe, OY VEY ANADDA TRUMP GENERAL.....see what i did there fokes... what do u get when u add a little anti-semitism and a little comedy......BIG BLACK DICKS, TINY WHITE COCKS.....Oh hAHAHAH i crack myself up. Anyhow, I cannot wait for TRUMPF (aka Drumpf) to BTFO Picasso Hillary in THE SERGEANT elections.
Autism magnet, such an ugly dumb cunt.
Couldn't agree more, generally speaking majority of Sup Forums users are people who can't partake in normal life and end living a delusion in front of a computer.