this is what happen when British """people""" are let into civilization
Anglo chimpout in France
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Wasn't Marseille a nignog paradise, already fucked up in many ways and like 60% Muslim?
Brits destroying everything is a good thing in this case.
Looks like Marseille on any other day
(((local youths)))
>europoors riot over a silly soccer tournament
>stay home and do nothing as their women are raped en masse and sandniggers block their streets during the call to prayer
You literally can't make this shit up.
Just doin a bit of spring cleaning with the lads
They can't handle our physical bants
the british yobs are so fucking embarrassing abroad
They were literally attacked first by the local Muslims
Strange, the media just says they were in an altercation with locals.
shut up m8 before I throw a fucking garden chair at your head you cunt
I like how Britland now has a better reputation for out of control drunkenness than Ireland.
Way to devastate and embarrass Ireland, great lads.
Why can't Brits do this in their own shithole?
yeah mate
Why is everyone bashing the Brits? They went out there and are fighting all the pakis.
They've even teamed up with the Russians to bash some pakis ink
Most shameful
You do realize these britbongs were attacked by the local youths? The tanned Germans?
Whats your problem? Its Muslim 'youths' they are fighting.
>keeps on waiting for happenings
>race war when guise
>kill em all
Now that some people are actually doing something, you guys shit your pants.
It seems that the Anglos were first attacked by sneaky shitskins.
(But I'm dismay by the dumb commentators of the Dailymail. How is it possible to have such a poor unterstanding of the events?)
>modern """""frenchmen"""""
why aren't they fighting muslims in their own country
What you see there is still harmless by British standards. Brits took away the passports from the most violent hooligans to prevent them from traveling to France.
Which really says a lot about the "average Brit" that remains.
>local 'youths'
no one confuses this for east asians when they read these stories right?
I'm a chink, and the idea of leftists pinning muslim gangrapes on me makes me ind of angry.
Football events are the only time Euros are allowed to chimp out a bit without getting jailed for life.
Burn that Muslim city down
It's a Muslim-majority city
Like getting into a fight in Bradford or the East End
It's just a BrE vs AmE difference. It's just a term we use to disparage all foreign people equally, like wog.
>What you see there is still harmless by British standards. Brits took away the passports from the most violent hooligans to prevent them from traveling to France.
These lads are not organised, they're just normal #LadsOnTour. The locals, the police and the other fans overreact because of our bad reputation and that in turns provokes the England lads into behaving even worse. But our actual hools, to the extent that they still exist, are all at home and the boys in France will probably get their arses kicked by the Russians and local Muslims.
Only Casper the friendly ghost is whiter than me, man.
How do all the normies not realise that is a flare thrown at them ...
Football fans aren't anglos, they're ethnic celts. All the anglos are either part of the ruling class of Britain or left to the colonies to escape the celtic masses.
I don't imagine it fools many people to be fair.
>Eurocucks can't handle the banter and the fact we'll be leaving the European caliphate later this month.
The Brits keeping French authorities busy so the muzzies can do their thing.
When will Putin bomb Britain?
Why is it only English, German and Russian fans who do this kind of shit?
Better get used to using those euros, the only place you're going is back into the E.U.
I love the working class aesthetic
It's such great contrast to our posh lot and the Queen supporters
I want to see what the Poles will do :P
Probably beat up every Porkchop by mistake
Poor France, such a nice country can never get a break can it.
No, we don't have many East Asians here and they tend to just isolate themselves in Chinatown and university STEM departments, so a lot of us completely forget they are here. Usually we just refer to East Asians by their presumed nationality (which in practice usually leads to everyone from the region being considered Chinese).
>football fans
>provokes the England lads into behaving even worse
So it's true that you are all Muslims already, huh.
Isn't marseille like 60% muslim
>the spirits of frenchmen past feel Anglo blood arriving en masse
>believe in a crusade sent to purge marseille of moorish invaders once more
>it's just stupid football tournament and the anglo """"crusaders"""" are fat, ugly n bald
I'm sorry for Waterloo.
get a life bin that knife
get a stare throw that chair
Yes, and the French are striking so that the muzzies don't have a Metro to get to where they want to do their thing.
I wonder if Americans even know that the Euros is going on?
Well, if you get a bottle thrown at you it's hard not to get angry.
From what I've seen and heard, the England fans didn't actually start any of the altercations so far in France. They are loud and make a mess, but they're not hooligans. They won't fight unless provoked.
I've travelled to Europe with my club team quite often over the years and we always behave like this. It's just a bit of fun, we don't mean any harm. We spend a lot of money too.
>Leaving the EU
You actually have hope in that?
Because smashing your own shit up is retarded.
Dear Europe
You can't handle the bants.
The Queen
did they just fuck up a bbq? looks like a bbq that's burning up.
Generally speaking, we don't even know what the Euros are, let alone that they're going on.
Some vague thing to do with "football" or something is what I'd guess.
>Trump as president
You actually have hope in that?
They were attacked by a muslim "French" mob and a few Russian men, what do you them to do, stand there like nu-males simpering about their human rights? They're working class, when they're not working they like fighting, drinking, fucking and football. They're one of the last masculine groups left in Europe.
Thats a hell of leap of logic there user since I didn't even mention prez.
But to answer your question, highly unlikely. HIlary will women unless she gets thrown in jail. Trump is toxic and the public is too stupid to vote anyone 3rd party. And its locked up if Bernie becomes vp.
Your EU vote on the other hand is going to surcome to those wanting to leave being made out to be racists/conservatives and others afraid of change.
>Your EU vote on the other hand is going to surcome to those wanting to leave being made out to be racists/conservatives and others afraid of change.
I'm betting on a huge silent majority in the younger vote for brexit.We will leave, m8.
>Bernie becomes vp
snowball's chance in hell
>British people literally built civilization
why are foreigners incapable of handling a bit of banter?
Well hope that comes true. Your country might have a chance of becoming uncucked then. Otherwise I fear another marry round of unchecked rape rings will pop up.
Who the fuck can say at this point? I wouldn't have thought Trump would get this far but now. It'd be in Hilary's best interest to woo him because her image is just a pure shit sandwich that only die hard dems too stupid to research love.
>watch video
>can't tell which side is supposed to be the Brits and which side is the locals
It's literally just sandniggers fighting other sandniggers.
More likely that all the indecisive women and old people impulse vote for Remain on the day because they are so afraid of change.
Change? Isn't it more of a change to be part of the EU?
Because they don't understand the bantz. We have a rare gift that can't seem to be learned.
It's the eternal Anglo to blame. Welsh and Irish fans have been fine.
Where's that Kraut with the MUH ETERNAL ANGLO beady eyed dude?
I bet the real perpetrators are not english.
>Football fans
this is fuckign beautiful
>cause trouble in every country
>it's everyone else's fault!
read the thread and watch that video.
They were attacked, not the other way around.
Fucking shitskins fucking subverting the media.
This is coming from me, someone of Irish background you stupid cunt.
Oh for fuck sake,
turkroach at it again.
>australian prime minister
British football fans are terrorists when drunk.
We brought civilisation to the monkeys and we can take them away like monkeys.