

Why not just ally with Islam already, Sup Forums?

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Cause I don't agree with any of those things

>Sup Forums
>aligning with non-whites

But I love Jews, user..


I, for one, am not really on board with enslaving the dhimmi, desu senpai

Muslim culture is just as degenerate

pedophilia, incest, homosexuality is all very common in Muslim societies

You conveniently left out all the shit about Islamic culture that makes it incompatible with western civilization.

There's also a huge difference between treating women like cattle and just accepting inherent biological differences between the two sexes.

But yes, I'd gladly shoot you for being such a faggot.

Oh look, let's take a few superficial remote similarities, narrow them down a lot and then ignore all the differences.

For example I also want to genocide mudslimes, do mudslimes want to genocide all mudslimes? No! See! Big problem right there!

I personally believe women are irresponsible and shouldn't be given the same freedoms not that they shouldn't have any rights nor that they should be raped, murdered and burned alive as mudslimes do.

I view LEFTIST ideas, cultural marxism and such things as degenerate. Not European culture in general. None of these are truly part of European culture but merely subversive influences destroying culture.

And if we go by the "anyone who disagrees should be shot", that would apply to ALL radical ideologies. Not just Sup Forums and muslims. I don't even want to shoot all of them, I'd be happy if they'd just fuck off. I just don't have a problem with making them fuck off if they refuse to do so!

We don't need them.

>I personally believe women are irresponsible and shouldn't be given the same freedoms
You want deny individuals their freedoms because of some dumb bullshit generalization of yours?

Here's an idea for the Female Question: Only married couples with children can vote. Each partner still casts a private ballot. In cases where the hubby claims to vote for the Democrats (or the Dude Weed man) but actually votes differently, the man and woman's vote cancel out. In cases where the man and woman agree (for most people, this means the woman chooses to vote the same way her husband does) then they influence results way more than the normies.

Islam seems to have a problem with freedom of speech, and that's pretty much what Sup Forums is all about

I also think we should do what we can to protect the environment, but I'm sure as fuck not going to vote greens.

>Cherry picking the few similarities and leaving out the enormous differences that exist.
Congratulations. you've just implicitly admitted how autistic you are.

Muslim culture is inferior, I take our degenerate one over the underdevelopped sandmonkeys pedophiles every single day.

Sup Forums complaining about the west is like an old king complaining about how its castle slowly falling into ruins and how the vermin is shitting everywhere.
That does not mean he wants to move in a smelly mudhut.

its a myth that muslims are anti jew

sure the peons in the street are, but at the highest levels, example the saudi royal family, are actually in league with israel..

the western society is based on Greek pederastic and homosexual so-called "civilization" which raped millions of greek boys

it can never ally with Glorious Islam

No, because of basic biological differences. Women have not developed to handle things such as threat assesment and "warrior" roles and it shows in their thinking.

All of their behaviour and thinking is centered around the social aspects of the group, which if left to their own devices they will endlessly expand to encompass everything and everyone.

By refusing to acknowledge these behaviour differences, aswell as how easy it is to influence them because women have a desperate need to follow the mainstream, for virtue signaling and to stay "inside" the group while avoiding expulsion and antagonism as it was for most of human history a death sentence for them to be thrown out of the tribe we're not doing them nor us any favours.

The majority of us here (who don't browse Sup Forums or any weeaboo Japanese board) also don't want to fuck underaged kids. Also they're shitskins.


>Sup Forums = islam

I am intrigued by your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

stop associating Islam with this cess/pool/

you are indo-europeans, you must ally with your genetically similar brethen, the street shitters

>source : sunna sahih bukhari
>the proof that islam is a lie

In this authentic hadith in the majority Sunni doctrine, Muslims are clear that their prophet fancied doing things that had never occurred. A little further in Sahih Bukhari, in a narrative after Hicham chain, from his father, according to Aisha, he said that "the Prophet was bewitched as to imagine sex that had not occurred "

With these hadiths, it is Islam that is called into question: its own founder, who received a divine revelation, imagined things that never occurred. To say that he imagined all the rest, there is only one step.


Believe in islam, this is believe in a deception.


even poo in loos >>>> muzrats

hmmmm why would white christians not want to ally with brown muslims

i wondr

rely makes u think????


>not that they shouldn't have any rights

thank you Hans dad to accept my muslim boyfriend

>For example I also want to genocide mudslimes, do mudslimes want to genocide all mudslimes? No! See! Big problem right there!

if anything, that makes us closer, we actually want to genocide the kraut slavic rapebabies

>yfw you were just born in time to see the roach-poo alliance

are you going to bomb vietnamese children with feces ?

What rights do you think women should not have?

There is no good reason to believe Muhammed was anything but a lunatic.

Exactly Chirst is lord and those who mock him with false tales must be purged from this earth

Deus Vult

how does not agreeing with 1-2 of those things mean you have to go back?

Sup Forums is not a single man

>that makes it incompatible with western civilization.
you mean like hating gays and trannies?

Don't kill people over mocking Jesus; he wouldn't want you to.

Voting. That's pretty much it. No female votes would lead to a lurch to the right where politics are concerned, leading to the left/greens losing the vast mayority of their power.

It would also quickly see the end of various government programs such as welfare, special payments for single mothers and so on which quickly would eliminate vast swaths of other problems most Western(ized) societies face at the moment.

Wait I thought Iran was based moderate state?

Without welfare, what stops poor people starving?

Their ability to work.

Also charity will take care of the poor


>Women have not developed to handle things such as threat assesment
In my experience that's wrong. Do you have any concrete proof or are you just shitposting?

>All of their behaviour and thinking is centered around the social aspects of the group, which if left to their own devices they will endlessly expand to encompass everything and everyone
You said a bunch of words that don't really mean anything. Are you saying you want to be anti-social?

>By refusing to acknowledge these behaviour differences, aswell as how easy it is to influence them
Again in my experience that's false.

>because women have a desperate need to follow the mainstream
False again. The ladies I know have no problem calling out shit that's wrong.

>for virtue signaling and to stay "inside" the group
More bullshit imo. Reality doesn't match your words. Do you just believe everything you read on Sup Forums? Or are germans just sheeps by nature?

>expulsion and antagonism as it was for most of human history a death sentence for them to be thrown out of the tribe we're not doing them nor us any favours
You think you'd be doing someone a favor by killing them, raping them, using violence on them, or denying them their ability to live freely and fully by denying them their freedoms and rights, causing therefore misery and conflict?

The main difference is that Muslims are literal subhumans incapable of advancement or evolving.

>Their ability to work
But you want to prevent women from working?
Also how can a woman or a man put to use their ability to work if there's no jobs thanks to automation, delocalization and impossible work costs thanks to the euro and the eu's destructive policies?

/sg/ lied

Man fuck /sg/

>Voting. That's pretty much it
As if voting is a small matter. I don't want a bunch of oppressive dickheads dictate my life while depriving me of my rightful chance to have my say and influence too.

So you want to oppress women, who want to see their interests protected too, and impose your ideas on them by denying them their right to representation?

Women should have rights, and the West is decadent mostly because of the jews and the muslims.

quite the strawman my friend

>sympathizing with Islam
>telling people to go back to redbit

Its the bacon part that ruins it for me... and the horrible fashion sense.


Work aswell as charity? Terrible I know, especially work.

Once again, the behaviour of women is primarly shaped by what they perceive to be the most likely to keep them "in the group", virtue signaling is and always was a huge part of female behaviour.

You can go look up Black Pigeon Speaks he has some videos on it, alternatively you can start looking into human behavioural differences between the genders.

Hell, the way you behave I'm almost convinced you're a girl or at the very least a nu-male.

Their interest being massive wealth distribution towards them through state power. Wealth distribution with the entire rat tail attached to it.

That's working out so tremendously great for the West. Where women achieved the vote, where allowed to engage in this they have in a few decades brought about the absolute and utter destruction to the point that the West might not recover from it with their voting patterns. While effectively also ending all and any rights they enjoyed not far down the road alongside it.

Because of Iran only.


>But you want to prevent women from working?

> ftfy
Sup Forums is the only way


what have muslims invented

>Once again, the behaviour of women is primarly shaped by what they perceive to be the most likely to keep them "in the group", virtue signaling is and always was a huge part of female behaviour

You've stated this again and again but provided nothing serious and decent to prove it. Meanwhile I in reality have witnessed the opposite plenty of times. "In the group" doesn't mean anything because groups shift and change always according to the interests of those in them.

>human behavioural differences between the genders
A bunch of crap.

>Their interest being massive wealth distribution towards them through state power
I don't see it. Welfare and state assistance is for both men and women, which is why there's lots of NEETs on welfare crying about how work is wageslavery, coincidentally all those welfare leeches are male.

>That's working out so tremendously great for the West
Yeah neet males who refuse the idea of working are indeed a problem but I don't see what women have to do with it.

>Where women achieved the vote, where allowed to engage in this they have in a few decades brought about the absolute and utter destruction
The west is doing fine, if anything the euro, which is a german male politicians idea, is the only thing that is bringing actual real destruction, destroying economies and making people unemployed and unemployable.

We all know who is behind the curtain just attack their mechanization's!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>I view LEFTIST ideas, cultural marxism and such things as degenerate

Extremists are just idiots begging to be exposed for their gullibility and feeble-mindedness. The world needs sensible moderates and rational independents. The cancer you represent will eventually die out and no one will care.

I've given you some fairly easy to understand videos by naming that youtuber in question that should be easy enough even for a shitskin like you to understand. "Muh personal experiences", which you bring up as "counter" while wanting tangible proof, which you could easily turn up yourself through google if you were really interested in the topic is just hilariously bad an argument.

And no, the West isn't doing fine. the West since the late 60s in an rapid decline. It has marched endlessly towards the left because of female voting patterns, it has seen society turned into a feel based feminist hell hole. Ferility rates have plunged. Female irresponsibility has gone through the roof as they managed to secure resources one way or another and so on and on.

Some guys being complete losers, which would be forced to find work just the same (win win!) doesn't change that women are the main benefactors of wealth redistribution and the main users of everything from free healthcare to welfare to the point where the average women is a net minus for society.

Btw, those leftist/globalist politicians. Guess who voted them into power?

Lmao...people get killed on the streets in Iran for drinking water during Ramadan or whatever

Yes, because leftist ideologies are sensible, moderate and independent rather than the exact opposite. We've seen that with pretty much every leftist governments, from their start as somewhat center left to their eventually decline into absolute insanity damaging the nations affected to the point where decades of rebuilding become necessary as they gut them, if they don't outright kill these nations.

You forgot to tip your fedora desu.

I only agree with the first and last one

Compared to saudis maybe. But by no stretch of imagination they are "moderate".

How's the weather in London, Mustafa?
Did you already pray 5 times today?

fuck off with your arab imperialism, sandnigger

>We've seen that with pretty much every leftist governments, from their start as somewhat center left to their eventually decline into absolute insanity damaging the nations affected to the point where decades of rebuilding become necessary as they gut them, if they don't outright kill these nations.


You've been fooled into believing leftism is the enemy, when really it is your kind insane credulity that the world needs to mitigate.

>You forgot to tip your fedora desu.

Children are easily terrified. What is your excuse?

Sup Forums
> openly talks about the crimes of the Jews and the Zionist state of Israel.
> thinks society spoils women, resulting in child like adults.
> view the zog controlled subversion of western culture as degenerate
> thinks violent leftist should be held responcable for crimes

>hate Jews because they are non-Muslim (same reason they hate everyone else)
>thinks women are a commodity to be bought and sold. A useless good.(vacuum, tooth paste, ect)
>hates western culture(because it is none Islamic)
>I'm pretty sure I covered how they feel about non Muslims.

>I've given you some fairly easy to understand videos by naming that youtuber in question
Some youtuber's biased, wrong opinions are no more worth than user's biased, wrong opinions, ie nothing. You have nothing but your delusions I see and that along with the fact you think "circlejerk of my ideas = proof" shows how fallacious your thinking is. Thanks for proving you have nothing.

>And no, the West isn't doing fine
The only thing that is really not doing fine in Europe is the economy and foreign policies and those can be blamed on German policies.

>the West since the late 60s in an rapid decline
But that's bullshit. The 60s, 70,s 80, 90s and early 00s have been a period of great wealth and social blooming. The decline started with the 2008 crisis in America which had a domino effect on the global economy.

>It has marched endlessly towards the left
Nevermind that's not true because Europe is mostly centre-aligned, I still don't see what's your boogeyman.

>it has seen society turned into a feel based feminist hell hole
Again that's not true. Asking you to be civilized and not think you're entitled to harass people because you're an entitled, undisciplined brat doesn't make a place a hell hole, in fact it makes it better.

>Ferility rates have plunged
That's good, children are expensive. I don't want to live in a poor shithole. People should have children responsibly.

>Female irresponsibility has gone through the roof
More false bullshit with nothing to fall back on. Delusional people like you should be confined.

Sup Forums doesn't need to worship a sandnigger pedophile who had severe self-esteem issues and didn't want his ugly mug to be represented by others to achieve its goals

Believing women are like children and believing children are like women and need to be fucked in the ass are two different things, Pajeet.

Why are neonazis obsessed with forcing women to have children they don't want and/or can't afford? Do they enjoy seeing children abused knowing their mothers hate them? Do they enjoy people being dirt poor trying to raise children they can't afford and therefore fucking them up in the process?

> In my experience that's wrong. Do you have any concrete proof or are you just shitposting?
And your "experience" is proof?
Women are clearly less likely to initiate violence and less likely to respond with violence. Especially group violence ala hooliganism. It would be outside of nominal roles and uncertainty/ lack of confidence breeds aversion which then leads to a lack of comprehension which then again leads to aversion.

The initial observation has always been:
Women and men are biologically different and are optimal in different social roles as a result of this. It really is on you to provide the evidence.

You even admit to some gender distinction yourself:
> The west is doing fine, if anything the euro, which is a german male politicians idea, is the only thing that is bringing actual real destruction, destroying economies and making people unemployed and unemployable.

As to whether male influence can be a bad thing...sure. But maybe you should factor in the class system as a differentiator in the elite of Europe's approach to implementing monetary systems.

Also note there is a difference between a woman in a position of political power and "women" as a voting demographic.
If 50% of the population had their social role from birth centered around ecology and only recently got the right to vote, you would expect there to be a shift in politics.

Men and Women form a symbiotic relationship with differing biological roles, mentality and hormonal differences are a factor. Thats biological fact.

I see it as part biological, part social.


>A race
Your ignorance is the reason why America is so cucked today.

>Who is Aljazari?
>Who is Jaber ibn Hayyan?
>Who is Alkhwarizmi?
>Who is Ibn Sina?
>Who is Al-Farabi?
I could go all day long, Islam was cool until the Ottman Empire came into power and ruined everything. And then came Sykes Picot to deal the final blow and now you have the degeneracy you see today.

>And your "experience" is proof?
It's more proof for me than a neonazi shitposting on the internet.

>Women are clearly less likely to initiate violence and less likely to respond with violence.
Proof please? Women engage in violence plenty.

>Especially group violence ala hooliganism.
Which is bad and damaging to the good living of society. Good men do not engage in hooliganism either. Then again, girl cliques gang up on picked victims just fine, but those are just as bad.

>It would be outside of nominal roles and uncertainty/ lack of confidence breeds aversion which then leads to a lack of comprehension which then again leads to aversion
What? Are you saying women never engage in conflict and strife when they deem it necessary? That's not true and you know it.

Are you seriously trying to defend your want to be hooligan and destroy thing/harass innocent people?

>If 50% of the population had their social role from birth centered around ecology and only recently got the right to vote, you would expect there to be a shift in politics
By saying this you imply you seriously believe the system is completely fair and not in the least rigged or poised against change, yet you whine and cry IT'S THE JEWS whenever the system doesn't work out in your favor. Which is it?

>Men and Women form a symbiotic relationship with differing biological roles, mentality and hormonal differences are a factor
Men and women are individuals with differing mentality, hormonal differences etc. within themselves. There is no one role fits all, plenty of women don't want to be mothers and don't care for roles but are fulfilled doing something else, and your generalization thinking "all women should only do this!" is only damaging in the long run.

There's one difference. Muslims are real men actually do something instead of just complain on the internet

>Sup Forums is one person

>The anonymous hacker known as Sup Forums

And I'll say one more thing
Plenty of women don't want to be mothers. Many others do want to be mothers, but they also want to have their own life and don't want to be reduced to slaves depending on someone else's money, they want to keep their good free life instead. Forcing those people into something they hate leads to abused, neglected children, and society will suffer for it. There's a reason why countries with a high rate of women's liberation have high gdp, education, economical strength, freedom and justice while the other countries are shitholes.

For all the roach meme shit Sup Forums gives Turks, Hitler and the Kaiser sure had a thing for them

Nah. Fascism is fascism. You should all be deported to Australia.

because of pic

>thinks anyone who disagrees with them should be shot
yeah. This is where we part ways.

And this.

Because I'm not sexually aroused by goats or 9 year old girls, Mr Mayor.

>SJWs are fags
>SJWs like muslims
hmmm....really makes you think....

muslims love to buttfuck boys though

Islam is cancer, Judaism is the answer.

t. Ausfag with a proxy

>3 Shekels have been deposited in your account

>Why not just ally with Islam already, Sup Forums?
Islam is a non-White and anti-White religion that is incompatible with the White race and White society.

because muslims are full of dogshit.
hitler lived his convictions and policies.
sand niggers are just like politicians here.They want sharia enforced so they can beat down anyone they want and at same time keep ten year old boys chained to their beds as fuck toys.
there are multiple sf and army squad leaders that witnessed northern alliance commanders that had boy sex slaves and were reprimanded when they kicked the living shit out of them.by policy us soldiers cannot interfere with cultral matters in foreign nations.
kill them all they are a disease.hitler just did not expand his gas operations enough to include more races.

I only agree partly with the bit about Western culture, but that's also own to Islamics coming here and abusing our people, culture and welfare systems. So take Islam from the West and we will start to recover ourselves.

>muslims are worse than 4channers for promoting pedophilia, incest, and homosexuality
do you even browse Sup Forums?