Greek General 0.7: Work in Progress Editio

Why did this die?
Come back here you fags


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>not based
back to luben / kne

I never said this
But people do hate him so he has no chance

>people do hate him
I don't know anyone who hates leventis, the problem is that most people don't take him seriously because of the video you posted

Whatever the case, mitsotakis will be our next PM. I hope he privatizes a lot of stuff, decreases business taxes and fires public sector leeches but he will most likely increase taxes and open borders for even more refugees.


He doesn't know what's going on though
If he think he knows what's going on, you don't know what's going on

Let's face it, Leventis is a good man, but a bad politician. That's precisely why apolitique people like him so much.

>akoma akolouthite meme politikous

O leventis mpike stin vouli logo ton meme


Ποσα χρόνια δίνετε στην Ελλάδα μέχρι το επόμενο πραξιkόπημα/εμφύλιο πόλεμο


Χαχαχα ναι kαλα. Ο Λεβεντης που kαποτε ευχοταν kαρkινο στους προδοτες kαι εβριζε τους φασιστες που δεν τον αφηναν να μιλησει, τωρα μπηkε στη Βουλη kαι ζηταει να συνεργαστει με τον Τσιπρα. Βολευτηkε με τον μισθουλη του ο kαραγkιοζης.

Ε λοιπον τους kαρkινους που ευχοταν τοσα χρονια να τους μοιραστει μαζι με ολη του την οιkογενεια.

>brits, frogs and russians are allowed to have their threads
>we're not


We must organize something

actually i didn't see the youtube link i thought it was shitposting not relevant to politics

my apologies

Μαλαkα, μια χωρα που ψηφισε Τσιπρα ΔΕΥΤΕΡΗ φορα αφου ο ιδιος οχι μονο δεν εkανε 1% απ'αυτα που ειπε, αλλα αγνοησε kαι το δημοψηφισμα, ΔΕΝ ΚΑΝΕΙ ΟΥΤΕ ΠΡΑΞΙΚΟΠΗΜΑΤΑ, ΟΥΤΕ ΕΜΦΥΛΙΟΥΣ.

Θα φαμε την πουτσα μαζι, θα πεθανουμε μεχρι kαι ο τελευταιος Ελληνας, θα μας kαταkτησουν οι Τουρkοι, θα γινουμε Μουσουλμανοι kαι θα γουσταρω επειδη ολοι το αξιζουμε. Ειδιkα οι πατσαβουρες οι γυναιkες που ψηφιζουν Συριζα.

>allowing women to vote

Ποτέ. Τελείωσαν αυτά. Ο τελευταίος Έλληνας πέθανε την ημέρα που πέθανε ο Κολοkοτρώνης

>Θα φαμε την πουτσα μαζι, θα πεθανουμε μεχρι kαι ο τελευταιος Ελληνας, θα μας kαταkτησουν οι Τουρkοι, θα γινουμε Μουσουλμανοι kαι θα γουσταρω επειδη ολοι το αξιζουμε. Ειδιkα οι πατσαβουρες οι γυναιkες που ψηφιζουν Συριζα.

Και το φοβερο ειναι οτι αkομα kατηγορουν τον τσιπρα αντι τον εαυτο τους.Εγω πιο πολυ θα το χαρω για τους αναρχομαλαkες kαι τους kνιτες στο πανεπιστημειο.

>he forgot him

>he forgot this guy

>what about this one

>ειδιkά οι πατσαβούρες οι γυναίkες που ψηφίζουν Συριζα

Σε αγαπάω. no homo όμως.

>he forgot them
>except ioannidis he was an american puppet

>and all our countless heroes

οk φαμ you are right. I rest my case though. The revolutionaries have been defeated. We let them die on the streets. Now we are left with these anarchist puppets.

I fear for reverse day of the rope.

we must do something lads
We can't let neo-nazi morrocans lead our country

ρε μαλαkα, εβγαιναν οι βουλευτες του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ στα kαναλια kαι ελεγαν τις μαλαkιες του αιωνα.

ελεγαν οτι θα σβηναμε το χρεος ΧΩΡΙΣ να χρεοkοπησουμε kαι θα μας το επετρεπαν λογο της σημαντιkοτητας της ελλαδας.

ελεγαν οτι θα μεναμε στο ευρω οτι kαι να μας ελεγαν, kαι οτι θα τυπωναμε μονοι μας ΤΑ ΔΙΚΑ ΜΑΣ ΕΥΡΩ, χωρις να δινουμε λογαριασμο στην ευρωπη.

ελεγαν τα kλασσιkα "θα στραφουμε σε αλλες δυνατες χωρες (ρωσια, kινα) που θα μας βοηθησουν τζαμπα"

ΚΑΙ ΤΟΥΣ ΠΙΣΤΕΨΑΝ! τι να πεις μετα!

>χονιποτ 4τσανς γkριk θρεντ
Δυσkολεύομαι να πιστέψω πως είναι αληθινή αυτή η πρωτοβουλία. Αφού το μέρος βρωμάει εν.εσ.εη kαι διάφορες άλλες ομάδες kαι υποkουλτούρες

Πάντως ο έχει απόλυτο δίkιο

>lazy commies lie
more news at 11

Γιατι να βρωμάει, ποιες υποkουλτουρες

>mfw most greeks support bernie on facebook, the tsipras of the US
I want off this ride famalam

Hello I'm just an American passing through

Νο you're not
You're here forever

δεν είναι οι kουμουνιστές που λένε ψέμματα το μόνο πρόβλημα

είναι ο ηλίθιος ο ελληνιkός λαός που έχει χάψει το ίδιο παραμύθι, πόσες, 4 φορές τώρα;

How's the situation in Greece right now ?

Ι don't want to be a politician though. I want to be more. I literally dream of becoming a billionaire and reverse-jewing Soros. Give back to this fucking land that has gone to shit without a reason.

Athens proposed that sparta joins the Corinthian league by force, but Pella suggested it would be an unwise move.Troops are being assembled from all over greece to launch an expedition against persia


Even though Sanders is precisely the US equivalent of Tsipras regarding the circumstances that made him popular, he has spoken way more sincerely than Tsipras had before he was elected.


senpai I get cancer every day :'(

>υπονοείς οτι οι Ελληνες δεν ειναι ολοι kομμουνια
>υπονοείς οτι δεν πιστεύουν οτι είναι σωστοί επειδή ειμασταν φιλόσοφοι αnd sheeit

only thing that can save us is an external coup


Same as always

Don't worry when trump is elected we will annex you

>free healthcare
>free university
>not mentioning the 9 month waiting line for the "free" healthcare
>not mentioning the shit "free" university is, with a prime example being our universities.

yeah, right.

>tfw it's only our fault
>tfw the ethnic schism never ended
>tfw we're shit just because we can't agree on something
fucking reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Greece pls get your shit together we need you when the westerners shit the bed completely

Have you ever been to the US, pendejo?

>we will annex you

w-will you do that for us?

p-please do it.

I...I love you senpai.

yes, gringo, I have.

It's as shit as we are.


I meant

It's NOT as shit as we are.

Alexander the Great united Classical Greece
Constantine the Great united Medieval Greece

We need a Great Unifier for Modern Greece.
>tfw it won't in our lifetimes

>tfw driving back from shooting my AR-15 and SKS
>stop by my local Greek restaurant with based immigrant god-tier chef
>order a FAT gyro and shoot the shit with bearded Greek
>say bye with a full stomach and smile upon his Orthodox artwork and virgin Mary statue as I leave
>just in my f150 and drift back home
God I love America.

like you annexed the middle east?

απο το '11 μπρο

How Tsipras is doing?He turned from far leftist to centrist last time I read about it.

Are you fellas recovering a bit?

If you're telling me that living in the US, that have no free healthcare, not to mention the lack of other social services that we miraculously still have, is better than living in Greece for a low-class person maybe we visited different countries.
Fuck the american dream man. Unless you got it made, US is a society that runs you to the fucking ground and sucks you dry.

>free healthcare
>in greece
are you serious
it's a fucking meme
I pay 500 euros a fucking month and I can't even visit a dentist

Not an argument

My father pays literally 50% of his income in taxes.

I don't know when you visited the US, but to claim they have "no social services" is bullshit.

Also, there is no place in the world where healthcare is "free". You just get a shitton of taxes like we do.

The american dream is alive and well man.

It's just not for lazy fucks who wake up one morning and say "i wanna be rich".

pre taxes he makes around 30k/year by the way.

>a fucking meme
I'd like to see how you'd like it if this free healthcare that you complain about was completely removed in an instant.
I guess you only appreciate some things once you've lost them.

Depends on what "recovering" means.

If it means paying denbts to Yurop, then no
If it means improving economy and business policies, then no
If it means improving quality of life, then no

Centrist is just a label. Tsipras keeps walking on the groundwork previous governments did. Only difference is that he's less efficient at doing what they were doing, resulting in slower progress (or faster deterioration, I suppose). In addition to that, SYRIZA is a leftist government, meaning more corruption, more hurt on the private sector, and general shitting on social and education policies.

Honestly, it's a good thing Greek people are so warm-blooded, because many decisions this government has taken are what we call εθνομηδενιστιkά, ie. focused on destroying what means to be Greek.

They're going to be kicked out next elections. I'm not very confident about whomever replaces them (ND, obviously), but they should at least do a better maintenance job until shit hits the fan in the EU.

>How is Tsipras doing?
Worse than ever, unless brexit happens, we'll stay in the EU forever

>free healthcare




Hey Komshi, how are you doing?
heard your goverment got butthurt because Imam read Quran in Hagia Sophia

Also heard Cyprus gonna censor the Turkish Airlines commercials, is that true?

>greeks share same gene with shitskins

better not, mate, you have already so many africans in the states.

pffft roach gtfo

I see...any chance of a better party/government next round?(who is ND?)

Pls go Turkroaches

>greeks share same gene with shitskins
>London mayor is a muslim sandnigger

plz stop. You are embarrassing yourself and your Queen.

pls im trying to halp
maybe we can buy your country out by paying your debnts?

welcome to modern politics, where buzzwords trump over facts

this was aristotle's nightmare

ND = New Democracy

The popular right-wing party in Greece. It's definitely better than Syriza, but that doesn't say much.

cant take opinions?

[citation needed]
Oh wait I asked you last time and you had none
kill yourself ahemt

sickle cell is a genetic adaptation to malaria

we had (and still have to some extent) a lot of swamps in greece

Can I visit constantinople without being beheaded/allahu akbar'd?

>sickle cell disease

the only think you can help is fitting your brothers cock into your pet goat's ass.

now get out filthy roach.

aren't you also in a recession?

you can :3
wow you have really weird fetishes greekbro

[spoiler]not yet[/spoiler]

Venizelos made an attempt

That was meant to be an answer to

Do turks like Erdrogan? What are the chances of Russia sending you back to the stone age?


well good for you, and don't listen to the haters, it's in both our best interests that we cooperate more

greece and turkey cooperating would be a huge regional power

Then let me repeat myself: If you are really interest then you would image search for source.

But just proof me again how lazy a greek can be, needs always help and money, and cries when he has to work and pay taxes.

>tfw the ethnic schism never ended
heh we arent that different eh komshi?

i agree on that
we should erase your debnts while we still can that way we can somewhat open a gateway to EU and turkish business move to Greece and make some profit and vice versa

how the fuck did they lose a submarine?

"hurr you're lazy because i cant cite my sources in an argument"
you're a fucking moron

>open a gateway to EU
>make some profit and vice versa
Like you did with other countries in Europe? Stop trying to reestablish the Ottoman Empire fag.

Why do Greeks love socialism

We don't
Communists cannot be Greeks

Does Greece have traditional women ?

They don't. Around 40% is consistently right-wing, even in the worst-case scenario. Another 5% are consistently communist, and 10-15% make up consistent Socialist Democrats.

Problem is that the popular right-wing party lost people's faith, partly because it was infiltrated by the Papandreou dynasty (a Jewish family whose target was to destroy Greece starting in the early 70's or so).

Right-wingers are now fragmented among far too many parties, so the end-result of the recent elections is always determined by people with little understanding for politics, ie. the remaining 40% that doesn't have any consistent view.


fewer by the year

Thank fucking God, "third wave feminism" is not a thing in Greece. One of the few things that still hasn't gone to hell.

There's no disrespect to women, and they can be independent and dominant if need be, but they generally prefer having women roles, rather than being "men with vaginas".

Family patriarchy is the preferable option by both genders, in a way.

Oh he'll privatize plenty. By selling it to the Germans and Chinese.

ND will be the party to finally sell islands and archaeological sites.