Crime goes down in the U.S. as white population decreases

Kind of makes you think, huh?

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boy are you trying to have an argument with FACTUAL INFORMATION on Sup Forums?


we all know crimes done by niggers and spics are not reported because thats racist

Correlation does not imply causation.


Less white officers, more corruption.

>white crime decreases
>black crime increases
really makes you think

Well done, you have for once tried to bring facts to an argument.

To confirm this, why not look at crime rates broken down by race?

It's to do with lead, you stupid nigger.

No basically everyone has decreased.

That's because we locked all the violent niggers up.

Then the niggers started whining we locked up all their men and king nigger Obama started releasing them and crime is going through the roof again.

Less white people to steal from.

Yeah, I'm so glad I have been to Africa. The crime free zones are so far in advanced to our western cities, it's a real shame.

Niggers in jail are still counted on the census.

>le strawmans incoming

no dude from OP's image you can clearly see that white crime went from 80,3% in 1990 to 72,4% in 2010, while black crime went from 12,1% in 1990 to 12,6% in 2010.
White crime decreased by 7,9%
Black crime increased by 0,5%


Mario, the bottom part of OP's image is the demographic make up of the population.

damn I thought it was still referring to crime. Sorry

Yet blacks are still the main contributors to crime world wide

Makes you think

Calm down Ron.

Niggers and spics don't report crimes... Being criminals themselves...

>basically a big swath of scum blacks is perpetually in jail but counted as part of the free populace

Yes it makes me think you can't understand your own 'stats'.